영어어원 영어어근 온라인사전 - B (ENGLISH WORD ROOT) [110개]
[B]로 시작되는 영어어근은 총 110개입니다. 사용빈도 Top 5,000 이내의 영어단어는 207개 그 밖의 단어는 모두 722개가 소개되어 있습니다. |
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어근 | 기본 뜻 | 주요단어(top 5,000) | 그 밖의 단어 | |
ba (ba, bo) |
both | both ****(둘 다(의)) | ||
babe | 아기, babe | babe ☆(아기), baby ****(아기, 새끼) | ||
back | 뒤, back | back ****((자기) 뒤로), background ****((개인의) 배경), backward **(뒤의), backwards **(뒤로) |
aback, backing, backwardly, backwardness, feedback, paperback |
bag | 짐, 가방, bag | bag ****((1) (특히 가게에서 사용하는) 봉투[봉지] (2) (천가죽 등으로 만든) 가방), baggage **(상호참조 luggage) |
beanbag, bumbag, dirtbag, feedbag, handbag, manbag, punchbag, ragbag, ratbag, sandbag, teabag, windbag |
bake | 굽다, bake | bake ****(굽다), bakery ☆(빵집) | baked | |
baktr | 작은 물질, small staff |
bacteria ***(박테리아) | ||
ball | 춤, dance | ballet ☆(발레(춤)) | ball | |
ball | 공, ball | ball ****(공), balloon ***(풍선), ballot **(무기명[비밀] 투표), baseball ***(야구 참조 rounders), basketball ***(농구), football ****(축구) |
ballooning, balloonist, balloon-like, balloter, ballroom, footballer, meatball |
bamboo | 대나무, bamboo | bamboo ☆(대나무) | ||
ban | summon, command, proclaim |
ban ***(금(지)하다) | ||
banana | 바나나, banana | banana ***(바나나) | ||
band | 띠, 묶다, strip | band ****((가수를 중심으로 한 소규모 대중음악) 밴드), bandage **(붕대), bond ***(유대, 끈) |
bandwagon, bondable, Bondage, broadband |
bandon | power, jurisdiction |
abandon ***(버리다[떠나다/유기하다]) | ||
bank (bank-, bench) |
은행, table, bench |
bank ****(은행), banker ☆(은행가), banking **(은행업무), bankrupt ☆(파산한), bankruptcy ☆(파산 (상태)), banquet ☆(연회[만찬]) |
embank |
bar | 막대기, 장벽, bar |
bar ****(술집), barrel **(통), barrier ****((통행을 막는) 장벽), embarrass **(당황스럽게[어색하게/쑥스럽게] 만들다), embarrassed ***(쑥스러운), embarrassing ***((1) 난처한), embarrassment **(어색함) |
barrage, bartender, debarrass, embarrassable, embarrassedly, embarrassingly |
barbar (barbar-, brav-) |
외국인, 용감한, foreign |
barbarian ☆(이방인[미개인]), brave ***((사람이) 용감한 유의어 courageous) |
bravely, braveness, bravery |
bas (bas- bat-, ba-) |
걸음, 기초, step |
base ****((사물의) 맨 아래 부분), baseball ***(야구 참조 rounders), based ***((…에) 근거지[본사]를 둔), basement **((건물의) 지하층), basic ****((다른 것의 발전/전개에) 기본[근본]적인), basically ****(근본적으로), basis ****(근거, 이유) |
acrobat, acrobatic, acrobatically, adiabatic, aerobatic, anabasis, anabatic, antiparabema, basal, baseless, baselessly, baselessness, basely, baseness, basidiocarp, basidioma, basidiomycete, basidiospore, basidium, basion, basionym, basophilic, bass, bema, catabasis, catabatic, diabase, diabatic, diabetes, diabetic, dibasic, hyperbaton, hypobasis, katabasis, katabatic, monobasic, polybasic, stereobate, stylobate, tribasic |
basket | basket | basket ***(바구니), basketball ***(농구) | ||
bath | 목욕, bath | bath ***(욕조), bathe ☆((1) (몸을) 씻다) | ||
batt (batt-, bat-) |
