영어어원 영어어근 온라인사전 - H (ENGLISH WORD ROOT) [81개]
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hab (hab-, -hib-, habit-, -hibit-) |
갖다, 거처하다, hold |
able ****(…할 수 있는), exhibit ***(전시하다), exhibition ****(전시회), habit ****(버릇), habitat **(서식지), habitual ☆(특유의), inhabit ☆(살다[거주/서식하다]), inhabitant **(주민[서식 동물]), prohibit **(금하다[금지하다]) |
adhibit, controllable, debitor, devoir, disinhibit, disinhibition, exhibitor, forgivable, hab, habbit, habeascorpus, habendum, habenula, habile, habilitate, hability, habitable, habitance, habitant, habitation, habitator, habitually, habitualness, habituate, habituation, habitude, habitudinal, inhabile, inhabitation, inhibit, inhibition, inhibitory, nonhabitual, prebend, prebendary, presumable, prohibition, prohibitive, prohibitory, provender, rehabilitant, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, rehabilitative, rehabilitator |
hair | 머리털, hair | hair ****(머리(털), 털), hairdresser **(미용사) |
hairbrush, haired, hairiness, hairless, hairlike, hairy |
hal (hal-, hol-, whole) |
온전한, whole, entire |
holiday ****(휴가), holy ****(신성한[성스러운]), whole ****(전체[전부]의) |
hale, wholeness, wholly |
half | 절반, half | behalf **(이익), half ****(반, 절반) | halve | |
hall | hall | hall ****((건물 입구 안쪽의) 현관) | ||
halt | 멈추다, halt | halt **(멈춤) | ||
hammer | 망치, hammer | hammer **(망치[해머]로 치다) | hammerable, hammerer, hammerlike, hammer-like |
hand | 손, hand | beforehand ☆(사전에), hand ****(손), handbook ☆(편람), handful **(줌), handicraft ☆(수공예), handle ****((상황사람작업감정을) 다루다[다스리다/처리하다]), handsome **(멋진), handy ☆(유용한) |
handheld, handling | |
hang | 걸다, hang | hang ****(걸다) | ||
hap | 우연한, chance | happen ****((특히 계획하지 않은 일이) 있다[발생하다/벌어지다]), happening ☆((흔히 이상한) 일[사건]), happily ***(행복하게, 만족스럽게), happiness ***(행복), happy ****(행복한[기쁜]), mishap ☆(작은 사고[불행]), perhaps ****(아마, 어쩌면), unhappiness ☆(불행), unhappy ***(불행한) |
hap, haphazard | |
harass | 괴롭히다, harass |
harass ☆(괴롭히다[희롱하다]), harassment **(괴롭힘) |
harassable, harassed, harasser, harassing |
hard | 단단한, hard | hard ****(단단한, 굳은, 딱딱한), hardly ****(거의...아니다[없다]) |
harden, hardness, hardship, hardy |
harm | 해로운, 고통, harm |
harm ***(해), harmful ***(해로운[유해한]), harmless **(해가 없는, 무해한) |
harmer, harmfully, harmfulness, harmlessly |
harmon | 조화, harmony | harmony **(조화) | harmonic, harmonious, harmonisable, harmonise, harmonizable, harmonization, harmonize, harmonizer |
harsh | 가혹한, 털이 많은, harsh |
harsh ***(가혹한) | harshly, harshness | |
harvest | 수확, 추수, harvest |
harvest ***(수확[추수](기)) | harvestable, harvesting, harvestless |
hat | 모자, hat | hat ****(모자) | hatless, hatlike | |
hate | 증오, hate | hate ****((무엇을) 몹시 싫어하다[질색하다]) | hatred | |
haur (haur-, haust-) |
당기다, draw | exhaust **(기진맥진하게 만들다), exhaustion ☆(탈진), exhaustive ☆(철저한[완전한]) |
exhaustible, hauriant, haurient, haustellate, haustellum, haustorium, haustrum, inexhaustible, nonexhaustive |
have | 소유, own, possess |
behave ***(처신[행동]하다), behaviour ****(처신), have ****([진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음] 가지다, 있다, 소유하다), having **(소유) |
behavioural, misbehave | |
hay | 마른 풀, hay | hay ☆(건초) | haystack, haywire | |
he | he, it | he ****(그, 그 분[녀석/남자]), it ****(그것) | its | |
head | 머리, head | ahead ****(앞으로), forehead ☆(이마), head ****(머리), headache ***(두통, 머리가 아픔) |
headset | |
heal | heal, 치료 | heal ***(치유되다), health ****(건강), healthy ****(건강한), unhealthy ☆(건강하지 못한, 건강하지 않아 보이는, 병든 것 같은) |
healable, healer, healing, healingly, healthily, healthiness |
hear | 듣다, hear | hear ****((들려오는 소리를) 듣다, (귀에) 들리다), hearing ****(청력) |
