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![]() 페이지 내 검색: [Ctrl+F] 후에 검색어 입력 |
어근 | 기본 뜻 | 주요단어(top 5,000) | 그 밖의 단어 | |
pac | ![]() |
평화, peace | pacify ☆((1) (화가 난 사람을) 진정시키다[달래다] (2) (전쟁 지역에) 평화를 가져오다), paid ☆((일 등이) 유급의, 보수가 주어지는), pay ****((물건 값서비스 비용일의 대가 등을) 지불하다[내다/주다]), payment ****((1) 지불), peace ****((1) 평화 (2) 평온(함)), peaceful ***((1) 평화적인) |
appeace, appeasable, appease, appeasement, appeaser, Pacific, pacifism, pacifist, pax, peacefully, peacefulness, peacemaker, underpaid, underpay |
pack | ![]() |
포장, 꾸러미, pack |
pack ****((여행을 가기 위해) (짐을) 싸다[꾸리다/챙기다]), package ****((1) 상자[봉지 등]), packaging **((판매되는 상품의) 포장재), packet **((1) 통[갑/곽]) |
multipack, packed |
pact | 묶다, 페이지, fasten |
impact ****((강력한) 영향, 충격), page ****((약어:p) 페이지, 쪽, 면, (종이 앞뒤 페이지를 가리켜) 장), propaganda ☆(선전), propagate ☆(전파[선전]하다) |
compact, impaction, impinge, pact, pageant |
pad | 패드, pad | pad **(패드[보호대/완충재]를 대다) | keypad | |
pag | 마을 사람, 시민, pagan |
peasant **((특히 과거 또는 현대 빈곤 국가의) 소작농[소농]) | pagan | |
pal | 말뜩, stake | pole ***(막대기) | impale, impalement, palely, paleness, palisade, palish, pallid, pallor, paly |
palace | 궁전, palace | palace ***(궁전) | palatial | |
pall | 창백, be pale | pale ****((사람얼굴 등이) 창백한, 핼쑥한) | appal, palely, paleness, palish, pallid, pallor, paly |
palm | 손바닥, palm | palm ***(손바닥) | ||
pan | 목신(牧神), Pan | panic **(극심한 공포) | Pan, panicky | |
pan | 냄비, 접시, pan | pan ***(냄비[팬]) | ||
pan | ![]() |
빵, bread | accompany ***((1) 동반하다), companion ***(동반자, 동행), company ****((1) 회사) |
accompanier, accompaniment, accomplice, appanage, empanada, impanate, impanation, pan, panelle, panetela, panetella, panettone, panivorous, pannier, pantry |
pand (pand-, pans-) |
확장, spread, stretch |
expand ****(확대[확장/팽창]되다,확대[확장/팽창]시키다,확장되다[시키다],말을 덧붙이다[더 상세히 하다]) | dispand, dispansion, encompassment, expandability, expandable, expanse, expansion, expansive, expansively, expansiveness, expansivity, impassable, impasse, pand, pandiculate, pandiculation, passus, repand, spawn, spawner, subrepand |
pantaloon | 판탈롱(바지), pantaloons |
pants **(팬티) | pantaloons |
paper | 종이, paper | newspaper ****((1) 신문), paper ****(종이) | paperback, paperer, papery |
par | ![]() |
나타나다, visible |
apparent ***((1) 분명한), apparently ****(듣자[보아] 하니), appear ****((1) …인 것 같다), appearance ****((1) 모습), disappear ****((눈앞에서) 사라지다, 보이지 않게 되다), transparent **((유리/플라스틱 등이) 투명한 반의어 opaque) |
apparentness, disappearance, par, transparency |
par | ![]() |
같은, equal | comparable ***(비슷한), comparative ☆((1) 비교를 통한), comparatively ☆(비교적), compare ****((1) (A와 B를) 비교하다 (2) (~에) 필적하다[비교가 되다] (3) (A를 B에) 비유하다), comparison ***((~와) 비교함), pair ****((1) 쌍[짝]), par ☆((골프에서) 기준 타수, 파), peer ***((1) (나이신분이 같거나 비슷한) 또래[동배] (2) (영국에서) 귀족) |
comparativeness, comparer, disparage, disparity, incomparability, incomparable, incomparableness, incomparably, parity, subpar |
pare | ![]() |
준비, order | apparatus ☆((1) 기구), emperor ☆(황제), empire ***(제국), parade **((1) 퍼레이드), pare ☆((얇은 껍질을) 벗기다[깎다]), parish **((교회/성당의) 교구), preparation ****(준비[대비],조제용 물질), preparatory ☆(준비[대비]를 위한), prepare ****(준비하다[시키다]), repair ***(수리[보수/수선]하다), separate ****(분리된, 따로 떨어진, 독립된), separately **(따로따로), separation **((1) 분리), several ****(각각[각자]의) |
apparat, co-emperor, comprador, disparate, disrepair, dissever, disseverance, emperorship, empery, empirically, empiricalness, empress, imperant, imperative, imperator, imperial, imperialist, imperialize, imperially, imperialness, imperious, inseparable, irreparable, parader, parer, parison, parry, parure, patroller, preparative, preparatorily, preparer, rampart, repairability, repairable, repairer, reparable, reparation, reparative, reparatory, separability, separable, separateness, separationist, separative, separator, separatory, separatrix, sever, severability, severable, severalty, severance, vituperate |
parent | 아이 낳다, 분만, 부모 |
grandparent ***((외)조부[모]), parent ****(부모[어버이]), parental **(부모의) |
parentally, parenthood, parenting, partus, postpartum |
park | 공원, 울타리, park |
park ****(공원) | Parker, parklike | |
parl | 이야기, speak | parliament ***(의회), parliamentary ☆(의회의), parlor ☆(응접실) |
parliamentarily, parlour, prophet |
part | ![]() |
나누다, 부분, part |
apart ****(떨어져,따로,헤어져,조각조각,산산이,…은 제쳐놓고), apartment ***(아파트), depart **((1) 떠나다[출발하다]), department ****(부서[부처/학과]), departure ***((1) 떠남), impartial ☆(공정한 유의어 neutral), jeopardy ☆((1) 위험), part ****(일부,약간,부분,일원,구성원,부품,부위[부분],지역,부[편/회/분책],배역,역할,(특정 배역의) 대사,관여,관련,파트), partial **((1) 부분적인), partially **(부분적으로), particle **((1) 입자[조각]), particular ****(특정한), particularly ****(특히), partly ****(부분적으로), partner ****((배우자동거 상대 같은) 동반자, 애인), partnership ***((1) 동업자[파트너]임), party ****((1) 정당) |
