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[BBC Learning English 강좌] Which country has the best schools? - 6 Minute English 영어단어공부

How do you compare education systems? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.

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advanced adj. ★★★★[1920]   ← from [씨앗말] advance(이전부터)
[영한] ① 선진의 ② (학습 과정이) 고급[상급]의 ③ (발달 단계상) 후기의
[구성단어] advance + ed
[어근]advanc(advant); 분리, off, 떨어져서 ⑵ ed; 과거분사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 abante이전부터
[본문] [36]This is an economy based on service industries that require workers to be highly educated, such as IT, finance or advanced engineering.

apart adv. ★★★★[1536]   ← from [씨앗말] apart 《 part(나누다)
[영한] ① (거리/공간/시간상으로) 떨어져 ② 따로, 헤어져 ③ 조각조각, 산산이 ④ …은 제쳐놓고
<형용사> ① 떨어져 ② 의견이 분열된 ③ 별개의, 독특한
[어근]a(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ part; 나누다
[어원] 《라틴어 partiri나누다, 갈라 놓다, 나누어 주다, 나뉘다
[파생] apartness, apart
[본문] [47]Segregate means to separate and keep apart.

attempt verb ★★★★[1373]   ← from [씨앗말] attempt 《 tempt(노력하다)
[영한] (특히 힘든 일을) 시도하다, 애써 해보다
[굴절형] attempted, attempted, attempting, attempts
[유의어] seek(하려고 시도하다), bid
<명사> ① (특히 힘든 일에 대한) 시도 ② 살해기도 ③ (스포츠에서 더 좋은 기록을 내기 위한) 시도[도전]
[어근]at(ad); to ⑵ tempt; 노력, 시도, try
[어원] 《라틴어 attemptare[ad("to, toward")+temptare("to try")] to try, make trial of; tamper with, seek to influence; attack, assail
[파생] attemptable, attempter, attempt
[본문] [12]The tests attempt to show which countries are the most effective at teaching maths, science and reading.

background noun ★★★★[1362]   ← from [씨앗말] ground(바닥)
[영한] ① (개인의) 배경 ② (일의) 배경, 배후 사정 ③ (사진 등의) 배경 ④ (사람들 눈에 띄지 않는) 뒤(쪽), 배경 ⑤ 배경[바탕] (색)
[굴절형] 복수형; backgrounds
<동사> ① …의 배경을 이루다. ② (비공식 기자 회견에서) …의 배경을 설명하다. <형용사> 배경의, 배경이 되는
[구성단어] back + ground
[어근]back; 뒤, back ⑵ ground; 바닥, ground
[어원] 《고대 영어 grund바닥, 바탕, 지구의 겉면, 깊른 구령, 지옥
[본문] [41]Countries which make sure that all their pupils get through a certain level of education to a certain standard, regardless of their background, do well.

이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.

compete verb ★★★★[1663]   ← from [씨앗말] compete 《 pete(애쓰다)
[영한] ① 경쟁하다 ② (시합/경기 등에서) (~와) 겨루다, (시합 등에) 참가하다
[굴절형] competed, competed, competing, competes
[어근]com; 함께, together ⑵ pete; seek, 찾다
[어원] 《라틴어 competere[com+petere] strive in common, strive after something in company with or together
[파생] compete, competer, competing, competition, competitive, competitively, competitiveness
[본문] [34]Singapore, Estonia and Taiwan are described as economic rivals to large European nations - that means that they are competing with them, economically.

competitor noun ★★★[3068]   ← from [씨앗말] compete 《 pete(애쓰다)
[영한] ① (특히 사업에서) 경쟁자[경쟁 상대] ② (시합) 참가자
[굴절형] 복수형; competitors
[어근]com; together ⑵ petit(pete); seek ⑶ or; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 competere[com+petere] strive in common, strive after something in company with or together
[최초 의미] one who competes in rivalry (with another), a rival
[파생] competitorship, competitor
[본문] [55]Rivals are competitors.

contentious adj. △[10000+]   ← from [씨앗말] contend 《 tend(늘이다[길게 하다])
[영한] ① 논쟁을 초래할 (듯한) ② 논쟁을 좋아하는, 논쟁이 많이 벌어지는
[반의어] uncontentious
[어근]con(com); 함께, with ⑵ tenti(tend); 뻗치다, 잡아당기다, stretch ⑶ ous; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 contentiosus[from contentionem] obstinate, quarrelsome
[최초 의미] characterized by contention;
[파생] contend, contender, contendingly, contention, contentious
[본문] [15]When they were introduced first of all, that was a very contentious idea, because people said 'how can you possibly compare big countries… how can you compare America to Luxembourg or to, you know, or to parts of China, or whatever?'