타도, 치다, beat |
abate ☆((강도가) 약해지다), battalion ☆(대대(大隊)), battery ***(건전지, 배터리), battle ****(전투), combat ***(전투), debate ****((격식을 갖춘) 토론[토의/논의]) |
abatement, abater, batt, batter, combatable, combatant, combater, combative, combatter, rebatable, rebate, rebateable, rebater |
be | be | be ****(있다, 존재하다), being ****(존재), maybe ****(어쩌면) |
wellbeing | |
beak | beak | beak **((새의) 부리) | beaked, beakless, beaklike, beaky |
bean | 콩, bean | bean ****(콩) | beanbag | |
bear | 참다, 아이를 낳다, bear |
bear ****(참다, 견디다), berth ☆((1) (배기차 등의) 침상 (2) (항구의) 정박지), birth ****((아이를) 낳다), birthday ****(생일), born ****((약어:b.) 태어나다) |
bearable, bearish, childbirth, new-born, unbearable, unborn |
beast | 짐승, beast | beast ***((특히 덩치가 크고 위험한) 짐승, 야수) | beastly | |
beat | 주먹질하다, 이기다, beat |
beat ****((게임/시합에서) 이기다), beating ☆(때림, 두들겨 팸, 매질) |
heartbeat, unbeatable | |
bed | bed | bed ****(침대) | embed | |
beg | 구걸하다, beg | beg ***(간청[애원]하다) | beggar | |
bel (bel-, belli-) |
싸움, 전쟁, war | bell ***(전쟁), belligerent ☆(적대적인, 공격적인), rebel **(반란[모반]을 일으키다), rebellion ☆(반란, 모반), rebellious ☆((규칙/일반 통념 등에 대해) 반항적인) |
antebellum, bellicose, belligerence, belligerency, belligerently, Bellona, bellum, postbellum, rebeldom, rebellike, rebelliously, rebelliousness |
bell (bell-) |
아름다운, 미(美) |
beautiful ****(아름다운), beautifully **(아름답게, 멋지게), beauty ****((1) 아름다움), belle ☆((구식) 미인) |
beauteous, beautician, beldam, bell-, belladonna, Bellar, belvedere, embellish, embellisher, embellishment |
bench | bench | bench ***(벤치) | ||
bend | 구부리다, bend | bend ****(굽히다) | bendable, bender, bent | |
bene (bene-, ben-) |
좋은, good, well |
benefactor ☆((1) (학교/자선단체 등의) 후원자), beneficial **(유익한), benefit ****(혜택, 이득), benevolent ☆(①(특히 권위 있는 위치의 사람들이) 자애로운) |
benedict, benediction, benefaction, benefic, benefice, beneficence, beneficially, beneficialness, beneficiary, benefiter, benevolence, benevolently, benevolentness, benign, benignant, benignity |
bet | bet | bet ****(돈을 걸다), betting **(내기 (도박)) | abet | |
better | better | better ****(더 좋은[나은]) | betterment | |
bi | 둘(2), two | balance ****((1) 균형[평형] (상태) (2) (몸의) 균형 (3) 잔고), bicycle ***(자전거), bike ****(자전거), bilingual ☆( 두 개 언어를 할 줄 아는, 이중 언어 사용자의), billion ****((약어:bn) 10억), biscuit ***(비스킷), combination ****(조합[결합](물)), combine ****((하나의 단일체를 만들도록) 결합하다[되다]) |
balanceable, balanced, bi, biathlon, bicameral, bicentenary, bicycler, bicyclist, biennial, biennially, bifocal, bigamy, bilateral, bilaterally, bilateralness, bilingualism, bilingually, billionaire, billionth, binary, bine, binoculars, biscotti, bisexual, combinability, combinable, combinational, combinative, combiner, derivatively, derivativeness, imbalance, motorbike |
bi | around | because ****(…때문에) | beware | |
bias | 편견, bias | bias ***(편견) | biassed | |
bib (bib-) |