bipartite, champertous, champerty, compart, compartment, counterpart, dispart, impart, microparticle, parcel, particularity, particularize, partisan, partition, parts |
particip | 공유, 첨가, share |
participant ***(참가자), participate ***(참가[참여]하다), participation ***(참가) |
participator, participatory, participle |
pass | ![]() |
걸음(산보), pass |
compass ☆((1) 나침반 (2) (제도용) 컴퍼스 (3) (특히 특정 상황에서 도달 가능한) 범위), pace ****(속도,걸음,보폭,변화의 속도,속도감), pass ****(발걸음), passage ****((1) 통로), passenger ****((1) 승객), passport **((1) 여권 (2) (어떤 일을 가능하게 하는) 열쇠), past ****((1) 지나간), surpass ☆(능가하다) |
apace, encompass, encompassment, impasse, pas, passageway, trespass |
pasta | 반죽, 페이스트리, dough |
paste ☆(반죽), pastry ☆(페이스트리 반죽(밀가루에 기름을 넣고 우유나 물로 반죽한 것. 얇게 겹겹이 펴서 파이 등을 만드는 데 씀)), patty ☆(패티(고기/생선 등을 다져 동글납작하게 빚은 것)), pie **(파이) |
pasta, pasty, toothpaste |
pat | 쓰다듬다 | pat **((특히 애정을 담아) 쓰다듬다[토닥거리다]) | ||
pat | 열려 있다, (눈에) 띄다 |
patent **(특허권[증]) | impatent, patefaction, patella, patellar, patelliform, paten, patency, patentability, patentable, patera, patin |
path | 길, 통로, track | path ****(길) | pathless | |
path | 질병, 감정, feeling |
sympathetic **(동정적인), sympathise ☆(동정하다, 측은히 여기다), sympathy ***(동정) |
allopath, allopathy, antipathy, apatheia, apathetic, apathy, compatibility, empathic, empathise, empathy, etiopathogenesis, homeopathic, homeopathy, hydropathy, idiopathic, naturopath, naturopathic, naturopathy, neuropathy, path-, pathetic, pathoclisis, pathogen, pathogenesis, pathogenic, pathologist, pathology, pathos, pathy, psychopath, psychopathic, psychopathy, sympathectomy, wastable, wastefully, wastefulness, wasteness |
pati (pati-, pass-) |
![]() |
고통, 감정, suffer, feel |
compassion **(연민), compassionate ☆(연민 어린), compatible ☆((1) 호환이 되는), impatient **((1) (특히 오래 기다려야 하는 것 때문에) 짜증난[안달하는] (2) 어서 …하고 싶어 하는), passion ****((1) 격정), passionate **((1) 욕정[열정]을 느끼는[보이는]), passive ☆(수동태), patient ****((1) 환자) |
compatibility, dispassion, dispassionate, impassible, impassion, impassive, impassivity, impatible, impatience, incompatibility, incompatible, interpatient, noncompatible, nonpassible, passibility, passible, passional, passionary, passionately, passively, passivity, pati-, patible, patience, patientive, perpession |
patr (patr-) |
아버지, father | patriarchy ☆(가부장제 (사회/국가)), patriot ☆(애국자), patron **((화가/작가 등에 대한) 후원자), patronise ☆(가르치려 들다), patronize ☆(가르치려 들다), pattern ****((정형화된) 양식, 패턴) |
allopatric, allopatry, compadre, compaternity, compere, eupatrides, impetrate, impetration, impetrative, impetrator, Jupiter, padre, padrone, paterfamilias, paternal, paternalistic, paternity, paternoster, patr, patriarch, patriate, patriation, Patricia, patrician, patriciate, patricidal, patricide, patriclinous, patricliny, patrifocal, patrilateral, patrilineage, patrilineal, patrilineality, patrilinear, patrilocal, patrilocality, patrimonial, patrimony, patrion, patriotic, patriotically, patriotism, patroller, patrology, Patronage, patronal, patronate, patroness, patronising, patronisingly, patronizing, patronizingly, patronly, patronym, patronymic, patroon, patter, pere, perpetrable, perpetrate, perpetration, perpetrator, repatriate, repatriation, sympatric, sympatry |
patrol | 순찰, patrol | patrol **(순찰) | patroller | |
pauc (pauc, poor-) |
거의 없는, 가난한, few |
poor ****(가난한), poverty ***(가난, 빈곤) | depauperate, paucal, pauciloquent, paucity, pauper, poorish, poorly, poorness |
pearl | 진주, pearl | pearl **(진주) | ||
ped | 다리, foot | expedition ***(탐험, 원정), pioneer ***((특정 지식문화 부문의) 개척자[선구자]) |
biped, bipedal, centipedal, centipede, decempedal, expediency, expedient, expeditate, expedite, expediter, expeditionary, expeditious, impeach, impeachable, Impeachment, impede, impediment, impedition, impeditive, inexpedient, interpetiolar, intrapetiolar, millipede, moped, multiped, multipede, octopede, oppidum, pawn, ped, pedal, pedate, pedatifid, peddler, pedestal, pedestrian, pedicel, pedicle, pedicure, pediform, pedigerous, pedigree, peduncle, pedunculate, peon, peonage, petiolar, petiolate, petiole, petiolular, petiolulate, petiolule, piedfort, piedmont, quadruped, quadrupedal, repedation, semiped, semipedal, sesquipedal, stapedius, stapes, subpetiolate, suppedaneum, tripedal, trivet, vamper, vampish, velocipede |
pell (pell-, puls-) |
![]() |
몰다, 밀다, drive, push |
appeal ****(항소(抗訴), 상고(上告)), compel **(강요[강제]하다, (필요에 따라) …하게 만들다), compelling **((너무나 흥미로워서) 주목하지 않을 수 없는[눈을 뗄 수 없는]), compulsory **(강제적인), impulse **((갑작스러운) 충동), pulse **(맥박, 맥), push ****(밀다), repel ☆((공격 대상을) 격퇴하다[물리치다]) |
appealable, appealer, appealing, appulse, compellable, compellably, compellation, compeller, compellingly, compulsion, compulsive, compulsively, compulsorily, compulsoriness, dispel, expel, expulsion, impel, impulsive, impulsively, impulsiveness, pell, propel, propellent, propeller, propulsion, propulsive, propulsor, pulsate, pulseless, pushy, repellence, repellency, repellent, repeller, repulsion, repulsive |
