There are 140 English roots starting with [T]. There are 353 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 1477 words in total. |
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Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
tabl | a board, plank; writing table |
tablet *** | ||
table | table | table **** | tabulate | |
tach (tach, stake) |
stake, attach, nail |
attach ****, attachment **, attack ****, detach ☆, stack **, stake ** |
haystack | |
tackle | tackle | tackle *** | ||
tact (tact-, tax-) |
touch | attain ☆, attainable ☆, contact ****, contagious ☆, contaminate ☆, tactic **, task ****, taste ****, tax ****, taxation ☆, taxi *** |
contactable, contagion, contaminable, contaminant, contaminated, contaminative, contaminator, intact, multitasking, tact, tactful, tactfully, tactfulness, tactical, tactile, tactless, tactlessly, tactlessness, tactual, tasker, tasking, taskless, tastable, tastebud, tasteful, tastefully, tastefulness, unattainable |
tag | tag | tag *** | ||
tail | tail | cocktail ☆, detail ****, detailed ***, tail *** | ||
tail | cut, trim | retail *** | entail, retailer, tail, tailor, tailored |
take | take | intake ☆, mistake ****, mistaken **, overtake ☆, take ****, undertake ** |
painstaking, painstakingly, painstakingness, takedown |
tale (tale, tell) |
tale | tale **** | ||
talk | talk | talk **** | talkability, talkable, talkative, talkatively, talkativeness, talker, talky |
tall | tall | tall **** | tallish, tallness | |
tap | spigot, tape | tape **** | tap | |
tap | tap, rap, strike |
tap *** |
taph | tomb, burial, funeral |
epitaph ☆ | bibliotaph, taph, taphonomy |
targe | targe | target **** | targe | |
tea | tea | tea ****, teaspoon ** | teabag | |
teach | teach | teach ****, teacher **** | teachable | |
techno | art, skill | architect **, architectural ☆, architecture ***, technic ☆, technical ****, technique ****, technological ***, technology **** |
agro-tech, architectonic, architecturally, polytechnic, tech, techne, technically, technician, techno, technocracy, technocrat, technogaianism, technologically, technologist, technophile, technophilia, technophobe, technophobia, tectonically |
tect (teg-, tect-) |
cover | detect ****, detective ***, detector ☆, protect ****, protection ****, protective ***, protector ☆ |
contection, detectable, detecter, detectible, detection, integument, integumentary, obtect, pretectal, pretectum, protectionism, protectionist, protectively, protectiveness, protectorate, protectory, protectress, protectrix, protege, protegee, tect, tectorial, tectrix, tectum, tegmen, tegmental, tegula, tegular, tegument, tile, tog, toga, togate, togavirus, toggery, unprotected, unprotectedness |
teen | 10, ten | eighteen **, eighteenth ☆, fifteen ***, fourteen ***, nineteenth **, seventeen **, sixteen **, teenage ***, teenager ****, thirteenth ☆ |
nineteen, teen, teens, thirteen |
tele | far, end | telephone ****, television **** | telegram, telegraph, telemetry, telepathy, teleprinter, telescope, televise, televisional, televisionally, televisionary |
tell | tell | tell **** | tellable | |
temp (temp-, tempo-, tempor-) |
time | contemporary ****, temper ☆, temperature ****, temporal ☆, temporarily **, temporary *** |
contemporaneous, extemporaneous, temp, temperance, temperate, tempest, tempo, temporize |
temple | temple | temple *** | templed, temple-like | |
tempt | try, feel, try out |
attempt ****, tempt **, temptation ☆ | attemptable, attempter, tentacle, tentacled |
ten | ten | ten **** |
ten (ten-, tain-, -tin-, tent-) |
hold, keep together |
contain ****, container ***, content ***, continent ***, continental ☆, continually **, continue ****, continuous ***, continuously **, detain ☆, entertain ***, entertainer **, entertaining **, entertainment ****, maintain ****, obtain ****, retain ****, sustain ***, sustainable ***, sustenance ☆, tenant ☆, tenement ☆, tennis ***, tenor ☆, tenure ☆ |