마시다, 음료, drink |
beer ****((1) 맥주 (2) 맥주 한 잔[병/캔]), beverage ☆((물 외의) 음료) |
beery, bever, bib, bibber, bibulous, bibulously, bibulousness, imbibe, imbiber, winebibber |
biblio (bibli-, bibl-) |
책, 종이, book | Bible, biblical, biblio, biblioclasm, biblioclast, bibliographic, bibliography, biblioklept, bibliolatry, bibliology, bibliomancy, bibliomania, bibliophile, bibliophilia, bibliophobe, bibliophobia, bibliotaph, bibliotherapy |
bid | 명령, bid, command |
bid **(가격 제시), forbid **(금(지)하다) | ||
big | 큰, big | big ****(큰) | biggish, bigness | |
bind | 묶다, 감다, bind |
bind ***(묶다), bound **(꼭 …할 것 같은), bundle ☆(꾸러미) |
bio | 생명, life | autobiography ☆(자서전), biography **(전기), biological ***(생물학의), biology ***((1) 생물학 (2) 생명 작용[활동]) |
abio, abiogenesis, abiotic, aerobic, aerobiology, amphibious, anhydrobiosis, anoxybiosis, antibiosis, antibiotic, antibiotics, astrobiology, autobiographer, bio, biocentric, biocentrism, biochemical, biochemist, biochron, biochronology, biocoenosis, biodegrade, biodiversity, biogenesis, biograph, biographic, biologic, biologically, biologism, biologist, bioluminescent, biome, biomedical, biometric, biomolecule, biomorph, biomorphism, bionics, biophilia, biophysicist, biophysics, biopoiesis, biopolymer, biopsy, biorhythm, bioscientist, biosemiotic, biosphere, biostasis, biosynthesis, biota, biotic, biotin, biotope, biotype, biozone, chemobiosis, cryobiosis, cryptobiosis, ectosymbiosis, endosymbiont, endosymbiosis, enterobiasis, exobiology, macrobiotic, microbe, microbial, microbiologist, microbiology, microbiome, osmobiosis, probiotic |
bishop | 주교, 관찰자, overseer |
bishop **(주교) | archbishop, archbishopric |
bite (bite, bitter) |
물다, bite | bit ****(조금), bite ***((이빨로) 물다[베어 물다]), bitter ***(격렬한) |
biting, bitterness | |
blank | 흰색의, blank | blank ***(빈), blanket **(담요) | blankly, blankness | |
blaspheme | 사탄의 말, blaspheme |
blame ****(…을 탓하다) | blamable, blamably, blameable, blameably, blameful, blaspheme, blasphemer, blasphemy |
bleak | 암울한, bleak | bleak, bleakly, bleakness |
block | 사각 덩어리, block |
block ****(사각형 덩어리) | blockade, blockage, blocker, blockish, blocky |
blog | 블로그, blog | blog **(블로그) | blogger, blogging | |
blond | blond | blond **(금발인), blonde **(금발인) | ||
blood | 피, blood | bleed ☆(피를 흘리다, 출혈하다, 피가 나다), blood ****(피) |
bloody, nosebleed | |
bloom | bloom | bloom ☆(꽃) | abloom, bloomless, bloomy |
blossom | blossom | blossom ☆(꽃) | blossoming, blossomless, blossomy |
blow | 불다, blow | blow ***(불다) | overblown | |
blue | blue, 파란 | blue ****(파란, 푸른) | bleu, bluely, blueness | |
board (board, border) |
판자, 경계, board |
board ****(판자), border ***(국경[경계] (지역)) |
aboard, blackboard, boardable, boardgame, boardlike, bodyboard, bordered |
boast | 과시, 뽐내다, boast |
