There are 47 English roots starting with [V]. There are 157 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 794 words in total. |
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Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
vac | empty | avoid ****, avoidable ☆, avoidance ☆, evacuate ☆, vacancy ☆, vacuum **, void ☆ |
devoid, evacuation, unavoidable, vac, vacant, vacate, vacation, vacuous |
vacc | cow | vaccine ** | vaccinal, vaccinate, vaccination, vaccinator |
vade (vade-, vad-, vas-) |
go, come | evade ☆, invade ***, invasion *** | invasive, pervade, pervasive, vade |
vag | wander | extravagance ☆, extravagant ☆ | vag, vagabond, vague | |
val (val-, vail-) |
strength, worth | avail ☆, availability **, available ****, equivalent ***, evaluate ***, evaluation **, valiant ☆, valid **, validity **, valuable ****, valuation ☆, value **** |
ambivalence, equivalence, invalid, prevail, reevaluate, unavailable, unavailableness, unavailably, val, valence, valent, validate, valor, valuables, valuate |
valley | valley | valley *** | valleylike | |
van | empty, void | vanish ** | evanescent, vain | |
vari | vary | variable **, variation ***, varied **, variety ****, various ****, vary **** |
bivariate, covariate, covariation, divaricate, intervarietal, invariability, invariable, invariableness, invariably, invariance, invariant, variance, variant, variate, varicolored, variegate, varietal, variola, variolation, variorum, varyingly |
vas | vessel, dish | vessel *** | cardiovascular, vascular |
vast | immense, huge, extensive, huge; desolate, unoccupied, empty |
devastate ☆, vast ****, waste ****, wasteful ☆ | devastating, devastatingly, devastation, devastative, devastator, vastity, vastly, vastness, vasty, wastable, wastefully, wastefulness, wasteness, waster |
veget | vigorous, to enliven |
vegetable **** | vegan, veget, vegetarian |
vehi | vehicle, to bear, carry, convey |
vehicle ****, vein ☆ | ||
vein | vein | vein ☆ | veinal, veinless, veinlike, veiny, venose, venous |
vela (vela-, vel-) |
veil, a cloth, covering, curtain, a sail |
reveal ****, revelation **, veil ☆ | revealability, revealable, revealer, revealment, revelational, revelationist, unveil |
velop | wrap up | develop ****, developing **, envelop ☆, envelope ** |
developed, developer, velop |
vent (vent-, ven-) |
come | advent ☆, adventure ****, adventurous ☆, convenience ***, convenient ***, convention ***, conventional ***, event ****, eventual ☆, eventually ****, intervention ***, invent ***, invention ***, prevent ****, prevention ***, revenue ***, venture *** |
adventureful, adventuresome, adventurously, adventurousness, avenue, circumvent, contravene, convene, conveniently, covenant, eventuality, intervene, inventable, inventible, inventional, inventionless, inventive, inventor, revenued, souvenir, supervene, vene, venue |
ver | true | verdict **, verify **, very **** | aver, veracious, veracity, verily, verisimilar, verisimilitude, veritable, verity |
verb | word, verb | adverb ☆ | adverbial, adverbially, nonverbal, non-verbal, proverb, reverberate, verb, verbal, verbally, verbatim, verbiage, verbify, verbosity |
verge | to bend, turn, tend toward |
diverge ☆ | divergent | |
verse (verse-, vert-) |
turn | adverse ☆, adversity ☆, advert **, advertise ***, advertiser ☆, advertising ****, anniversary ***, averse ☆, aversion ☆, controversial ***, controversy ***, conversation ****, conversion **, convert ****, diverse ***, diversity ***, divert ☆, divorce ***, reverse ***, universal ***, universe ****, university ****, verse ☆, version ****, versus ***, vertical ** |
adversary, adversely, adverseness, advertisable, advertizer, aversely, averseness, avert, biodiversity, controversialism, controversialist, controversially, controvert, controverter, controvertible, controvertibly, conversant, converse, converter, divers, diversely, diverseness, diversify, diversion, diverter, divertible, diverting, divertingly, divertive, extraverted, extrovert, extroverted, introvert, introverted, inverse, invert, metaverse, perverse, pervert, reversal, reversely, reverser, reversing, revert, subvert, subverter, tergiversate, transverse, uncontroversial, universality, universalize, universally, universalness, versatile, versed, vert, vertebra, vertex, vertically, vertigo |
vest | clothing, garment |
invest ****, investment ****, investor *** | divest, investiture, transvestite, travesty, vest, vestiary, vestibule, vestiture, vestment, vesture |
vestig | track | investigate ****, investigation ***, investigator ***, vestige ☆ |
vestigial | |
veter | old | veteran ** | inveterate, veterinarian, veterinary |
via | way | convey **, obvious ****, obviously ****, previous ****, previously ***, via ****, voyage ☆ |
conveyable, conveyer, conveyor, convoy, deviate, devious, deviously, deviousness, envoy, obviate, obviousness, previousness, voyageable, voyager |
vibr (vibr-) |
vibrate | vibrate ☆, vibration ☆ | vibe | |
victim | victim | victim **** | victimhood, victimize | |
vide (vide-, vis) |
see, notice, separate |
advice ****, advise ****, adviser **, device ****, devise ☆, divide ****, envy ☆, evidence ****, evident **, interview ****, invisible ***, provide ****, provision ***, prudent ☆, review ****, revise ***, revision **, supervise ☆, supervision ☆, supervisor **, survey ****, television ****, video ****, view ****, viewer ***, visa ☆, visible ***, vision ****, visit ****, visitor ****, visual **** |
