There are 281 English roots starting with [S]. There are 640 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 2611 words in total. |
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★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
sacr | sacred | sacred **, sacrifice *** | consecrate, desecrate, sacrament, sacredly, sacredness, sacrificeable, sacrificer, sacrificial, sacrosanct |
sad | sad | sad ****, sadly ***, sadness ** | sadden | |
sail | sail, veil, curtain |
sail ***, sailor ** | sailable, sailed, sailless |
sake | sake | sake *** | ||
sal | salt | salad ****, salary ****, sauce **** | sal, salaryless, saucer, sausage |
sali (sali-, -sili-, salt-, sult-) |
jump, leap | assault **, insult **, result **** | assail, assailable, assailant, assailment, assaultive, consilience, desultory, dissilience, dissilient, exult, exultant, exultation, insultation, irresilient, resile, resilement, resilience, resiliency, resilient, resultant, resultful, resulting, resultless, salacious, salacity, sali, salience, salient, Sally, salmon, saltando, saltant, saltation, saltatorial, saltatory, saltigrade, saltire, salto, saltus, sault, saute, sauteuse, sautille, sautoir, somersault, soubresaut, subsultory, transilience, transilient |
salt | salt | salt ****, salty ** | saline, salted, saltily, saltiness, saltish, saltless, saltlike, saltness, unsalted |
salv | save | safe ****, safety ****, save ****, saving ****, unsafe ☆ | salvage, salvation, salve, saviour |
same | same | same **** | ||
sanc (sanc-, sanct-) |
holy | saint **, sanctuary ☆ | sacrosanct, sanct, sanctfy, sanctify, sanction, sanctionable, sanctioner, sanctionist, sanctionless |
sandwich | sandwich | sandwich *** | ||
sane (sane-, san-) |
healthy | sane ☆, sanitary ☆, sanitation ☆ | insane, insanity, salubrious, salute, sanatorium, sanitarian, sanitarium, sanitate, sanity |
sarc | flesh | sarcastic ☆ | perisarc, sarc, sarcasm, sarcastically, sarcocele, sarcoid, sarcoidosis, sarcoma, sarcophagus, Sarcopterygii, sarcosine, sarcosinemia, sarcosome |
satellite | satellite | satellite **** | satellitic | |
sati | enough | asset ***, dissatisfy ☆, satire ☆, satisfaction ***, satisfied ***, satisfy ***, satisfying **, saturate ☆ |
dissatisfaction, insatiable, insatiate, sate, sated, sati, satiable, satiate, satiety, satiric, satirical, satirize, satis, satisfactorily, satisfactory, satisfiable, satisfier, satisfyingly, satisfyingness, saturation |
savor (savor-, savour) |
savor, flavor, taste |
savor ☆ | savour, savoury | |
say | say | say ***, saying ☆ | sayable, sayer | |
scal | ladder, climb | escalate ☆, escalation ☆, escalator ☆ | escalade, scale | |
scale | scale | scale ****, skull ** | scalelike, scaly | |
scandal | scandal | scandal *** | scandalize, scandalous, scandalously, scandalousness |
scape (-scape) |
landscape **** | cloudscape, moonscape, riverscape, scape, seascape, skyscape, waterscape |
scare | frighten, shrink from, shun |
scare ***, scary *** | ||
scen | stage, booth, tent |
scene ****, scenery ☆ | parascenium, proscenium, scenario, scenic, scenography |
scend (scend-, scand-) |
climb | descend ***, descent ☆, scan *** | ascend, ascendable, ascendant, ascendency, ascendent, ascendible, ascension, ascent, condescend, condescendence, condescension, descendable, descendant, descendent, descension, scand, scandent, scannable, scanner, scansion, transcend, transcendence, transcendent, transcendental |
sched | schedule | schedule **** | ||
schem | plan, figure, appearance |
scheme *** | schema, schematic, schematism, schematize, schemeless, schemer |
schola | school, student | scholar **, school **** | scholarless, scholarliness, scholarly, scholastic, schoolchild, schoolday |
sci | know | conscious ***, consciously ☆, consciousness ***, nice ****, nicely **, science ****, scientific ****, scientist ****, unconscious ** |
bioscience, bioscientist, conscience, conscientious, nescience, nescient, neuroscience, neuroscientific, neuroscientist, niceness, nicety, nicish, omniscience, omniscient, omniscious, prescience, prescient, sci, scienter, scientifically, subconscious, subconsciously, unconsciously |