pen | 펜, pen | pen ***(펜) | ||
pencil | 꼬리, 붓, pencil |
pencil ***(연필) | penicillin | |
pend | ![]() |
메달다, hang | compensate ☆(보상하다), compensation **(보상(금)), depend ****((1) 의지하다), dependent ***(의존[의지]하는), dispense ☆(나누어 주다, 내놓다), expend ☆((1) (많은 돈/시간/에너지를) 쏟다[들이다]), expenditure **((1) (공공 기금의) 지출), expensive ****(비싼), independence ***((국가의) 독립), independent ****((국가가) 독립된), independently ☆(독립하여), pending ☆((1) 미결[미정]인), pendulum ☆((시계의) 추), pension ***(연금, 생활 보조금, 수당), ponder ☆(숙고하다), pound ****((£) 파운드), spend ****((돈을) 쓰다[들이다]), suspend **(매달다, 걸다), suspension ☆(정직, 정학, (스포츠 선수의) 출장 정지) |
append, appendicitis, appendix, compend, compendium, compensatingly, compensative, compensator, compensatory, dependant, dependence, dependency, dependently, depending, dispensation, expender, expense, expenseless, expensively, expensiveness, impend, independency, inexpensive, inexpensively, inexpensiveness, penchant, pend, pendant, pensile, pensionable, pensionary, pensionless, pensive, penthouse, ponderer, ponderingly, ponderosity, ponderous, ponderously, ponderousness, pounder, prepense, propense, propensity, spendable, spender, spending, suspendibility, suspendible, suspense, suspenseful, suspensive, suspensory |
peri | 근처, near | period ****(기간, 시기(時期)) | Pericles, pericope, perigee, perihelion, peril, perimeter, periodic, periodical, periodically, periodicity, peripheral, periphery, periscope, perisope |
peri (peri-, perit-, pert-) |
![]() |
실험, 경험, 노력 |
experience ****((지식과 기능을 쌓게 되는) 경험[경력]), experiment ****((과학적인) 실험), experimental **((아이디어/방법 등이) 실험적인), expert ****(전문가), expertise **(전문 지식[기술]) |
experienceable, experienced, experiential, experimentation, expertly, expertness, inexperienced, peri |
person | 사람, person | person ****((개개의) 사람, 개인), personal ****((1) (소유/관련성이) 개인의[개인적인] (2) (특히 감정/특성/관계가) 개인적인 (3) (일/공적인 지위와 관련되지 않은) 개인적인[사적인] (4) 직접[몸소] 한 (5) (많은 사람들/일반 대중을 위한 것이 아닌) 개개인을 위한[개별적인] (6) 개인의 신상에 관한), personality ****(성격, 인격), personally ****((1) 개인적인 의견을 말하면) |
first-person, personalise |
pessim | 비관, worst | pessimism ☆(비관적인 생각[기분]) | pessim, pessimal, pessimist, pessimistic |
pest | 해충, plague | pest ☆(해충) | pesticide |
pet | 애완 동물, pet | pet ***(애완동물) | ||
pete (pete, pet-) |
![]() |
찾다, seek | appetite **(식욕), compete ****(경쟁하다), competence **(능숙함, 능숙도), competent **(능숙한), competition ****(경쟁), competitive ****(경쟁을 하는), competitor ***((특히 사업에서) 경쟁자[경쟁 상대]), impetus ☆((일의 추진에 필요한) 자극(제)[추동력]), repeat ****((말글로) 반복하다, 한 번 더[거듭] 말하다[쓰다]), repeated **(반복[되풀이]되는), repetition ☆((말/행동의) 반복[되풀이]) |
appetizing, centripetal, pete, petition, petitionary, petulant, propitiate, repetitive |
petr- (petr-, petro-) |
돌, stone | petrol ***(휘발유) | epipetric, petrify, petro, petrochemical, petroglyph, petrographic, petrography, petroleum, petrology, petrosomatoglyph, petrous |
phan (phan-, phen-, phase-) |
보여주다, show, appear |
emphasis ****(강조, 역점, 주안점), emphasise ***((중요성을) 강조하다), emphasize ***((1) 강조하다), fancy ***((1) 원하다), pant **((숨을) 헐떡이다), phase ****((1) 단계[시기/국면]), phenomenon ***((1) 현상), profane ☆((1) 신성 모독적인) |
diaphanous, epiphany, fanatic, fanciful, fancily, fanciness, phanerozoic, phantasm, phantom, phene, phenetic, phenology, phenomenal, phenotype, photic, profanation, profanatory, profanely, profaneness, profaner, profanity, prophase, sycophant, telophase, theophany, tryptophan |
phil (phil-, -phile) |
사랑(loving) | philosopher **(철학자), philosophy ****(철학) |
Anglophile, bibliophile, bibliophilia, biophilia, heterophil, hydrophile, paraphilia, philander, philanthropy, philharmonic, philo, philology, philophobia, philosophic, philosophically, philosophicalness, philosophize, philter, philtre, philtrum, technophile |
phobia (phob-, -phobia) |
공포, fear | acrophobia, Anglophobia, arachnophobia, bibliophobia, buttonophobia, chromophobia, claustrophobia, ergophobia, homophobia, hydrophobia, phobia, zeusophobia |
phone | 전화, 소리, phone |
phone ****(전화(기)), telephone ****(전화, 전화기) |
megaphone, megaphonic, megaphonically, microphone, microphonic, misophonia, misophonic, phonate, phonetics, phonia, phonograph, telephoner, telephonic, telephonically |
phore | 보유, 운반, carry |
metaphor **(은유) | adiaphora, adiaphorism, anaphor, carpophore, chromophore, chromophoric, gametophore, metaphoric, metaphorical, metaphorically, peripheral, periphery, pheromone, phonophore, phore, phoresis, phoresy, phosphor, prosphora, pyrophoric, semaphore |
photo | ![]() |
빛, 사진, light | photo ****(빛), photocopy **((복사기로 사진 찍듯 하는) 복사), photograph ****(사진), photography ***(사진[촬영]술) |