controversial adj. ★★★[2251]   ← from [씨앗말] controvert 《 vert(회전하다)
[영한] ① 논란이 많은 ② 논쟁의, 논의의 여지가 있는, 쟁점(爭點)이 되는, 물의를 일으키는
[반의어] non-controversial(논란이 많다), uncontroversial(논란이 많다)
[어근]contro(contra); 뒤, against ⑵ vers(verse); 돌다, turn ⑶ ial(al); 명/형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 controversus[contra+versus] turned in an opposite direction, disputed, turned against
[최초 의미] subject to controversy;
[파생] controversial, controversialism, controversialist, controversially, controvert, controversy
[본문] [17]If something is contentious, then it is something that people might argue about - it's controversial.

correspondent noun ★★★[2547]   ← from [씨앗말] correspond 《 spond(맹세)
[영한] ① (특정 지역이나 주제 담당) 기자[통신원], 특파원 ② 편지를 쓰는 사람
<형용사> 대응하는, 일치하는
[어근]cor(com); together ⑵ re; back ⑶ spond; pledge ⑷ ent(ant); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 spondereto pledge, to bind oneself, promise solemnly; to engage oneself by ritual act
[파생] correspondence, correspondent, correspondently, correspondingly, correspond
[본문] [14]Well, here is former BBC education correspondent Sean Coughlan talking to BBC World Service programme 'The Global Story'.

economically adv. ★★[3768]   ← from [씨앗말] economy 《 eco(집)
[영한] ① 경제의 측면에서, 경제적으로 ② 경제적으로, 효율적으로 ③ 알뜰하게, 간결하게
[어근]eco; 집 ⑵ nom; managing ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 oikos집, 거주지, 주택
[파생] economical, economically, economy
[본문] [34]Singapore, Estonia and Taiwan are described as economic rivals to large European nations - that means that they are competing with them, economically.

educate verb ★★★[2660]   ← from [씨앗말] educate 《 Duc(이끌다)
[영한] ① 교육하다 ② 가르치다
[굴절형] educated, educated, educating, educates
[어근]e(ex); out, 접두어 ⑵ duc; lead ⑶ ate; …의 특질을 가진; 주다
[어원] 《라틴어 dux[from ducere("to lead")] (genitive ducis) leader, commander; governor of a province
[최초 의미] bring up (children), to train
[파생] educate, education, educational
[본문] [44]Sean said the most successful systems educate everyone to a particular standard, regardless of their background.

engineering noun ★★★★[2001]   ← from [씨앗말] engine(타고난 자질) 《 gener(출산)
[영한] ① 공학 기술 ② 공학 ③ 교묘한 공작[처리/조종], 술책
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] engineer + ing
[어근]en; in ⑵ gin(gener); give birth, 생기다 ⑶ eer; 명사 어미 ⑷ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 ingenium타고난 자질, 능력, 타고난 성격
[본문] [36]This is an economy based on service industries that require workers to be highly educated, such as IT, finance or advanced engineering.

finance noun ★★★★[1945]   ← from [씨앗말] finance(나누어진 것) 《 fin(경계)
[영한] ① (사업/프로젝트 등의) 재원[자금] ② (특히 정부나 기업의) 재정[재무] ③ (개인/단체/국가의) 자금[재정]
[굴절형] 복수형; finances
<동사> 자금[재원]을 대다
[어근]fin; 끝내다 ⑵ ance; 일시, 조화
[어원] 《라틴어 finis나누어진 것, 경계, 한계, 끝; 합의금 지급, 벌금, 세금
[파생] finance, financial, financially
[본문] [36]This is an economy based on service industries that require workers to be highly educated, such as IT, finance or advanced engineering.

highly adv. ★★★★[1288]   ← from [씨앗말] high(매우 높은)
[영한] ① 크게, 대단히, 매우 ② (수준/양 등이) 높이[많이], 고도로 ③ 높이 평가하여, 크게 칭찬하여
[어근]high; 높은, high ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 heah굉장한 높이의, 큰, 눈에 띄게 높은, 아주 높은, 고위층의, 일류의
[파생] height, high, highly, highness
[본문] [28]Talking to BBC World Service programme 'The Global Story', Sean Coughlan tells us that many large countries from Western Europe don't score that highly in the rankings.