abstain, abstention, abstinence, abstinent, appertain, appertinent, appurtenance, appurtenant, containable, containment, contented, contentive, contentment, continence, continuable, continual, continuality, continualness, continuance, continuant, continuation, continuative, continuer, continuingly, continuity, continuum, contratenor, countenance, detainder, detainee, detainer, detainment, detention, detinue, discontent, discontentment, discontinuance, discontinuation, discontinue, discontinuity, discontinuous, equicontinuity, equicontinuous, impertinence, impertinent, incontinence, incontinent, intenible, intercontinental, irretentive, lieutenant, maintenance, malcontent, obtainment, obtention, pertain, pertinacious, pertinacity, pertinence, pertinent, purtenance, reobtain, retainer, retainment, retention, retentive, retinue, se-tenant, sustainability, sustainably, sustained, sustainedly, sustaining, sustainingly, sustainment, sustentacular, sustentaculum, sustentation, sustention, ten-, tenable, tenace, tenacious, tenacity, tenancy, tenet, tenurial, tenuto, transcontinental, unsustainable |
tend (tend-, tent-) |
stretch, strain, extend |
attend ****, attendance **, attention ****, contend **, contention ☆, extend ****, extensive ***, extensively ☆, extent ****, intend ****, intense ****, intensely ☆, intensify ☆, intensity ***, intensive ☆, intent ***, intention ****, intentional ☆, intently ☆, pretend ****, tend ****, tendency ***, tent *** |
ambitendency, attemptable, attempter, attendant, attendee, attender, attent, attentional, attentive, attentively, attentiveness, bartender, coextend, coextension, coextensive, contender, contendingly, contentious, detent, detente, distend, distension, distent, distention, entendre, entente, extendability, extendable, extendibility, extendible, extensible, extensile, extension, extensional, extensionality, extensiveness, extensivity, extensor, inattention, inattentive, inextensible, intended, intender, intenseness, intensification, intension, intensional, intentionality, intentionally, intentness, obtend, obtension, ostensible, ostension, ostensive, ostensory, ostent, ostentation, ostentatious, portend, portension, portent, portentous, pretense, pretension, pretentious, subtend, subtense, superintend, superintendency, superintendent, tendance, tendential, tendentious, tenderable, tenderize, tenderly, tendon, tense, tenseless, tensely, tenseness, tensible, tensile, tensility, tension, tensional, tensioner, tensionless, tensity, tensure, tentacle-like, tentacular, tentaculoid, tentage, tentation, tentative, tented, tenter, tentiginous, tentless, tentlike, tentorium, unintentional, unintentionally, wanderingly |
tender | soft, delicate | tender *** | tenderable, tenderize, tenderly, tenderness |
termin (termin-, term) |
boundary, limit, end |
determination ***, determine ****, determined **, term ****, terminal ☆, terminus ☆, terms *** |
interminable, interminably, short-term, termin, terminally, terminate, termination, terminative, terminatory |
terr | frighten | terrible ****, terribly **, terrific **, terror **, terrorist *** |
terribleness, terrifically, terrifier, terrify, terrifying, terrifyingly, terrorful, terrorism, terrorize, terrorless |
terra (terra-) |
earth | Mediterranean ☆, territory *** | subterranean, terra, terrace, terracotta, terrain, terrarium, terrestrial, territorial, territorially |
test | affirm, witness | contest ***, detest ☆, protest **** | attest, protestant, protestation, protester, protestingly, protestor, test, testament, testicle, testification, testifier, testify, testimony, testis, testosterone |
test | test, earthen pot, shell; jug |
test ****, testing *** | testability, testable, testingly |
tex | weave, text | context ****, pretext ☆, text ****, textbook **, textile ☆, texture ***, tissue *** |
texting, textless, textual |
thank | thank | thank ****, thankfully **, thanks **** | thanker, thankful, thankless |
the | the | both ****, nevertheless ****, she ****, since ****, than ****, that ****, the ****, then ****, these ***, this ****, thus **** |
lest | |
thea | view, see | theater **, theatre ***, theatrical ☆ | amphitheatre, metatheatre, theatric |
theo | god | enthusiasm ***, enthusiast **, enthusiastic ***, theological ☆, theology ** |
atheism, enthuse, monotheism, pantheism, pantheon, polytheism, thearchy, theo-, theocracy, theologian, theologist |
theori | speculation, consider, look at |
theoretical **, theory **** | theoretically, theorist |