aphotic, biophoton, cataphote, diphoton, euphotic, microphotograph, phosphor, phosphorus, photic, photobiology, photocatalysis, photochromism, photochromy, photoelectric, photogenic, photogram, photographic, photolysis, photometer, photometric, photometry, photon, photoperiod, photophobia, photophone, photophore, photopic, photoptarmosis, photosynthesis, photosynthetic, photosynthetically, phototaxis, phototherapy, phototroph, telephoto |
phren (phren-, phron-) |
마음, 말하다, mind, tell |
phrase ****(구(句)) | euneirophrenia, euphrasy, Euphrosyne, frantic, frenetic, frenzy, oneirophrenia, phrasal, phrenetic, phrenia, phrenic, phrenitis, phrenology, phronema, phronesis, phronetic, prosthesis, schizophrenia, sophrosyne |
physi | ![]() |
자연, 물리, nature |
physic ☆(약, 약제), physical ****(육체[신체]의), physically ***(신체[육체]적으로), physics ***(물리학), physiology ☆(생리학) |
astrophysical, astrophysicist, astrophysics, astrophysicsist, chemicophysics, geophysics, metaphysics, physician, physicianship, physiognomy, physiologic, physiological, physiologically, physiologist, physiotherapy |
pick (pick, peck, pitch) |
뽑다, 찌르다, 쪼다 |
pick ****(고르다, 선택하다, 뽑다), pitch ***((일부 스포츠의) 경기장), pitcher ☆(투수, 피처) |
peak, peck, peckish, peek, piceous, pickable, picker, picky, pike, pitchy |
pict | ![]() |
그림, paint | depict **((그림으로) 그리다), paint ****(페인트, (표면에 한 겹 칠한) 페인트), painter ***(도장공, (페인트) 칠장이), painting ****((물감으로 그린) 그림), picture ****(그림), pint **((약어:pt) 파인트) |
depicter, depiction, depictive, depictor, painty, pict, pictorial, pigment, repaint |
piece | 조각, piece | mouthpiece ☆((전화기의) 송화구), patch **((특히 주변과는 다른 조그만) 부분), piece ****((자르거나 나눠 놓은 것의) 한 부분[조각], (표준 규격 크기양의) 한 개) |
patchable, patcher, patchery, patchily, patchiness, patchy |
pill (pill-, pil-) |
기둥, pillar, ball |
pile ***((위로 차곡차곡) 포개[쌓아] 놓은 것, 더미), pill ***(알약, 정제) |
pillar, pillory |
pillow | pillow | pillow **(①베개) | ||
pilot | 키[방향타], 노(櫓), pilot |
pilot ****(조종사, 비행사) | ||
pin | 핀, pin | pin | ||
pin | 소나무, pine | pine **(소나무, 솔) | ||
pink | 분홍색, pink | pink ***(분홍색의) | ||
pipe | 파이프, 관[배관], pipe |
pipe ***((속에 액체기체가 흐르는) 관[배관/파이프]) | pipeless, pipy | |
pizza | 피자, pizza | pizza **(피자) | pizzeria | |
plain (plan-, plain-) |
![]() |
평지, flat | aeroplane ☆(비행기), airplane **(비행기), explain ****(설명하다), explanation ****(해명, 이유, 설명), piano ***(피아노), plain ***(평원), plan ****(계획), plane ****(비행기) |
applanate, applanation, aquaplane, complanar, complanate, coplanar, coplanarity, deplanate, deplane, emplane, esplanade, explainable, explainer, explanatory, peneplain, pianissimo, pianoforte, plainly, plainness, plaintext, planar, planarian, planary, planate, planation, planification, planiform, planish, planula, planular, planulate, unexplained, unplanned |
planet (planet-, plan-) |
돌아다니다, 행성, wander |
planet ****(행성), planetary ☆(행성의) | aplanetic, aplanogamete, aplanospore, exoplanet, planetarium, planetoid, planetonym, planoblast, planogamete, planospore, protoplanet |
plang (plang-, plaint-, plag-) |
때리다, 슬픔, lament |
complain ****(불평[항의]하다), complaint ****(불평[항의] (거리)), plague ☆(전염병) |
plaint, plang, plangent |
plant | 싹틔움, 식물, sprout |
plant ****(식물, 초목, (tree나 bush보다 작은) 나무) | implant, plantation, transplant |
plas (plas, plast) |
엉겨진, mould | plastic ****(플라스틱) | microplastic, neuroplasticity, plasma, plaster, plasticity, plastique, plastochron, plastromancy, plastron, prosoplasia, protoplasm, pseudoplastic, symplast |
plash | 웅덩이, plash | splash ☆(철벅[첨벙] 하는 소리) | plash | |
plat | ![]() |
평지, 넓다, place |
birthplace ☆((특히 유명인의) 생가[출생지]), displace ☆((1) 대신[대체]하다 (2) (살던 곳에서) 쫓아내다 (3) (평소의 위치에서) 옮겨 놓다 (4) (직장/지위에서) 쫓아내다), marketplace **((상품/서비스 등의 경쟁이 벌어지는) 시장), place ****(장소), placement **((1) 취업[거주지] 알선 (2) (흔히 수업 과정의 일부로 하는) 현장 실습 (3) (어디에) 놓기), plate ****(접시,그릇,한 접시,요리,판,판금(板金),패(牌),번호판,도금한 금속,은[금] 제품[식기류],뼈판[골판],전면 삽화,판(版),감광판,의치 가상,헌금 접시), plateau ☆((1) 고원 (2) 안정기), platform ****((기차역의) 플랫폼), replace ****((1) 대신[대체]하다), replacement **(교체, 대체) |
displaceable, displacement, displacer, piazza, plaice, plat, plat-, platitude, platyhelminth, platypus, Platyrrhini, platysma, Platyzoa, plaza |
plaud (plaud-, -plod-, plaus-, -plos-) |
찬성, 박수치다, approve |
applaud ☆(박수를 치다), explode ***(터지다[터뜨리다]), explosion ***(폭발), explosive ☆(폭발물), plausible ☆(타당한 것 같은) |
applause, exploder, explosively, explosiveness, implode, plaud, plaudit, plaudits |
play | 놀다, play | play ****(놀다), player ****(참가자[선수]) | playable, playful, playfully, playfulness, splay |
pleas (pleas-, plea-, plac-) |
![]() |
기쁨, please | plea **(애원, 간청), pleasant ***(쾌적한, 즐거운, 기분 좋은), please ****((남을) 기쁘게 하다, 기분[비위]을 맞추다), pleasing **(즐거운), pleasure ****(기쁨, 즐거움), unpleasant ***(불쾌한, 불편한) |
complacent, complaisant, displease, displeasing, displeasingly, placebo, placid, plead, pleadable, pleader, pleasable, pleasantly, pleasantness, pleased, pleasedly, pleasedness, pleaser, pleasurable, pleasurableness, pleasurably, pleasureful, pleasureless, unpleasantly |