historically adv. ★★[3948]   ← from [씨앗말] history(finding out)
[영한] 역사상
[어근]histor; wise man, judge ⑵ ical(ic); ~의 (형용사 어미) ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 historia⑴[from Greek historia] finding out, narrative, history; narrative of past events; narrative account, report; ⑵(Anglo-Latin) floor of a building; picture
[파생] historic, historical, historically, history, historian
[본문] [29]They're being outpaced and outperformed by these fast, upcoming countries - you know, Singapore, or Estonia, or Taiwan, or those sort of places which we don't historically think of as being economic rivals, but I suppose the argument for Pisa tests is, if you want to have a knowledge economy, an economy based on skills, this is how you measure it.

maths noun △[8628]   ← from [씨앗말] mathematic 《 mathem(과학)
[영한] 수학
[Full] mathematics
[어근] maths(mathem); 배우다, 지식, learn
[어원] 《라틴어 mathematica
[본문] [12]The tests attempt to show which countries are the most effective at teaching maths, science and reading.

OECD abbr. △[10000+]
[영한] ① 오이시디 ② 경제 협력 개발 기구
[Full] Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developm
[본문] [11]The rankings are based on tests carried out by the OECD, that's an international organisation, every three years.

outpace verb[10000+]   ← from [씨앗말] outpace 《 pace(발걸음)
[영한] 앞지르다, 앞서다
[굴절형] outpaced outpaced outpacing outpaces
[유의어] outstrip
[구성단어] out + pace
[어근]out; 밖, 이상의, out ⑵ pace(pass); 걸음(산보), pass
[어원] 《라틴어 passus발걸음, 보폭[속도]
[본문] [29]They're being outpaced and outperformed by these fast, upcoming countries - you know, Singapore, or Estonia, or Taiwan, or those sort of places which we don't historically think of as being economic rivals, but I suppose the argument for Pisa tests is, if you want to have a knowledge economy, an economy based on skills, this is how you measure it.

outperform verb △[10000+]   ← from [씨앗말] perform 《 furnish
[영한] 더 나은 결과를 내다, 능가하다
[굴절형] outperformed, outperformed, outperforming, outperforms
[구성단어] out + perform
[어근]out; 보다 더 크다 ⑵ per; through, to completion ⑶ form(furn); 공급, provide
[본문] [33]We also heard that smaller nations are 'outperforming' larger ones - they are performing better.

pace noun ★★★★[1919]   ← from [씨앗말] pace(발걸음)
[영한] ① (걸음달리기움직임의) 속도 ② (일의) 속도 ③ 걸음, 보폭 ④ (빠른) 변화의 속도, 속도감
[굴절형] 복수형; paces
[유의어] step, tempo, stride
<동사> ① (특히 초조해서, 또는 화가 나서) 서성거리다 ② (일의) 속도[리듬]를 유지하다 ③ 자기에게 맞는 속도[리듬]를 찾다 <전치사> …께는 죄송하지만
[어근] pace(pass); 걸음(산보), pass
[어원] 《라틴어 passus발걸음, 보폭[속도]
[최초 의미] a step in walking
[파생] pace, apace
[본문] [31]If someone outpaces you, they are going faster than you - at a higher pace.

pattern noun ★★★★[1100]   ← from [씨앗말] pattern 《 patr(아버지)
[영한] ① (정형화된) 양식, 패턴 ② 모범, 귀감 ③ 무늬 ④ (옷 따위를 만드는 데 쓰는) 본 ⑤ (옷감/벽지 등의 디자인을 보여주는) 견본 유의어 sample
[굴절형] 복수형; patterns
[유의어] sample, design
<동사> ① 무늬를 만들다[이루다] ② (특정한 행동) 양식[패턴]을 형성시키다
[어근]patt(patr); 아버지, father ⑵ ern; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 patronus수호 성인, 직책의 수여자, 영주, 주인, 모델, 패턴, 수비 선수, (해당된 노예의) 과거 주인, 옹호자[변호인]
[최초 의미] outline, plan, model, an original proposed for imitation
[본문] [27]A common pattern in the Pisa rankings is that the most successful countries tend to be smaller.