boast **(뽐내다) | boasted, boaster, boastful, boasting, boastingly, boastless |
body | 몸[신체], body | anybody ****(누구든지 , 아무라도, 아무나), bodily ☆(신체의), body ****(몸, 신체), embody **((1) (사상/특질을) 상징[구현]하다 (2) 포함하다), everybody ****(누구든지(모두)), nobody ****(아무도 …않다), somebody ****(어떤 사람) |
bodyboard, bodybuilder, bodyguard, embodier, embodiment |
bol (bal-, bel-, bol-) |
던지다, throw | devil **((기독교/유대교/이슬람교에서) 악마), emblem ☆((국가/단체를 나타내는) 상징), problem ****((다루거나 이해하기 힘든) 문제), symbol ****((1) 상징(물) (2) (과학/수학/음악 등에서 쓰이는) 부호[기호]), symbolic ***(상징적인) |
ametabolic, ametabolism, amphibole, amphibolic, amphibolite, amphibolous, amphiboly, anabolic, anabolism, astrobleme, ballism, ballista, ballistic, ballistospore, belomancy, belonephobia, bole, bolide, bolometer, bolometric, bolometrically, bolometry, catabolic, catabolically, catabolism, devilish, diabolic, diabolo, emblematic, embolic, embolism, embolismic, embolize, embolon, embolus, emboly, hemiballismus, holometabolism, hyperbola, hyperbole, hyperbolic, hyperboloid, katabolic, katabolically, metabolic, metabolism, metabolite, metabolize, palaver, parable, parabola, parabolic, paraboloid, parle, parley, parol, parolable, parole, parolee, problematic, problematically, symbolically, symbolicalness, symbolisation, symbolise, symbolism, symbolist, symbolization, symbolize, symbolizer, symbology, taurobolium, thromboembolism |
bomb | 쿵 소리, bomb | bomb ****(폭탄) | bombing | |
bone | 뼈, bone | bone ****(①뼈로 만든 것) | boneless, bony | |
book | 첵, book | book ****(책), handbook ☆(편람), textbook **(교과서) |
boom | 막대기, 빛줄기, boom |
boom ***(붐) | boom | |
boost | 북돋우다, boost | boost ***(신장시키다) | booster | |
boot | boot | boot ****(목이 긴 신발) | ||
bore | bore | bore **(지루하게[따분하게] 만들다), bored ***(지루해[따분해]하는), boring ***(재미없는) |
boredom, boringly | |
borrow | borrow | borrow ***(빌리다) | borrower | |
boss | 보스, boss | beef ***(소[쇠]고기), boss ****((직장의) 상관, 상사) |
bossy | |
bottom | 바닥, bottom | bottom ****(맨 아래 (부분)) | ||
bounce | 튀다, bounce | bounce **(튀다, (빛소리가) 산란하다, 튀기다) | bounceable, bouncy | |
bound | 경계, 한계; bound |
boundary ***(경계[한계](선)) | bound | |
bow | 절하다, bow | bout ☆(한바탕), rainbow ☆(무지개) | bow, bowed |
box | box | box ****(상자에 넣다), boxer ☆(권투 선수) | ||
brace | 팔, arm | embrace ***(포옹) | brace, embraceable, embracement, embracer |
brain | 뇌, brain | brain ****(뇌) | brainstorming, brainy | |
branch | branch | branch ***(나뭇가지) | branchless, branchlike, branchy |
brand | 상표, brand | brand ****(상표) | brander | |
break | 부수다, break | breach **(위반), break ****(깨어지다), breakdown ☆(고장), breakfast ****(아침(밥)을 먹다) |
breaker, breaking, breakless, breakthrough, broken, groundbreaking, heartbreaking, heartbreakingly |
breast | 가슴, breast | breast ***((여자의) 유방, 젖, 가슴) | abreast, breastfeed | |
breath | 호흡, breath | breath ****(입김[숨]), breathe ****(호흡하다, 숨을 쉬다) |