advisable, advisement, advisership, advisor, advisory, audiovisual, clairvoyance, clairvoyant, counterview, deviser, dividable, divider, divisional, divisionally, divisionary, enviable, envious, envisage, envisagement, envision, envyingly, evidential, evidentiality, evidentiary, evidently, evidentness, improvidence, improvident, improvisation, improvisational, improvisatorial, improvise, Improvised, improviser, imprudence, imprudent, inadvisable, inevident, interviewee, invidious, invisibility, invisibleness, invisibly, nonevidentiary, nonsupervisory, nonvisual, overview, preview, previse, provided, providence, provident, provider, provisional, provisionality, proviso, provisory, prudence, prudential, prudently, purvey, purveyance, purveyor, purview, reviewable, reviewal, reviewer, revisable, revisal, reviser, revisionary, revisionism, revisionist, revisit, revisory, supervisorship, supervisory, surveyable, surveyor, surview, survise, televise, televisional, televisionally, televisionary, vide, videlicet, viewable, viewership, viewy, visage, vis-a-vis, visibility, visibleness, visibly, visional, visionary, visionless, visitable, visitation, visitorial, visor, vista, visuality, visualize, visually, voila, voyeur |
villa (villa-, vill-) |
country house | village ****, villager ☆ | villa, villain | |
vin | wine | vine ☆, vinegar ☆, vintage ☆, wine **** | vigneron, vignette, vinaceous, vinaigrette, vineal, vined, vinegarish, vinegarlike, vinegary, vineless, vinelike, viniculture, vinosity, vinous, viny |
vince (vince, vict-) |
conquer | convict **, conviction **, convince ****, convinced ***, convincing ☆, invincible ☆, province **, provincial ☆, victory **** |
convictable, convictible, convictional, convictive, convincement, convincer, convincible, convincingly, convincingness, evict, evince, evincible, evincive, provinciality, provincialize, provincially, unconvincing, unconvincingly, unconvincingness, vanquish, vanquishment, vict, Victor, victorious, vincible |
vindic (vindic-, venge) |
avenge, liberate |
revenge ☆, vindicate ☆ | revengeful, revengeless, revenger, revengingly, vengeful, vengefully, vengefulness |
viol | injury, outrage, dishonor |
violate **, violation **, violence ****, violent **** |
inviolable, inviolate, non-violent, viol, violative |
vir | man, goodness; manliness |
virtual ***, virtually ***, virtue ** | decemvir, decemvirate, duumvirate, quadrumvirate, septemvir, septemvirate, triumvir, triumvirate, vigintivirate, virago, virile, virilescence, virility, virilocal, virilocality, virtuality, virtuosity, virtuoso, virtuous |
virgin | virgin ☆ | virginal, virginity, Virgoan |
virus (virus-, vir-) |
poison, venom | virus **** | coronavirus, retroviral, retrovirus, rotavirus, togavirus, viral, virality, virally, viricidal, viricide, virologist, virology, virucidal, virucide, virulence, virulent, viruslike, viscous |
vit (vit-) |
life | vital ****, vitamin *** | vitality, vitalize, vitally, vitalness |
viv (viv-, vive) |
live | revival ☆, revive ☆, survival ***, survive ****, survivor *** |
convivial, survivability, survivable, survivorship, viable, victual, viv, vivacious, vivacity, vivid, vivisection |
voc | call, voice | advocate ***, evoke ☆, invoke **, provoke **, vocabulary **, vocal ***, voice **** |
advocacy, advocation, advocator, advocatory, advoke, advowson, avocation, avouch, avow, avowal, avowry, convocate, convocation, convocator, convoke, disavow, disavowal, equivocal, equivocate, equivocation, evocable, evocation, evocative, evocator, invocable, invocate, invocation, invocative, invocator, prevocational, provocate, provocateur, provocation, provocative, provocator, provoker, provoking, provokingly, reavow, reinvoke, revocable, revocation, revoke, voc, vocabularied, vocation, vocational, vocative, vociferous, vogue, voiceless, vouch, vouchee, voucher, vouchsafe |
vol | will | benevolent ☆, voluntary **, volunteer **** | benevolence, benevolently, benevolentness, involuntary, malevolence, malevolent, omnibenevolence, velleity, volitient, volition, volitional, volitive, volubility, volunt, Voluntaryism, voluptuary, voluptuous, volution |
volve | roll, turn | evolution ***, evolutionary **, evolve ***, involve ****, involved ****, involvement ***, revolt ☆, revolute ☆, revolution ****, revolutionary **, revolve ☆, valve ☆, volume **** |
advolution, archivolt, circumvolute, circumvolution, circumvolve, coevolution, coevolutionary, coevolve, convolute, convolution, devolve, evolutional, evolutive, evolvable, evolvement, evolver, involver, revolting, revolutionise, revolutionize, vault, volte, voluble, voluminous, volva, volve, Volvox, volvulus, voussoir, vulva |
vom | discharge | vomit ☆ | vomition, vomitory, vomitus, vomity |
vov (vov-, vot-) |
promise, dedicate |
devote **, vote ****, voter ** | devoted, devotedly, devotedness, devotee, devotion, devotional, devout, devoutly, devoutness, devove, devow, votable, votary, voteable, voteless, votive, vow |
vulcan (vulcan, volcan) |
Vulcan | volcanic ☆ | volcano, vulcan, vulcanic, vulcano, vulgar, vulgus |