ther | two | either ****, neither ****, whether **** | ther | |
therap | serve, cure, treat |
therapist ***, therapy **** | bibliotherapy, chemotherapy, ecotherapy, psychotherapeutic, psychotherapeutically, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, therapeutic, therapeutically |
there | there | there ****, thereby **, therefore **** | ||
therm | heat, warm | thermal ☆ | athermancy, diathermancy, ectotherm, endotherm, endothermic, exothermic, geothermal, geothermic, homeothermy, hydrothermal, hydrothermally, hyperthermia, hypothermia, isotherm, poikilotherm, therm, thermobaric, thermochromism, thermodynamic, thermolysis, thermometer, thermophilic, thermophobia, thermoplastic, thermoplegia, thermos, thermosphere, thermostat, thermostatic, thermotherapy |
thet (thet, thesis) |
put, set | epithet ☆, hypothesis ***, synthesis ☆, synthetic ☆, theme ****, thesis ☆, treasure *** |
anathema, anathematic, antithesis, antithetic, apothecium, athematic, Bibliotheca, bodega, boutique, enthesis, enthetic, epenthesis, epenthetic, epitheca, epithetic, hypothec, monothematic, nomothetic, oligosynthetic, parenthesis, parenthetic, photosynthesis, photosynthetic, photosynthetically, polysynthetic, prosthesis, prosthetic, prosthetics, prothesis, prothetic, pseudothecium, synthesist, systhetic, theca, thecium, thematic, themeless, Themis, thesaurus, thet, thetic, treasurable, treasureless, treasury |
they (they, them) |
they | them ****, they **** | themself | |
thick | thick | thick ****, thickly ** | ||
thief | thief, robber | theft **, thief ** | theftless, thieve, thievish, thievishly, thievishness |
thin | thin | thin **** | ||
thing | thing | anything ****, everything ****, nothing ****, something ****, thing **** |
things | |
think | think | think ****, thinking ****, thought ****, thoughtful ** | thinker, thinkingly, thinkingness, thoughtfully, thoughtfulness |
though | though | although ****, though **** | ||
thousand | thousand | thousand **** | thousandth | |
threat | threat | threat ****, threaten ****, threatening ** | threatened, threatener, threateningly |
three | three | third ****, thirteenth ☆, thirty ****, three **** | thirteen, thirtyish | |
threshold | threshold | threshold ** | ||
thrive | thrive | thrift ☆, thrifty ☆, thrive *** | thriver, thriving, thrivingly |
throat | throat | throat **** | throaty | |
throne | throne | throne ** | dethrone, dethronement, dethroner, enthrone, throneless |
through | through | thrill ☆, through ****, throughout **** | breakthrough, thorough, thriller, thrilling, thrillingly, thrillingness |
throw | throw, fine cord |
throw **** | thread, threader, threadless, threadlike, thready, thrower |
thumb | thumb | thumb *** | thumbless, thumblike, thumbnail |
thur | Thor | Thursday *** | ||
ticket | stick, ticket, etiquette |
etiquette ☆, ticket **** | ||
tickle | tickle | tickle ☆ | tickler, ticklish, tickly |
tide | tide | tide **, tidy *** | glycopeptide, peptide | |
tie | tie | tie **** | ||
tier | tier, draw | retire ****, retirement ***, tyre *** | attire, tier, tire | |
tight | tight | tight ****, tightly *** | tighten, tightener, tightness |
tilis | web, net, warp of a fabric |
subtle ***, toilet *** | subtilis, subtly | |
till | till | till ***, until **** | ||
timber | timber, building, structure |
timber ** | timbered, timbering, timberjack |
time | time | anytime ☆, downtime ☆, lifetime ***, meantime ***, sometime **, sometimes ****, time **** |
betimes, overtime, timeliness, timely, timer, times, timing |
tin | tin | tin *** | tinlike, tinny | |
tine (tine, tiny) |
tine, tiny | tiny **** | tine, tinily, tininess | |
tip | tip, utmost point |
tip **** | tipless, tippable | |
tire | to weary, tire | tire ***, tired *** | tiredly, tiredness, tireless, tiresome |
title | title, inscription, label, ticket |
entitle ***, title **** | entitlement, subtitle, subtitler, titleless, tittle, titular |
to | to, at, on; in the direction of |
altogether ***, into ****, onto ****, to ****, today ****, together ****, tomorrow ****, tonight ****, too ****, toward ***, towards **** |
face-to-face, gotta, togetherness |
tobacco | tobacco | tobacco *** | ||
toe | toe | toe *** | ||
toler (toler-, tol-) |
bear, sustain, tolerate |
