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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: aero "air", "mist" from Greek aer, aeros


【aero】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "aer," and "aeros.".
It carries the basic meaning of "air," "mist," and "atmosphere.".

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "aero"]

aerial ☆[4734] You talk about aerial attacks and aerial photographs to indicate that people or things on the ground are attacked or photographed by people in aeroplanes.
aeroplane ☆[4821] An aeroplane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that enable it to fly through the air. in AM, use airplane
air ****[353] Air is the mixture of gases which forms the earth's atmosphere and which we breathe.
aircraft ****[2029] An aircraft is a vehicle which can fly, for example an aeroplane or a helicopter.
airline ***[2591] An airline is a company which provides regular services carrying people or goods in aeroplanes.
airplane **[3635] An airplane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that enable it to fly through the air.
airport ****[1967] An airport is a place where aircraft land and take off, which has buildings and facilities for passengers.

[WORD ROOT]root aero
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] aero, aeri, air, aria
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) aer, aeros
[MEANING]root air, mist, atmosphere


  • 【Greek】 aer [genitive aeros] air; mist, haze, clouds; atmosphere
  • 【Greek】 aeros [genitive of aer] mist, haze, clouds; atmosphere

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

aerial ☆[4734] adjective from aero
【DEFINITION】 You talk about aerial attacks and aerial photographs to indicate that people or things on the ground are attacked or photographed by people in aeroplanes.
【ROOTs】 aeri(aero); air, mist, atmosphere al; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek aer[genitive aeros] air; mist, haze, clouds; atmosphere
【First Known Meaning】 pertaining to the air
【DERIVATIVEs】 aeriality, aerially, aerial

aeroplane ☆[4821] noun from aeroplane 〈 plain
【DEFINITION】 An aeroplane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that enable it to fly through the air. in AM, use airplane
【pl.】 aeroplanes
【SYNONYM】 plain, airplane
【COMPOSITION】 aero + plane
【ROOTs】 aero; air plane(plain); flat
【Etymology】 《Latin planuslevel, flat

air ★★★★[353] noun from air 〈 aero
【DEFINITION】 ① Air is the mixture of gases which forms the earth's atmosphere and which we breathe.
② The air is the space around things or above the ground.
③ Air is used to refer to travel in aircraft.
【pl.】 airs
【SYNONYM】 note
【ROOTs】 air(aero); air, mist
【Etymology】 《Greek aer[genitive aeros] air; mist, haze, clouds; atmosphere
【First Known Meaning】 ① invisible gases that surround the earth ② manner, appearance ③ melody, tune, connected rhythmic succession of distinct musical sounds
【DERIVATIVEs】 air, airy, conditioner, air conditioning

aircraft ★★★★[2029] noun from craft
【DEFINITION】 An aircraft is a vehicle which can fly, for example an aeroplane or a helicopter.
【pl.】 aircraft
【COMPOSITION】 air + craft
【ROOTs】 air(aero); air, mist, atmosphere craft; craft, power, might, strength
【Etymology】 《Old English cræftpower, physical strength, might, strength; skill

airline ★★★[2591] noun from airline 〈 aero
【DEFINITION】 An airline is a company which provides regular services carrying people or goods in aeroplanes.
【pl.】 airlines
【COMPOSITION】 air + line
【ROOTs】 air(aero); air, mist, atmosphere line; line
【Etymology】 《Greek aer[genitive aeros] air; mist, haze, clouds; atmosphere

airplane ★★[3635] noun from aeroplane 〈 plain
【DEFINITION】 An airplane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that enable it to fly through the air.
【pl.】 airplanes
【SYNONYM】 plane, aeroplane
【COMPOSITION】 air + plane
【ROOTs】 air(aero); air, mist, atmosphere plain; flat
【Etymology】 《Latin planuslevel, flat

airport ★★★★[1967] noun from airport 〈 port
【DEFINITION】 An airport is a place where aircraft land and take off, which has buildings and facilities for passengers.
【pl.】 airports
【COMPOSITION】 air + port
【ROOTs】 air(aero); port; carry, gate
【Etymology】 《Latin portareto carry, to bear

Other words containing "aero"; aeriality, aerially, aerobic, aerorrhachia, aerosol, aerotitis, airborne, malaria, ministerial


advant, advan, abante



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