pledge | 맹세, pledge | pledge **(약속) | pledgable, pledgeless | |
plen | 충분한, 전체의, full |
plentiful ☆(풍부한), plenty ****(풍부[충분]한 양(의 ~)) |
plenarily, plenary, plenitude, plenteous, replenish |
plet (plet-, ple-) |
![]() |
채우다, fill | accomplish ***(완수하다), accomplishment **(업적, 공적), complement ☆(보완하다), complete ****((강조의 의미로) 가능한 최대의, 완벽한), completely ****(완전히), completion ☆(완료, 완성), compliance **((법/명령 등의) 준수), compliment ☆(칭찬(의 말), 찬사), comply **((법/명령 등에) 따르다[준수하다]), implement ***(시행하다), manipulate ***((흔히 교묘하고 부정직하게 사람/사물을) 조종하다), manipulation ☆(교묘한 처리, 솜씨 있는 취급[조종]), supplement ☆(보충[추가](물)), supply ****((특히 대량으로) 공급[제공]하다) |
accomplishable, accomplisher, complemental, complementary, complementer, completeness, completer, completive, deplete, implementation, ple, replete, suppletion, suppliable, supplier |
plex (plect-, plex-) |
땋다, 짜다, plait, weave |
complex ****(복잡한), complexity **(복잡성, 복잡함), perplex ☆((무엇을 이해할 수 없어서) 당혹하게 하다) |
complexation, complexly, complexness, multiplex, perplexed, perplexity, plex, plexus |
plic | ![]() |
접은, fold | applicant ☆(지원자), application ****((1) 지원[신청](서)), apply ****((1) 신청하다), complicate **(복잡하게 만들다), complicated ****(복잡한), complication ☆((1) (상황을 더 복잡하게 만드는) 문제 (2) (의학) 합병증), deploy ***((1) 배치하다), display ****((1) 전시), double ****((보통 양이나 수의) 두 배의, 갑절의), duplicate ☆(복사[복제]하다, 사본을 만들다), employ ****(고용하다), employee ****(종업원), employer ****(고용주), employment ****(직장, (개인의) 고용), explicit **((1) 분명한), exploitation **((1) 착취 (2) (토지/석유 등의) 개발 (3) (부당한) 이용), implicit ☆((1) 암시된), imply ***(넌지시 나타내다[비치다],은연중에 풍기다,암시[시사]하다,의미하다), multiple ****(많은), multiply ***((1) 곱하다), plight ☆(역경, 곤경), ply ☆((문예체) (배버스 등이) (정기적으로) 다니다[왕복하다]), reply ****((1) 대답하다), unemployed **(실직한), unemployment ***((1) 실업) |
appliable, appliance, applicability, applicable, applicableness, applicably, applicate, applicative, applicator, applicatory, applied, applier, applique, centuplicate, centuplication, complicacy, complicant, complicatedly, complicatedness, complice, complicity, conduplicate, conduplication, deployment, duplication, employability, employable, employed, explicate, exploit, exploitative, implicate, multipliable, multiplicable, multiplication, multiplicative, multiplicity, plait, pleat, pliable, pliant, plic, plicate, plywood, quadruple, replica, replicate, replication, replicative, replicator, subduplicate, supplicant, supplicate, supplication, triple, triplicate, triplicity, uncomplicated |
plore | 눈물짓다, weep | exploration ***(탐사), explore ****(답사[탐사/탐험]하다,탐구[분석]하다,더듬어 보다[살피다]), explorer ☆(답사[탐사]자), implore ☆(애원[간청]하다) |
deplorable, deploration, deplore, explorational, explorationist, explorative, exploratory, imploration, imploratory, plore, unexplored |
plot | 구성, 플롯, plot |
plot ****((소설극영화 등의) 구성[플롯/줄거리]) | ||
plu (plu-, plus-) |
많다, more | plural ☆(복수형), plus ****(이점), surplus ☆(나머지) |
pluralist | |
plug | 틀어막다, 마개, plug |
plug **((전기) 플러그) | ||
plumb | lead | plunge **(거꾸러지다[거꾸러뜨리다]) | plumb, plumber, plummet |
pock (pock, pok) |
부대, 주머니, |
pocket ****(주머니) | pocketable, pocketless, pockety, poke |
pod | 꼬투리, pod | pod ☆(꼬투리) | ||
poen- (poen-, pen-, pun-) |
![]() |
징벌, punish | pain ****((1) 아픔), painful ***((1) 아픈[고통스러운]), penalty **((1) 처벌), punish ***(처벌하다, 벌주다), punishment ***((1) 벌) |
impune, impunity, painfully, painfulness, painkiller, painless, painstaking, painstakingly, painstakingness, penal, penalize, penance, penetrable, penis, penitence, penitent, penitentiary, phallic, phallicism, phallus, poena, punitive, repent, subpoena |
poie (poie-, poe-) |
![]() |
창조하다, make, create |
poem ****(시(詩)), poet ****(시인), poetic ☆(시의), poetry ****((1) 시) |
allopoiesis, autopoiesis, onomatopoeia, onomatopoeic, onomatopoeically, onomatopoetic, onomatopoetically, piyyut, poesy, poetaster, poiesis |
poke | 찌르다, poke | poke **(쿡 찌르다) | poker, poky | |
pole | 판매, sell | monopoly ☆((생산/시장의) 독점, 전매, 독점[전매] 상품[서비스]) | monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic, monopolistically, monopolize |
polem (polem-) |
전쟁, war | polemarch, polemic, polemical, polemology |
poli | polish | polish **(광택제), polite ***(예의 바른, 공손한, 정중한), politely **(공손히) |
polis | ![]() |
도시, 시민, city |
metropolis ☆(주요 도시(흔히 한 국가나 행정지역의 수도)), metropolitan ☆(대도시[수도]의), police ****(경찰), policy ****((1) 정책), politic ☆(현명한), political ****((1) 정치와 관련된), politically ***(정치적으로), politician ****((1) 정치인), politics ****((1) 정치) |
acropolis, biopolitics, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, Decapolis, ecumenopolis, eperopolis, geopolitic, geopolitical, geopolitics, heptapolis, hexapolis, isopolity, megalopolis, megapolis, pentapolis, polis, politeia, politicize, politologist, politology, polity, propolis, tetrapolis, Tripoli |