tolerant ☆, tolerate ** | extol, intolerable, intolerant, toler, tolerable, tolerance, tolerantly, toleration, tolerative, tolerator |
toll | toll | toll *** | toll | |
tomato | tomato | tomato **** |
tome (tome, tomy) |
cut, cutting, division |
atom **, atomic ☆ | anatomical, anatomy, angiotomy, appendectomy, atomically, atomize, bronchotomy, craniotomy, dichotomy, ectomy, embolectomy, epitome, gastrotomy, laparotomy, lobotomy, osteotomy, ovariotomy, pneumonectomy, tansillectomy, tome, tomy, tonsillectomy, tonsillotomy, vasectomy |
tona | thunder | astonish ☆ | ||
tone | stretch, a sound, tone, accent |
intonation ☆, tone ****, tonic ☆, tune *** | baritone, catatonia, intonate, intonational, intone, intoner, isotonic, monotone, tonal, tonically, tonicity, tuneful, tuneless, tuny |
tongue | tongue | tongue **** | tongueless, tonguelike | |
tool | tool | tool **** | tooler, toolless, tool-less |
tooth | tooth | tooth ****, toothbrush ☆ | toothless, toothlike, toothpaste, toothy |
top | top | top *** | atop, laptop, rooftop, topper |
topo (topo-, top-) |
place, location | topic ****, topical ☆, utopia ☆ | atopic, atopy, dystopia, dystopian, ectopia, ectopic, entopic, epitope, eutopia, isotope, isotopic, isotopically, isotopy, nomotopic, polytope, topia, topiary, topo, topography, topology, toponomastics, toponym, toponymy, topos, zonotope |
tor (-tor, -ter) |
laughter *** | slaughter | ||
torn | turn, rotate | attorney ***, return ****, tour ****, tourist ****, tournament ***, turn **** |
ecotour, ecotourism, ecotourist, tornado, tourism, tourney |
tort | twist | distort **, torture ☆ | contort, extort, extortion, retort, torque, torsion, tortuous, torturable, torturedly, torturer, torturesome, torturing, torturingly, torturous, torturously |
toss | toss | toss *** | tosser, toss-up | |
tot | all, whole | total ***, totally **** | subtotal, totality | |
touch | touch | touch **** | touchable, touchableness, toucher, touchless |
tough | tough, strong[firm], tenacious, sticky |
tough **** | toughen, toughener, toughie, toughish, toughly, toughness |
towel | towel | towel *** | ||
tower | tower | tower **** | ||
town | town | downtown **, town **** | downtowner, hometown, townish, townless |
toy | toy | toy **** | toyer, toyless, toylike |
track | track | track **** | trackable, trackage, tracker, trackless |
tract | draw, pull | abstract **, attract ****, attraction ***, attractive ****, contract ****, contraction ☆, contractor **, distract ***, extract **, subtract ☆, trace ***, tract ☆, tractor ☆, trail ***, trailer **, train ****, trainer ***, training ****, trait ***, treat ****, treatment **** |
attractable, attracter, attractionally, attractively, attractiveness, attractor, contractible, contractibly, contractile, contractional, contractive, contractively, contractiveness, detract, distractable, distracter, distractibility, distractible, distracting, distractingly, distraction, distractive, distractively, distraught, distraughtly, extractability, extractable, extractible, extraction, extractive, mistreat, mistreatment, retrace, retraceable, retracement, retract, subtracter, subtraction, subtrahend, traceability, traceable, traceableness, traceably, traceless, tracelessly, tractable, traction, tractional, tractive, trail-less, trainable, trainee, treatable, treater, treaty, treatyless, unattractive, unattractively, unattractiveness |
trad | deliver, hand over |
betray ☆, tradition ****, traditional ****, traditionally ***, traitor ☆ |
trad, traditionality, traditionary, traditionist, traditionless |
trag | he-goat, goat, buck |
tragedy *** | tragic, tragical, tragically, tragus |
trans | across | traffic ****, trance ☆, transact ☆, transaction ***, transfer ****, transform ****, transformation **, transit **, transition ***, translate ****, translation ***, translator ☆, transmission **, transmit **, transparent **, transport ***, transportation *** |
intransigent, mistranslate, mistranslation, neurotransmitter, trans, transactional, transactionally, transactor, transcend, transcendent, transcendentalism, transcribe, transcript, transcription, transfusion, transient, transister, transitable, transitional, transitionally, transitionary, transitive, transitory, translatable, translucence, translucency, translucent, translucently, transmitter, transnational, transparency, transplant, transportability, transportable, transporter, transportive, untranslatable |