personally adv. ★★★★[1781]   ← from [씨앗말] person(사람)
[영한] ① 개인적인 의견을 말하면, 나[자기]로서는 ② (다른 사람을 통하거나 하지 않고) 직접, 개인적으로 ③ (집단으로가 아닌) 개별[개인]적으로 ④ 인신공격적으로, (개인적인) 모욕감을 주도록 ⑤ (직업/공적 지위와 관련된 것이 아닌) 사적으로
[유의어] individually
[구성단어] personal + ly
[어근]person; 사람, person ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 persona사람, 인간, 인격; 배역[캐릭터]; 가면, 거짓 얼굴
[파생] person, personal, personality, personally
[본문] [9]I think that it's quite good, there's probably a couple of things that I personally would change about it, but I would say it's quite good, but maybe not the best in the world.

PISA abbr.[10000+]
[영한] 국제학업성취도평가
[본문] [10]Well, in this programme, we're going to be talking about the PISA rankings.

possibly adv. ★★★★[1305]   ← from [씨앗말] possible 《 pot-(강력한)
[영한] ① 아마 ② 〈놀라움·짜증스러움 등을 강조함〉 ③ 〈정중한 부탁을 할 때 씀〉 ④ (최대한) 가능한 대로 ⑤ 도저히
[유의어] perhaps, potentially(어쩌면)
[구성단어] possible + ly
[어근]poss(pot); 강력, able ⑵ ibl(able); 형용사 어미 ⑶ y(ly); 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 potere강력하다
[파생] possibility, possible, possibly
[본문] [15]When they were introduced first of all, that was a very contentious idea, because people said 'how can you possibly compare big countries… how can you compare America to Luxembourg or to, you know, or to parts of China, or whatever?'

prefix noun ☆[4752]   ← from [씨앗말] prefix 《 fix(고정시키다)
[영한] ① (문법) 접두사 ② (다른 것) 앞에 오는[붙는] 것 ③ (구식) (Dr나 Mrs 같이 이름 앞에 붙는) 경칭[직함]
<동사> (단어글자숫자 등을 단어나 숫자) 앞에 붙이다
[어근]pre; 앞(先), before ⑵ fix; 부착, attach
[어원] 《라틴어 fixus'고정시키다[박다], 매다[채우다], 찔러 넣다; 뚷어[박아] 넣다, 얼어붙게 하다'의 뜻을 갖는 figere의 분사/형용사
[최초 의미] word or syllable or two syllables (rarely more) affixed to the beginning of a word to qualify its meaning or direct its application
[본문] [32]We use the prefix 'out-' to say that someone or something is better at doing something.

principal noun ★★[4355]   ← from [씨앗말] principal 《 prince
[영한] ① 학장, 총장 ② (美) 상호참조 head teacher ③ (금융) (꾸어 주거나 투자한) 원금 ④ (연극오페라 등의) 주연 배우 ⑤ (특히 상업법률에서 대리인에 대한) 본인
[어근]princip(prince); 통치자, 군주, prince ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
[최초 의미] chief man, leading representative,
[파생] principally, principalship, principal
[본문] [40]We also hear from Rando Kuustik, an Estonian school principal.

prioritise verb △[9148]   ← from [씨앗말] prior
[영한] ① 우선순위를 매기다 ② 우선적으로 처리하다
[굴절형] prioritised prioritised prioritising prioritises
[어근]prior; 예전의, former ⑵ it(ity); 명사 어미 ⑶ ise; 동사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ prioritize
[어원] 《라틴어 priorcomparative of pri [ related to prae] former
[파생] prioritisation, prioritise, prioritization, prioritize, priority, priorship, prior
[본문] [39]Sean Coughlan tells us that those countries that prioritise getting everyone to a certain level do well.

pupil noun ★★★[3598]   ← from [씨앗말] pupil
[영한] ① (특히 구식이 되어감) (특히 어린) 학생 ② (미술/음악 등의 전문가에게서 배우는) 문하생[제자] ③ 눈동자, 동공
[굴절형] 복수형; pupils
[어근] pupil(pup); 아이들, doll, girl
[어원] 《라틴어 pupillus[diminutive of pupus] 〈fem, pupilla〉 orphan child, ward, minor
[최초 의미] ① orphan child, ward, person under the care of a guardian ② center of the eye, orifice of the iris
[파생] pupilary, pupillary, pupilless, pupil
[본문] [41]Countries which make sure that all their pupils get through a certain level of education to a certain standard, regardless of their background, do well.