pollin (pollin-) |
가루 | pollen ☆(꽃가루) | pollinate, pollination | |
pollut (pollut-) |
defile, pollute, 오염 |
pollution ****(오염, 공해) | pollutant, pollute, polluted, polluter |
pool | 웅덩이[못], pool |
pool ****(냉탕) | ||
popul (popul-, people) |
![]() |
사람, 대중, people |
people ****((''사람''의 복수 의미로) 사람들), pop ***(팝(뮤직)), popular ****(인기 있는), popularity ***(인기), populate ☆((어떤 지역의 주민으로) 살다, 거주하다), population ****(인구, (모든) 주민) |
overpopulation, popul, popularise, popularize, popularly, populous, sportspeople |
pork | 돼지, pork | pork **(돼지고기) | porkiness, porky | |
port | ![]() |
운반, 항구, carry |
airport ****(공항), export ***((1) 수출하다), import ***((1) 수입품), importance ****(중요성), important ****((1) 중요한 (2) (사람이) 중요한), opportunity ****(기회), passport **((1) 여권 (2) (어떤 일을 가능하게 하는) 열쇠), porch **((1) (건물 입구에 지붕이 얹혀 있고 흔히 벽이 둘러진) 현관 (2) 베란다), port ****((1) 항구 (도시)), portable ☆(휴대[이동]가 쉬운), purport ☆(주장하다[칭하다]), report ****((1) 보도), reportedly **(전하는 바에 따르면), reporter ****(기자), sport ****((일반적인) 스포츠[운동/경기]), sports ☆(스포츠의[에 관한]), support ****((1) 지지[옹호/재청]하다), supporter ***((1) 지지자[후원자]), supportive **(지원하는), transport ***((1) 수송), transportation ***(수송, 운송 , 수송 기관), unimportant **(중요하지 않은) |
comportment, deport, disport, e-sports, importantly, opportune, opportunely, opportuneness, opportunist, opportunistic, opportunistically, portability, portably, portage, portal, portfolio, portico, portless, Portugal, rapport, reported, reporting, sporter, sportful, sportfully, sportfulness, sporting, sportive, sportless, sportspeople, sporty, supportless, transportability, transportable, transporter, transportive, unimportantly |
portion | 부분, part, share |
portion ***((더 큰 것의) 부분[일부]), proportion ***((전체의) 부분, (전체에서 차지하는) 비율), proportional ☆(비례하는) |
disproportion, disproportionable, disproportionableness, disproportionably, disproportional, disproportionate, disproportionately, proportionability, proportionable, proportionably, proportionalist, proportionality, proportionally, proportionate, proportionately, proportionateness, proportionment |
portrait | paint, depict | portrait ***(초상화), portray **(그리다[묘사하다]) |
portraitist, portraiture, portrayable, portrayal, portrayer |
pose (pos-, pon-, pause) |
![]() |
두다, 놓다, put | component ***(요소), compose **(구성하다 유의어 make up 참조 composed), composer ☆((특히 클래식 음악) 작곡가), composition **(구성 요소들, 구성), compound **((1) 복합체), depose ☆((특히 통치자를 권좌에서) 물러나게 하다[퇴위/폐위시키다]), deposit **((1) 착수금[보증금]), disposal ☆((1) (무엇을 없애기 위한) 처리 (2) (상업) (사업체/부동산 등의) 처분 (3) 처리), dispose ☆((특정한 방식/위치에 물건이나 사람을) 배치하다), expose ****((보통 때는 가려져 있는 것을) 드러내다), exposure ***((유해한 환경 등에의) 노출), impose ****((1) 도입[시행]하다), opponent ****((게임/대회/논쟁 등의) 상대 유의어 adversary), oppose ****((1) 반대하다), opposed ***((사람이) (~에) 반대하는), opposing **((1) 서로 겨루는[대립하는/싸우는]), opposite ****((보통 마주 보고 있는 둘 중) 다른 편[쪽]의[건너편의]), opposition ****((1) 반대[항의]), pause ***((말/일을 하다가) 잠시 멈추다), pose ****(두다), position ****((1) 위치), positive ****((1) 긍정적인), post ****(우편), poster **((안내/홍보용) 포스터, 벽보), proposal ****((1) 제안), propose ****((1) 제안[제의]하다), proposition ☆((특히 사업상의) 제의), purpose ****((1) 목적), suppose ****((이미 알고 있는 지식에 의거하여 …일 것이라고) 생각하다, 추정[추측]하다), supposed **(소위[이른바] …라는), supposedly **(추정상) |
appose, apposite, apropos, componential, composite, compositely, compositeness, compositional, compositionally, compositive, compost, composure, compoundable, compounder, disposability, disposable, disposableness, disposer, disposition, exponent, exposable, exposal, exposer, exposition, expositional, expositive, expository, expound, imposable, imposer, imposition, imposter, impound, menopausal, menopause, menopausic, opponency, opposer, opposingly, oppositely, oppositeness, oppositional, oppositionist, oppositionless, oppositive, pausal, pauseless, pauser, pausing, positional, positively, positiveness, positivity, postage, postal, postally, postcard, postmodern, postmodernism, postmodernist, postponable, postpone, postponement, postponer, postural, posture, propone, proponent, proposable, proposer, propositional, propositionally, propound, purposeless, purposely, purposive, repose, repurpose, supposable, supposal, supposer, supposition |
pot (pot-) |
![]() |
강력, power | empower **((1) 권한을 주다), impossible ****((1) 불가능한), possess ****((1) 소유[소지/보유]하다), possession ***((1) 소유), possessive ☆((1) 소유욕이 강한 (2) 독점욕이 강한 (3) (문법) 소유의), possessor ☆(소유자), possibility ****(가능성, 가능함), possible ****(가능한), possibly ****((1) 아마), potential ****((…이 될) 가능성이 있는), potentially ***(가능성 있게), power ****((사람사물을 통제할 수 있는) 힘[세력]), powerful ****((1) (사람이) 영향력 있는) |
compotation, depot, despot, despotism, empowerment, impossibleness, Impossibly, impotent, possessions, pot-, potency, potent, potentate, potentiality, potentialize, potently, potentness, powerfully, powerfulness, powerless, powerlessly, powerlessness |