trap | trap, snare | trap *** | ||
trash | trash, rubbish, fallen leaves and twigs |
trash ** | ||
traum | wound | trauma *** | atraumatic, traumatic, traumatically, traumatisation, traumatise, traumatization, traumatize, traumatophobia |
travel | travel, travail | travel ****, traveler ☆, traveller ** | travail, travelable, travelling |
tread | tread | trade ****, trading **, tread ☆ | tradable, tradeable, tradeless, tradeoff, trade-off, trader, tradership, traumatically, treader, treadle, treadmill, trippingly |
tree | tree | tree **** | treeless, treelessness, treelike |
trem | tremble | tremendous ** | tremble, tremendously, tremor, tremulous |
trend | trend | trend **** | trendy | |
tribute (tribute, tribune, tribe) |
pay | attribute **, contribute ****, contribution ****, contributor ***, distribute ****, tribe ***, tribute ** |
redistribute, retribution, tribal, tribulation, tribunal, tribune, tributary |
trick | trick | intricate ☆, intrigue ☆, trick ***, tricky ☆ | tricker, trickily, trickiness, trickish, trickless |
trigger | trigger | trigger *** | triggerless | |
trit (trit-, try-) |
rub, wear | trial ****, try **** | attrition, contrite, contrition, detriment, detrimental, detrital, detrition, detritivore, detritivorous, detritus, retriment, termite, trialling, tribulation, trite, triturate, trituration, triture |
triumph | triumph | triumph ** | triumphal, triumphant, triumpher |
troop | troop, assembly, gathering of people |
troop *** | ||
trop (trop-, trep-) |
turn | trophy ☆, tropical *** | allotrope, anisotropy, Atropos, ectropion, entropic, entropion, entropy, heliotropism, isentropic, isotrope, isotropic, isotropy, pleiotropic, pleiotropy, polytrope, protrepsis, protreptic, psychotropic, treponematosis, treponeme, treponemiasis, trop, trope, tropic, tropicality, tropicalize, tropically, tropism, tropopause, troposphere, trove |
trousers | trousers | trousers *** | trousered, trouserless | |
true | true | mistrust ☆, truce ☆, true ****, truly ****, trust ****, truth **** |
distrust, trow, trueness, truism, trustability, trustable, trustee, truster, trustful, trustfulness, trustworthily, trustworthiness, trustworthy, trusty, truthful, truthfully, truthfulness, truthless, untrue, untrustworthy |
trum | strong, stable | shelter ****, trim ** | shelterer, shelterless, trimly, trimness |
trunc (trunc-) |
cut off | trunk ** | detruncate, detruncation, entrench, entrenchment, intrench, intrenchment, obtruncate, obtruncation, omnitruncation, retrench, retrenchment, tranche, tranchet, trench, trenchancy, trenchant, truncate, truncation, truncheon, trunkful, trunkless, trunnion |
tube | tube, pipe | tube **** | tubelike, tubular, tubulate, tubulous |
tuck | tuck, pull up, draw up, tug |
tuck ** |
tuit (tuit-, tut-) |
look, watch | intuition ☆, tutor ☆ | constituition, counter-intuitive, instituition, intuit, intuitive, tuit, tuition, tutorial |
tum | swell | tumour ☆ | conturmacy, tuber, tubular, tumor, tumult |
tun (tun, ton) |
ton, tun, cask | ton **, tonne **, tunnel *** | gigaton, polytunnel, tonnage, tun, tunneler, tunneller, tunnellike |
turb | disorder, disturb |
disturb ***, trouble ****, turbine ☆ | disturbance, nonperturbative, perturb, perturbance, perturbation, perturbative, troublesome, troublous, turb, turbid, turbidity, turbinate, turbulence, turbulent |
two (two, twi) |
two | between ****, twelve ***, twenty ****, twice ****, twin ****, two **** |
twain, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-one, twilight, twine, twinning, twos |
typ (typ-, type-) |
stamp, model | stereotype ***, type ****, typical ****, typically **** | allotype, archetype, ecotype, ectype, epitype, ergatotype, heterotype, heterotypic, holotype, homeotypic, homotype, homotypic, isosyntype, isotype, lectotype, logotype, monotypic, neotype, paralectotype, paratype, phenotype, prototypal, prototype, prototypic, prototypical, schizotypic, stereotypic, stereotypical, stereotypically, syntype, typewriter, typicality, typicalness, typify, typography, typology, untypical |