분류 전체보기 (885) 썸네일형 리스트형 ENGLISH ROOT WORD: high "high." from Old English heah, heh Go Korean Version 【high】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "heah," and "heh."It carries the basic meaning of "high."from PIE *hauha- ""[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "high"] height ****[1298] The height of a person or thing is their size or length from the bottom to the top.heighten ☆[5483] If something heightens a feeling or i.. ENGLISH ROOT WORD: heat "heat." from Old English hætu, hæto, hætan, hat 【heat】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "hætu," "hæto," "hætan," and "hat."It carries the basic meaning of "heat."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "heat"] heat ****[835] Heat is warmth or the quality of being hot. hot ****[597] Something that is hot has a high temperature.hotly ☆[5163] If people discuss, argue, or say something .. ENGLISH ROOT WORD: heal "heal." from Old English hælan Go Korean Version 【heal】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "hælan."It carries the basic meaning of "heal."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "heal"] heal ***[2902] When a broken bone or other injury heals or when something heals it, it becomes healthy and normal again.health ****[223] A person's health is the condition of their bod.. ENGLISH ROOT WORD: head "head." from Old English heafod Go Korean Version 【head】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "heafod."It carries the basic meaning of "head."from PIE *kaput- "head"[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "head"] ahead ****[1042] Something that is ahead is in front of you. If you look ahead, you look directly in front of you.forehead ☆[5413] Your forehead is the area at .. ENGLISH ROOT WORD: have "own", "possess" from Old English habban 【have】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "habban."It carries the basic meaning of "own," and "possess."from PIE *kap- "to grasp"[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "have"] behave ***[2168] The way that you behave is the way that you do and say things, and the things that you do and say.behaviour ****[437] People's or animals' behavi.. ENGLISH ROOT WORD: harm "harm", "hurt" from Old English hearm, hearmian Go Korean Version 【harm】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "hearm," and "hearmian."It carries the basic meaning of "harm," "hurt," "pain," "evil," and "grief; insult."from PIE *kormo-[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "harm"] harm ***[2217] Harm is physical injury to a person or an animal which is usually caused on purpose.harmful .. ENGLISH ROOT WORD: hap "chance", "good luck" from Old Norse happ Go Korean Version 【hap】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old Norse word(s) "happ."It carries the basic meaning of "chance," and "good luck."from PIE *kob-[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "hap"] happen ****[149] Something that happens occurs or is done without being planned. happening ☆[4654] an event or occurrencehappily ***[3020] You can add happi.. ENGLISH ROOT WORD: hand "hand", "side" from Old English hond Go Korean Version 【hand】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "hond."It carries the basic meaning of "hand," "side," "part," "direction," "power," "control," and "possession."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "hand"] beforehand ☆[5286] If you do something beforehand, you do it earlier than a particular event.hand ****[178] Your hands.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 111 다음