pot (pot-) |
냄비, 병, pot | pot ****(냄비) | potted, potter, pottery |
potato | 감자, potato | potato ****(감자) | ||
potio | drink, drinking | poison ***(독), poisonous ***(유독한, 독[독성]이 있는) |
potable, potion | |
pound | 울타리, enclose | pond ***(연못) | pound | |
pour | 붓다, pour | pour ****(붓다[따르다]) | pourable, pourer, pouringly |
prag (prag-, pract-) |
![]() |
행동, do, act | practical ****(현실[실질/실제]적인), practically **((1) 사실상), practice ****((1) 실행), practise ****((1) 연습[실습]하다), practitioner **((1) 의사) |
apraxia, dyspraxia, parapraxis, practic, practicality, practicalness, practicer, pragma, pragmatic, pragmatism, pragmatist, pragmatistic, praxis |
prec | pray, 기도 | pray ****((하느님께) 기도하다[빌다], 기원하다), prayer ****(기도 (내용)), precarious ☆(불안정한) |
deprecation, imprecation |
preci (preti-, preci-, prais) |
![]() |
평가, value | appreciate ****(진가를 알아보다[인정하다],고마워하다,환영하다,인식하다,가치가 오르다), appreciation **((1) 감탄), interpret ****((1) (의미를) 설명[해석]하다 (2) (특정한 뜻으로) 이해[해석]하다 (3) 통역하다 (4) (연주자/배우 등이 음악 작품/배역 등을 나름대로 해석하여) 연주[연기]하다), interpretation ***((1) 해석), praise ***((1) 칭찬), precious **((1) (희귀하고 많은 금전적 가치를 지닌) 귀중한), price ****((1) 값), prize ***((1) 상) |
appraisable, appraisal, appraise, appraisee, appraisement, appraiser, appraisingly, appraisive, appraisively, appreciable, appreciatingly, appreciational, appreciative, appreciator, bepraise, depreciate, dispraise, interpretable, interpretably, interpretational, interpretative, interpreter, praiser, preci, preciosity, preciously, preciousness |
pred | 먹이, 약탈, prey |
predator ***(포식자, 포식 동물), prey **(먹이[사냥감]) |
depredate, predation, predatory, preyer |
prehend | ![]() |
잡다, grasp | apprehend ☆((1) (경찰이) 체포하다 (2) (구식) 파악하다 (3) 염려하다), apprehension ☆((1) 우려), apprehensive ☆(걱정되는), apprentice ☆(수습생), comprehend ☆(이해하다), comprise **((1) …으로 구성되다[이뤄지다] (2) 구성하다), enterprise ***((1) 기업), entrepreneur ***(사업가[기업가]), imprison **(투옥하다), prison ****((1) 교도소), prize **((1) 포획물(捕獲物)), surprise ****(놀라게 하다), surprised ***(놀란), surprising ****(놀라운), surprisingly ***(놀랄 만큼, 의외로, 대단히) |
apprehender, apprehensively, apprehensiveness, apprenticeship, comprehensibility, comprehensible, comprehensive, entrepreneurship, incomprehensibility, incomprehensible, prehend, prehensility, prehension, prisoner, reprehend, surprisal, surprisedly, surpriser, surprisingness, unsurprisingly |
pres (pres-, present) |
![]() |
앞에 있다, be before |
presence ****((1) 있음), present ****(현재의, 현 …), presentation ***((1) 제출), represent ****((1) 대표[대신]하다), representation ***((1) 묘사[표현]), representative ****((1) 대표(자)) |
co-presenter, pres, presentable, presentational, presentee, presenteeism, presenter, presently, presentment, representability, representable, representatively, representativeness, representer |
press (prem-, -prim-, press-, print-) |
![]() |
누르다, press | compress ☆((1) 압축하다[되다]), depress **(우울[암울]하게 만들다), depressed ***((기분이) 우울한[암울한]), depression ***(우울증), express ****((1) (감정의견 등을) 나타내다), expression ****((1) 표현), impress ***((1) 깊은 인상을 주다), impression ****((사람/사물로부터 받는) 인상[느낌]), impressive ***((사물/사람이) 인상적인), imprint ☆((1) (표면 위에 누르거나 찍어서 생긴) 자국 (2) (마음속에 새겨진) 각인 (3) (보통 책의 첫 페이지 제목 아래 인쇄되는) 출판사[발행자]명), oppress ☆((1) 탄압[억압]하다), oppression ☆((1) 압박), press ****((1) 신문(과 잡지)), pressure ****((1) 압박), print ****((1) 인쇄하다), printer ***((1) 프린터 (2) 인쇄업자[회사] (3) 인쇄소), repress ☆((1) (감정을) 참다[억누르다/억압하다] (2) 탄압[진압]하다), suppress **((1) 진압하다) |
acupressure, compression, compressor, decompress, deprecate, depressing, depressingly, depressive, espresso, expresser, expressible, expressional, expressionless, expressionlessly, expressive, expressively, expressiveness, fingerprint, imprimatur, oppressingly, oppressive, oppressively, oppressiveness, oppressor, printing, repression, repressive, reprimand, suppression, suppressor, teleprinter |
pretty | 예쁜, pretty | pretty ****((특히 여성소녀가) (매우 아름답지는 않지만) 매력적인, 예쁜, 귀여운) | prettify, prettily, prettiness |
priest | 사제, 더 늙은, priest |
priest ****((가톨릭/성공회/동방 정교회의) 사제[신부]) | priestlike, priestly |
prime (prime-) |
![]() |
제일, 제1, first |
premier **(최고의), primary ****((1) 주된), prime ****(제일[제1]), primitive ☆((1) (산업화되기 이전의) 원시 사회의 (2) (인간동물 발달) 초기의), principle ****((개인의 도덕/신념과 관련된) 원칙) |
coprime, nonprime, premiership, primacy, primaeval, primaevally, primafacie, primal, primality, primarily, primate, primateship, primatial, primer, primeval, primevally, primine, primitively, primitiveness, primitivism, primogeniture, primordial, primrose, Primula, semiprime, subprimal, subprime |
prince | 통치자, 군주, prince |
prince ***(왕자), princess **(공주), principal **(주요한) |
prior | 예전의, former | prior ***(사전의), priority ****(우선 사항) | prioritisation, prioritise, prioritization, prioritize, priorship, priory, pristine, repristinate, subprior |