hearable, hearer, unheard |
heart | 심장, heart | heart ****(심장, 가슴) | heartbreaking, heartbreakingly, hearten, hearty |
heat | 뜨겁다, heat | heat ****(열기), heater ☆(난방기), hot ****((날씨기온온도가) 더운[뜨거운]), hotly ☆(뜨겁게[맹렬히]) |
heated, heatwave | |
heaven | 하늘 나라, heaven |
heaven ****((일부 종교에서) 천국, 천당, 하늘나라) | heavenly | |
heavy | 무거운, heavy | heavily ****(심하게[아주 많이]), heavy ****(무거운) |
heaviness | |
hed | 기쁜, 달콤한, pleasant, sweet |
hedonic | ||
heel | 발뒤꿈치, heel | heel ***(발뒤꿈치) | ||
hell | 지옥, hell | hell ***(지옥) | hellish | |
helm | 투구 헬멧, helmet |
helmet **(투구) | helm | |
help | 도움, help | help ****(돕다, 거들다), helpful ***(도움이 되는) |
helpable, helper, helpfully, helpfulness, helping, helplessness, unhelpful |
hence | 이런 이유로, hence |
hence **(이런 이유로) | ||
hent | 행위, doer, being |
authentic **(진본[진품]인) | authenticate | |
her (drag) |
이곳, here | |||
herb | 플, grass | herbicide, herbivore | ||
here | 이곳, 여기, here |
here ****(여기에[에서/로], 이리) | ||
here | 부착하다, stick | hesitate ***(망설이다[주저하다]), inherent **(내재하는) |
adhere, adherence, adherend, adherent, adhesion, adhesive, cohere, coherence, coherent, cohesion, cohesive, decoherence, here-, hesitancy, hesitant, hesitation, hesitator, incoherent, inhere, inherency, inhesion, nonadherence, nonadherent, nonadhesive |
heri | 상속, heir | inherit **(상속받다) | heir, heiress, hereditary, heredity, heritage, inheritance, inherited, inheritor |
hero | 영웅, hero | hero ****(영웅), heroic ☆(영웅적인), heroine ☆(영웅적인 여자) |
antihero, heroism | |
hide | 감추다, hide | hidden ***(숨겨진), hide ****((남이 보거나 찾지 못하게) 감추다[숨기다]) |
hidable, hideless, hider |
hiero (hier-, hiero-) |
신성한, 성직의 | hierarchy **(계급[계층]) | hier, hierarch, hierarchical, hieratic, hierocracy, hierodeacon, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, hierogram, hierolatry, hierology, hieromonk, hierurgy |
high | 높은, high | height ****(높이), heighten ☆(고조되다[고조시키다]), high ****((사물의 바닥에서 꼭대기까지가) 높은), highlight ***(강조하다), highly ****(크게, 대단히, 매우), highway ***(고속도로) |
heightened, heightener, highland, highness |
hip | 엉덩이, hip | hip ***(허리께[골반 부위]) | hipless, hiplike, hiply |
hire | 빌리다, 대여, hire |
hire ****(빌리다[세내다]) | hirable, hireable, hirer |
histo (jist-, histo-) |
조직(tissue) | histamine, histology, immunohistochemical, immunohistochemistry |
histor | 역사, histrory | historian ***(사학자), historic ****(역사적으로 중요한), historical ****(역사적, 역사상의), historically **(역사상), history ****(역사), story ****(이야기) |
hitch | 이동, hitch, hike |
hike ☆(하이킹[도보 여행]을 가다), hiker ☆(도보 여행자), hiking ☆(하이킹) |
hitch | |
hive | 벌집, hive | hive ☆(벌집) | beehive, hiveless, hivelike |
hockey | 하키, hockey | hockey ***(①(필드) 하키) | hockeyist | |
hold | 잡다, hold | behold **(보다), hold ****((손팔 등으로) 잡고[쥐고/들고/안고/받치고] 있다[가다/다니다]), holder ☆(…소유자[소지자/보유자]), holding ☆(보유 주식 수), household ****(가정), uphold ☆(유지시키다[옹호하다]) |
handheld | |
hole | 구멍, hole | hole ****(구덩이) | holey | |
holla | 안녕, holla | hello ****(hello하고 부르는 소리[인사].) | holla | |
home | 집, home | home ****(집[가정]), homeless **(노숙자의) | homeland, homelike, homeliness, homely, homemade, homestead, hometown, homeward, homey |
homin | 인간, human | human ****(인간[사람]의), humanitarian ☆(인도주의적인), humanity ***(인류) |
adhominem, bonhomie, dehumanisation, dehumanise, dehumanization, dehumanize, homage, hombre, homicide, homin, hominid, homuncular, homunculus, humane, humanisation, humaniser, humanization, humanize, humanizer, humanlike, human-like, humanly, humanness, humanoid, inhuman, inhumane, inhumanity, Nemo, nonhuman, omber, ombre, prehuman, subhuman, superhuman, transhuman |
