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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: after "after." from Old English æfter 【after】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "æfter."It carries the basic meaning of "after."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "after"] after ****[105] at a time following (something or someone); later than (something or someone) afternoon ****[1867] The afternoon is the part of each day which begins at lunchtime and ends at about si..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: aev "age." from Latin aetaticum, aetatem, aetas, aevum, aeon 【aev】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "aetaticum," "aetatem," "aetas," "aevum," and "aeon.".It carries the basic meaning of "."[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "aev"] age ****[278] Your age is the number of years that you have lived.aged **[3966] You use aged followed by a number to say how old someone is.eternal **[3985] Something t..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: aero "air", "mist" from Greek aer, aeros 【aero】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "aer," and "aeros.".It carries the basic meaning of "air," "mist," and "atmosphere.".[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "aero"] aerial ☆[4734] You talk about aerial attacks and aerial photographs to indicate that people or things on the ground are attacked or photographed by people in aeroplanes.a..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: advant, advan, abante "advance." from Latin abanteare, abante 【advant, advan, abante】 are a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "abanteare," and "abante.".It carries the basic meaning of ".".from PIE *ant- "front, forehead; in front of, before"[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "advant, advan, abante"] advance ****[1635] If you do something in advance, you do it before a particular date or event.advanced ..
ENGLISH ROOT WORD: add- "add to", "join" from Latin addere, additio, dare, dere 【add-】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "addere," "additio," "dare," and "dere.".It carries the basic meaning of "add to," "join," and "attach."from PIE *do- "[from de] to give"[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "add-"] add ****[369] If you add one thing to another, you put it in or on the other thing, to increase, complete, or improve ..
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