quiz noun ☆[4514]   ← from [씨앗말] quiz
[영한] ① 퀴즈 ② (학생들에게 하는 비공식적인간단한) 시험[테스트]
[굴절형] 복수형; quizzes
<동사> ① (많은) 질문을 하다, 심문하다 ② (학생들에게 비공식적으로간단히) 시험을 치다[테스트를 하다]
[어근] quiz; quiz
[어원] 《라틴어 qui eswho are you?
[파생] quizzable, quizzer, quiz
[본문] [60]Remember to visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com, where you'll find a worksheet and quiz related to this programme, and we'll see you again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English.

ranking noun △[10000+]   ← from [씨앗말] rank 《 rang(열[줄])
[영한] ① (특히 스포츠에서) 순위[랭킹] ② (선수들의) 순위[서열]표
[굴절형] 복수형; rankings
<형용사> ① (서열계급 등이) (최)고위[고급]의 ② …의 등급[순위서열 등]의
[구성단어] rank + ing
[어근]rank(rang); 열(列), rank ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 rangrank
[본문] [11]The rankings are based on tests carried out by the OECD, that's an international organisation, every three years.

reading noun ★★★★[1448]   ← from [씨앗말] read(조언하다)
[영한] ① 독서 ② 읽기 ③ 읽을거리, 읽기 자료, 독서물 ④ (책/상황 등에 대한) 이해[해석] ⑤ (계기에 나타난) 지시 눈금값[측정값] ⑥ 낭독[송]회, 낭독 작품[부분] ⑦ (예배 등에서 신자들에게 읽어 주는) 성서 낭독 부분 ⑧ (의회의 법안 심의) 독회
[굴절형] 복수형; readings
[유의어] interpretation
<형용사> ① 독서하는, 책을 좋아하는 ② 독서의, 읽기 위한, 독서용의
[구성단어] read + ing
[어근]read; 읽다, read ⑵ ing; 현재분사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 rædan조언하다, 상담하다, 정리하다
[파생] read, reader, reading
[본문] [20]So, in 2022, Singapore was top of the reading rankings.

regardless adv. ★★★[2891]   ← from [씨앗말] regard(Old French take notice of) 《 guard(지킴이)
[영한] 개의치[상관하지] 않고
<형용사> ① 부주의한, 관심없는, 개의치 않는 ② 고려되지 않는
[구성단어] regard + less
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로 ⑵ gard(guard); 보호, guard ⑶ less; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 regarder[re⑵+garder] Old French take notice of
[파생] regardlessly, regardlessness, regardless
[본문] [41]Countries which make sure that all their pupils get through a certain level of education to a certain standard, regardless of their background, do well.

rival noun ★★★[3126]   ← from [씨앗말] rival(경쟁자)
[영한] 경쟁자, 경쟁 상대
[굴절형] 복수형; rivals
<동사> (…에) 필적하다[비할 만하다] <형용사> 경쟁하는, 대항하는.
[어근]riv; 경쟁자, rival ⑵ al; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 rivalis경쟁자
[파생] rivalless, rivalry, rivalship, rival
[본문] [29]They're being outpaced and outperformed by these fast, upcoming countries - you know, Singapore, or Estonia, or Taiwan, or those sort of places which we don't historically think of as being economic rivals, but I suppose the argument for Pisa tests is, if you want to have a knowledge economy, an economy based on skills, this is how you measure it.

segregate verb △[10000+]   ← from [씨앗말] segregate 《 greg
[영한] ① (사람들을 인종/종교/성별에 따라) 분리[차별]하다 ② 구분[분리]하다, 떼어놓다
[굴절형] segregates, segregated, segregated, segregating
[어근]se; 분리, apart ⑵ greg; 모으다, flock, herd ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 grex떼, 무리
[최초 의미] separate (someone or something) from a generally body or class of things,
[본문] [42]If you are teaching them by different level or abilities, then you are segregating them and we don't want to segregate any people in the world, why we are doing that in the schools?