honor | 존경 | dishonest ***(정직하지 못한), honest ****(정직한), honestly ***(솔직히), honesty **(정직(성)), honor **(존경) |
dishonestly, dishonor, dishonorable, honorable, honorand, honorarium, Honorary, honoree, honorific |
hook | 갈고리, hook | hook **(갈고리[호크]로 잠그다[걸다]) | hookless, hooklike, hooky |
hoop | 테[고리], hoop | hoop, hooped, hoopless, hooplike |
hope | 희망, hope | hope ****(바라다), hopeful **(희망에 찬), hopefully ***(바라건대), hopeless ☆(가망 없는) |
hopefulness, hopelessness |
hor (hor-) |
경계, boundary | horizon **(수평선), horizontal **(수평(선)의) |
aorist, aphorism, aphorismus, aphorize, diorite, horizontally, horopter, horotelic |
horm | excite, hormone | hormone **(호르몬) | horme, hormephobia, hormesis, hormetic, hormic, hormonal, hormonelike, hormonic |
horo (horo-, hour-) |
시간, hour | hour ****(1시간), hourly ☆(1시간마다의) | horo, horologist, horology, horometry, horoscope |
horr (horr-) |
떨림, 떨다, shudder |
abhor ☆(혐오하다), horrible ***(지긋지긋한), horrid ☆(진저리나는), horror ***(공포(감)) |
abhorrence, abhorrent, horr, horribly, horridly, horridness, horrification, horrify, horrifying |
horse | 말, horse | horse ****(말) | horseless, horselike, horsey |
hort | 정원, garden | hort, horticultural, horticulture |
host (host-, hospit) |
손님, 주인, host |
hospital ****(병원), hospitality ☆(환대), host ****(주인), hostage **(인질), hostile **(적대적인), hostility **(적의), hotel ****(호텔) |
co-host, hospice, hospitable, hospitalize, hostal, hostel, hosteler, hostler, hotelier, inhospitable, inhospitality |
hug | 껴안다, hug | hug **(껴안다[포옹하다]) | ||
hum | 땅, ground, earth |
humble **(겸손한), humiliate ☆(굴욕감을 주다), humiliation ☆(창피 줌[당함]), humility ☆(겸손) |
disinhume, exhumation, exhume, hum-, humate, humation, humic, humicolous, humus, inhumation, inhume, posthumous |
humor (humor, humid) |
습기, 체액 | humid ☆(습한), humidity ☆(습도), humor ☆(유머), humorous ***(재미있는), humour ***(유머) |
hund | 백, 100, hundred |
hundred ****(백), hundredth **(백[100] 번째) | ||
hunger | 배고픔, hunger | hunger ***(굶주림), hungry ***(배고픈) | ||
hunt | 사냥, hunt | hint **(힌트), hunt ***(사냥하다) | huntedly, hunter, hunting |
hurt | hurt | hurt ****(다치게[아프게] 하다) | hurtful, hurtle | |
hus (hus, house) |
집, 거주하다, house |
house ****(집, 주택, 가옥), household ****(가정), housing ****(주택), husband ****(남편) |
houseless, husbander, husbandhood, husbandless, husbandly, penthouse |
hydro | 물, water | carbohydrate **(탄수화물), hydrogen **(수소) |
clepsydra, dehydrate, hydathode, hydatid, hydatidosis, Hydra, hydrant, hydrate, hydraulic, hydraulics, hydro, hydrochloric, hydrodynamics, hydroelectric, hydrologist, hydrology, hydrolysis, hydromancy, hydrophile, hydrophilic, hydrophily, hydrophobia, hydrophobic, hydroponic, hydrosphere, hydrostat, hydrostatic, hydrothermal, hydrothermally, hydrothermic, hydrous, hydrozoa, polyhydric |
hygie (hygie-) |
건강한, healthy | hygiene ☆(위생) | Hygieia, hygienic, hygienics, hygienist, unhygienic |
hyper | 위, beyond | hyper, hyperbola, hyperbole, hypercritical, hyperopia, hypersensitive, hypertension, hypervigilance |
hypno (hypno-) |
수면, 잠, sleep | hypno, hypnotic, hypnotisable, hypnotise, hypnotism, hypnotist, hypnotizable |
hypo | 아래, under | hypocrisy ☆(위선), hypocrite ☆(위선자), hypothesis ***(가설(假說)) |
hypethral., hyphen, hypo, hypoallergenic, hypodermic, hypogene, hypophosphite., hypotaxis., hypotension, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hypothermia, hypotonic, hypoxemia, hypoxia |
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