breathy | |
brev (brev-) |
작은, short | abbreviate ☆((단어/구 등을) 줄여 쓰다[축약하다]), abbreviation ☆((~의) 축약형), abridge ☆((책/희곡 등을) 요약[축약]하다), brief ****((시간이) 짧은, 잠시 동안의), briefly **(잠시) |
abbreviated, abbreviator, abridgable, abridgeable, abridgement, abridger, abridgment, brebity, brev, brevextensor, brevicaudate, brevity, briefness |
bride | 새댁, bride | bride ***(신부) | bridal | |
bright | 밝은, bright | bright ****(밝은), brighten ☆( 밝아지다), brightly **(밝게, 빛나게) |
brightness | |
brilli | 녹주석, 빛나는, brilliant |
brilliant ***(훌륭한) | brilli, brilliance, brilliancy, brilliantly |
broad | 넓다, wide | abroad ***((1) 해외에(서)), broad ****((1) (폭이) 넓은 (2) 넓이[폭]가 …인 (3) 폭넓은 (4) 일반[전반/개괄]적인 (5) 광대한 (6) 악센트[방언]가 강한 (7) 암시가 아주 분명한 (8) 외설적인), broadcast ***(방송하다), broadly **(대략(적으로)) |
breadth, broadband, broadcaster, broadcasting, broaden, broadness |
brood (brood, beed) |
새끼, 태아, brood |
breed **(새끼를 낳다), breeding ☆(사육), brood ☆(새끼들) |
brooding, broodingly, inbreed, inbreeding |
brother | 형[오빠], (남자)동생, brother |
brother ****(형) | brotherless, brotherlike |
brow | 이마, 눈썹, eyebrow |
brow ☆(이마) | eyebrow | |
browse | 둘러보다, browse |
browse, browser | ||
brusque | brusque | brusque, brusquely, brusqueness, brusquerie |
brute | 잔혹한, brutal, stupid |
brutal **((1) 잔혹한), brutally ☆(야만스럽게) |
brutality, brute, brutify, brutish, embrute |
bua (bua, boo, bou) |
거주하다, dwell | booth ☆(작은 공간), husband ****(남편) | bound, husbander, husbandhood, husbandless, husbandly |
bubble | 거품, bubble | bubble ***(거품) | bubbly | |
buck | 사슴, 염소, buck |
buck ***(달러) | bucker, butcher | |
bucket | 양동이, bucket | bucket **(양동이) | bucketeer, bucketer | |
build | 건설, 거주, build |
build ****(짓다), builder ☆(건축업자, 건축 회사), building ****(건물), rebuild ***(다시 세우다[재건하다]) |
bodybuilder, buildable | |
bulk | 덩어리, bulk | bulk ***(대부분) | ||
bull | 거품, bubble, flask |
boil ***((물이나 액체가[를]) 끓다[끓이다]), bowl ****((볼링 경기에서) 공을 굴리다), bullet ***(총알) |
boiled, bullectomy, bulletless, bulletlike, bullet-like, bulliferous, ebullient, ebullism |
bull | 황소, bull | bull **(황소) | bulldog | |
burn | 타오르다, burn | burn ****((불이) 타오르다), burning **(불타는), burnt **(덴[탄]) |
burningly, burnout | |
burs | pouch, purse, 주머니 |
purse **((특히 여성용의 작은) 지갑) | bursa, bursalogy, bursar, bursary, bursectomy, bursiform, disburse |
burst | 터지다, burst | burst ***(터지다) | burster |
bury | 묻다, bury | burial ☆(매장), bury ****(묻다[매장하다]) | ||
busy | 바쁜, busy | business ****(사업), businessman ***(회사원), busy ****(바쁜) |
busily | |
butt | 술통, butt | bottle ****(병) | butt | |
butter | 버터, butter | butter ****(버터) | butterless, buttery | |
button | 버튼, button | button ****((옷의) 단추) | buttonophobia, buttons | |
buy | 사다, buy | buy ****(사다[사 주다], 구입하다), buyer ***(구매자) |
buyable |
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