separate verb ★★★★[1299]   ← from [씨앗말] separate(to pull apart) 《 pare(준비시키다)
[영한] ① 분리되다, 나뉘다, 분리하다, 나누다 ② 갈라지다, 헤어지다, (따로) 떨어지다, 갈라지게[헤어지게] 하다, (따로) 떼어놓다 ③ (둘 사이를) 가르다 ④ (부부동거인들이) 갈라서다[헤어지다], 별거하다 ⑤ 구분짓다, 차이를 두다
[굴절형] separated, separated, separating, separates
[유의어] divide
<명사> ① (학술 잡지 등의) 발췌 인쇄물, 분책(分冊)(offprint), 단행(單行) 논문. ② 위아래 따로 떨어진 여성복. <형용사> ① 분리된, 따로 떨어진, 독립된 ② 서로 다른, 별개의, 관련 없는
[어근]se; 분리, apart ⑵ par(pare); 준비, order ⑶ ate; 동사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 separatus[past participle of separare《se+parare》] disjoined, pulled apart
[파생] separately, separateness, separation, separationist, separative, separate
[본문] [58]And finally, if people are segregated, different groups of people are separated and kept apart.

suppose verb ★★★★[1183]   ← from [씨앗말] suppose(sub+ponere) 《 pose(두다)
[영한] ① (이미 알고 있는 지식에 의거하여 …일 것이라고) 생각하다, 추정[추측]하다 ② (무엇이 사실이라고) 가정[상정]하다, 가령[만약] …이라고 하다 ③ …인 것 같다[듯하다]
[굴절형] supposed, supposed, supposing, supposes
[유의어] imagine
[어근]sup(sub); 아래 ⑵ pose; 두다, 놓다
[어원] 《라틴어 supponeresub+ponere; put or place under; to subordinate, make subject
[최초 의미] to assume as the basis of argument
[파생] supposable, supposal, supposer, supposition, suppose
[본문] [29]They're being outpaced and outperformed by these fast, upcoming countries - you know, Singapore, or Estonia, or Taiwan, or those sort of places which we don't historically think of as being economic rivals, but I suppose the argument for Pisa tests is, if you want to have a knowledge economy, an economy based on skills, this is how you measure it.

upcoming adj. △[10000+]   ← from [씨앗말] upcome 《 come(도착하려고 움직이다)
[영한] 다가오는, 곧 있을
[구성단어] up + coming
[어근]up; 위로 ⑵ com(come); come ⑶ ing; 현재분사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 ?pcuman
[본문] [29]They're being outpaced and outperformed by these fast, upcoming countries - you know, Singapore, or Estonia, or Taiwan, or those sort of places which we don't historically think of as being economic rivals, but I suppose the argument for Pisa tests is, if you want to have a knowledge economy, an economy based on skills, this is how you measure it.

website noun ★★★[2285]   ← from [씨앗말] website(woven fabric) 《 site(장소)
[영한] 웹사이트(기업/단체/개인이 정보를 올릴 수 있는 홈페이지)
[굴절형] 복수형; websites
[구성단어] web + site
[어근]web; 거미줄, web ⑵ site; 위치, 직위, place, position
[어원] 《고대 영어 webbwoven fabric, woven work, tapestry
[본문] [60]Remember to visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com, where you'll find a worksheet and quiz related to this programme, and we'll see you again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English.

western adj. ★★★★[1013]   ← from [씨앗말] west(in )
[영한] ① (약어:W) Western [명사 앞에만 씀] 서쪽에 위치한, 서부의, 서향의 ② 서양의
<명사> ① 웨스턴 ② 웨스턴, 서부 영화, 서부극
[어근]west; west ⑵ ern; …쪽의
[어원] 《고대 영어 westin or toward the west, in a westerly direction
[최초 의미] toward or of the west
[파생] western, westerner
[본문] [28]Talking to BBC World Service programme 'The Global Story', Sean Coughlan tells us that many large countries from western Europe don't score that highly in the rankings.

worksheet noun[10000+]   ← from [씨앗말] worksheet 《 sheet(옷 길이)
[영한] ① (학습용) 연습 문제지[평가지] ② 작업 계획표[진행표]
[구성단어] work + sheet
[어근]work; 일하다, work ⑵ sheet; sheet
[어원] 《고대 영어 sciete옷 길이, 덮기, 내프킨, 수건, 감추는 것
[본문] [60]Remember to visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com, where you'll find a worksheet and quiz related to this programme, and we'll see you again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English.

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