priv | ![]() |
개인, 소유, own | deprive **((1) 빼앗다), privacy ***((1) (남의 간섭을 받지 않는 개인의) 사생활), private ****(사유의,개인 소유의,전용의,사적인[사사로운/비공개의],은밀한,민간[민영]의,사립의,개인을 위한[개인적인],사생활의,혼자[조용히] 있을 수 있는,남에게 자기 얘기를 잘 안 하는,개인적인,비근로소득인), privately **(남몰래), privilege ***((특정 개인단체가 갖는) 특전[특혜]) |
deprivation, priv, privateer, privation, privatisation, privative, privatization, privatize, privity, privy, semiprivate |
proach (proach, proxim-) |
![]() |
옆에, 가까이, near |
approach ****((1) 접근법), approximate **(거의 정확한), approximately ****(거의 (정확하게)), reproach ☆((1) 비난) |
proach, proxim, proximity |
prob | ![]() |
가치있는, 훌륭한, worthy |
approval ***((1) 인정), approve ***((1) 찬성하다), disapproval **(반감, 못마땅함 반의어 approval), disapprove **(탐탁찮아[못마땅해] 하다), disapproving **(탐탁찮아[못마땅해] 하는), probable **(있을[사실일] 것 같은), probably ****(아마), probe ☆(캐묻다, 캐다, 조사하다), proof ****((of sth/) 증거(물), 증명(서)), prove ****((1) 입증[증명]하다) |
approbate, approbation, disapprobation, disapprover, disapprovingly, disprove, prob, probability, probate, probation, probity, provability, provable, provably, reprobate, reprove |
propri | ![]() |
자기자신, one's own |
appropriate ****(적절한), appropriately **(적당하게), improper ☆(부당한,부도덕한,부적절한,잘못된,틀린), proper ****((1) 적절한), properly ****((1) 제대로), property ****((1) 재산) |
improperly, inappropriate, inappropriately, inappropriateness, properness, proprietary, proprietor, propriety |
proto | 최초의, first | protein ***(단백질), protocol **(외교 의례,의전,초안[원안],(합의안/조약의) 보충 협약,프로토콜,통신 규약,계획서) |
amphiprotic, antiproton, painters, protagonist, protanomaly, protanopia, protist, proto, protolithic, protomartyr, proton, protoplasm, prototypal, prototype, prototypic, prototypical, Protozoa, protozoology |
proud (proud, pride) |
![]() |
이익, profit, value |
improve ****(개선되다), improvement ****((1) 향상), pride ***((1) 자랑스러움), proud ****(자랑스러워하는, 자랑스러운), proudly **((1) 자랑스럽게 (2) (문예체) 위풍당당하게) |
improvability, improvable, improvableness, improvably, improver, improvingly, prideful, pridefully, proudness |
psych (psych-, psycho-) |
![]() |
심리, mind, psyche |
psychic ☆((1) 초자연적인), psychological ***(정신[심리]의,정신[심리]적인,심리학적인), psychologist ***(심리학자), psychology ***((1) 심리학) |
hylopsychism, panpsychism, psyche, psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychiatry, psycho, psychoanalysis, psychologically, psychopathic, psychopathy, psychopomp, psychosis, psychotherapeutic, psychotherapeutically, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, psychotic, psychoticism |
pto | 떨어지다, fall | symptom ****(증상) | anaptotic, apoptosis, asymptomatic, peripeteia, peripety, polyptoton, proptosis, proptotic, ptomaine, ptosis, ptotic, symptomatic, symptomless, symptosis |
publ (publ-, public-, popul-) |
![]() |
공공의, public | pub ***((1) 퍼브(술을 비롯한 여러 음료와 흔히 음식도 파는 대중적인 술집) (2) 술집), public ****(일반인[대중]의,대중을 위한,공공의,대중적으로 알려진[공개된],공개되는[공개적인],많은 사람들이 있는), publication ***(출판, 발행, 출판물), publicity ***(매스컴[언론]의 관심[주목]), publicly ***(공공연하게), publish ****(출판[발행]하다), publisher ☆(출판인), republic ***(공화국), republican **((1) 공화국의) |
puberty, publ, publically, publicist, publicize, publishable |
pull | 끌다, pull | pull ****(끌다, 당기다, 끌어[잡아]당기다) | puller | |
pulver (pulver-) |
먼지, dust | powder ***(가루) | powderer, powdery, pulverize |
pump | 펌푸, pump | pump **((물공기 등을 펌프로) 퍼 올리다[퍼내다]) | pumpable |
punct (punct-, pung) |
![]() |
찌르다, 점을 찍다, point |
appoint **((1) 임명[지명]하다), appointment ***((특히 업무 관련) 약속), disappoint **(실망시키다, 실망을 안겨 주다), disappointment **((1) (U) 실망), pinch ☆((1) 꼬집다), point ****((말/글에서 제시하는) 의견[주장]), pointed **((1) 뾰족한[날카로운]), punch **((1) 주먹으로 치다[때리다] (2) (펀치나 뾰족한 것으로) 구멍을 뚫다[(구멍이 나도록) 찍다] (3) (컴퓨터 자판전화기 번호판 등을) 치다[누르다]), punctual ☆(시간을 지키는[엄수하는]), punctuation ☆(구두점(들)), puncture ☆((1) (타이어에 난) 펑크 (2) (뾰족한 것에 찔려서 생긴) 구멍[상처]) |
acupuncture, compunction, compunctious, disappointing, disappointingly, disappointingness, expunge, pivot, poignant, pointedly, pointedness, pointless, punchbag, punct, punctuality, punctuate, pungent |
pup | 아이들, doll, girl |
pupil ***((특히 구식이 되어감) (특히 어린) 학생) | pupa, pupate, pupilary, pupillary, pupilless, puppet |
pure | 순수한 | pure ****(순수한), purely **(순전히), Puritan ☆(청교도적인 사람), purity ☆(순수성) |
depurate, depurge, expurgate, impure, impurity, puree, pureness, purge, purify |
put | 놓다[두다], 누르다, put |
input ***(조언[시간/지식 등](의 제공)), output **(생산량, 산출량), put ****(놓다[두다/넣다/얹다]) |
pute | ![]() |
생각, 정리, reckon |
compute **(계산[산출]하다), computer ****(컴퓨터), deputy ***((한 조직의 장(長) 바로 다음 가는 직급인) 부-[-보/대행[대리](인)]), dispute ***(분쟁), reputation ****(평판), repute ☆(평판) |
amputate, amputation, computation, computational, computing, depute, disputable, impute, indisputable, putative, pute, reputable, reputational, reputationless |
puzzle | puzzle | puzzle ***(퍼즐) | puzzling |

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