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ENGLISH ROOT WORD: child "child." from Old English cild 【child】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "cild."It carries the basic meaning of "child."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "child"] child ****[114] A child is a human being who is not yet an adult.childhood ****[1541] A person''s childhood is the period of their life when they are a child.childish ☆[4914] Childish means relating t..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: chem-, chemo-, chemi-, chemico- "of alchemy." from Greek khemeia 【chem-, chemo-, chemi-, chemico-】 are a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "khemeia."It carries the basic meaning of "of alchemy."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "chem-, chemo-, chemi-, chemico-"] chemical ****[1414] Chemical means involving or resulting from a reaction between two or more substances, or relating to the substances that some..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: chart, card "paper", "chart" from Greek khartes 【chart, card】 are a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "khartes."It carries the basic meaning of "paper," "chart," "card," and "map."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "chart, card"] card ****[824] a game played with a deck of cards; a card game cartoon ***[3000] A cartoon is a humorous drawing or series of drawings in a newspaper or magazine...
영어 어근 cave 주요 영어단어 - 어원은 (라틴어; cavea, cavus, cava) 영어 어근 cave는 라틴어(Latin) cavea, cavus, cava에서 유래했습니다.동굴, cave라는 기본적인 의미를 갖고 있습니다. [cave 어근이 포함된 Top 5000 이내 단어] cave **[3369] 동굴jail **[4345] 교도소, 감옥[어근]어근 cave[변이어근] cave, jail[어원]어근 (라틴어) cavea, cavus, cava[의미]어근 동굴, cave[상세 어원 내역: Etymology] [Latin] cavea - [noun use of neuter plural of adjective cavus] stall, stoop, den for animals, a cage, enclosure, coop; a hollow place, a cavity (마구간, 구부러진 ..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: character "character." from Greek kharakterizein, kharakter, kharassein, kharax 【character】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "kharakterizein," "kharakter," "kharassein," and "kharax."It carries the basic meaning of "character."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "character"] character ****[606] The character of a person or place consists of all the qualities they have that make them distinct from other people or pla..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cer-, cern-, cert- ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cer-, cern-, cert-
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: chaos, chaot-, gas "gas." from Greek khaos, chaos, khnwos 【chaos, chaot-, gas】 are a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "khaos," "chaos," and "khnwos."It carries the basic meaning of "gas."from PIE *ghieh- "to yawn, gape, be wide open"[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "chaos, chaot-, gas"] chaos **[4095] Chaos is a state of complete disorder and confusion. chaotic ☆[5397] Something that is chaotic i..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cer-, cern-, cert- ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cer-, cern-, cert-