scope (scop-, scept-, skept-) |
see, view, look at, examine, observe, doubt |
microscope ☆, microscopic ☆, sceptic ☆, sceptical **, scope ** |
Abroscopus, diascopic, diascopy, endoscope, endoscopic, endoscopy, epidiascope, episcope, episcopic, gastroscopy, horoscope, kaleidoscope, kaleidoscopic, kaleidoscopically, laryngoscope, macroscopic, microscopically, panendoscopy, periscope, periscopic, perisscope, scepticism, scopophobia, skeptic, snooperscope, spectroscope, stereoscopic, stereoscopy, stethoscope, telescope, telescopic, Telescopium |
score | score | score **** | scorer | |
scrape | scrape | scrap ☆ | scrape, scraper, skyscraper |
scratch | scratch | scratch *** | scratcher, scratchily, scratchiness, scratchy |
scream | scream | scream **** | screamy | |
scrib | write | circumscribe ☆, describe ****, description ****, manuscript ☆, prescribe ☆, prescription **, script ***, subscribe ☆, subscriber ☆ |
ascribe, ascription, conscript, conscription, describable, describer, descriptive, inscribe, prescript, scribble, scribe, scripture, transcribe, transcript, transcription |
scroll | scroll | scroll ☆ | scrolling | |
scrupl | uneasiness, scrupl |
scruple ☆, scrupulous ☆ | unscrupulous | |
sculp (sculp-) |
carve | sculpture ** | insculp, resculpt, sculp, sculpsit, sculpt, sculptile, sculptor, sculptress, sculptural |
scum | scum, foam, froth |
skim ☆ | scum, scummy, skimming | |
sea | sea | sea ****, seaside ☆ | seashore | |
search | search | research ****, researcher ****, search **** | researchable, searchable, searcher |
second | second | second ****, secondary ***, secondly ** | ||
sect | cut, divide | insect ***, section ****, sector **** | bysect, insectan, insectean, insecticide, insectile, insectlike, insect-like, intersect, intersection, secant, sect, sect, sectional, sectoral, segment, segmental, segmentary, segmentation |
secular | secular | secular ** | secularity, secularize, secularly |
sed (side-, sed-, -sid-, sess-) |
sit | assess ****, assessment ***, obsess ☆, obsession **, possess ****, possession ***, possessive ☆, possessor ☆, preside ☆, presidency **, president ****, presidential ***, reside ☆, residence **, resident ****, residential **, sedentary ☆, session ****, size ****, subside ☆ |
assessable, assiduous, assize, insidious, obsessive, possessionless, possessions, possessively, possessiveness, presidentially, presidentship, residentially, residentiary, residentship, resider, residuary, residue, sed, sediment, sedimentary, sedulity, sedulous, sizer, sizy, subsidise, subsidy, supersede, supersize |
see | see | foresee ☆, insight ****, see ****, sight **** | eyesight, foreseeable, seeable, sightable, sighting, sightly, unsight, unsightly |
seed | seed | seed **** | seeding, seedless, seedlike, seedling, seeds, seedy |
seek | seek, inquire, pursue |
seek **** | seeker | |
seem | seem, honor, put up with, conform |
seem ****, seeming ☆, seemingly ** | seemer | |
seize | seize | seize ** | seizable, seizer, seizure |
sel (sel-, sult) |
take, grasp | consult **, consultant ***, counsel **, counselor ** |
counsellor, sel | |
self | self | myself ****, ourselves ****, self ****, selfish ☆ | selfabandoned, selfabasement, selfabhorrence, selfactualization, selfaffected, selfannihillation, selfapplause, selfaprobation, selfbana, selfie, selflice, selfwill, themself |
sell | to sell, give, sale |
sale ****, sales **, sell ****, seller ☆, selling ☆ | bestseller, bestselling, resell, salable, sellable |
semin | seed | seminar ** | disseminate, dissemination, insemination, semen, semenuria, semin, seminal, seminarian, seminary, seminate, semination, seminiferous |
sen (sen-) |
old, old man | senate ***, senator ***, senior ****, sir ****, sire ☆ | sen, senatorial, senescent, senile, senility |
send | send | send **** | sendable, sender | |
sent (sent, sens) |
feel, think | assent ☆, consensus **, consent ***, nonsense **, resentment ☆, scent **, sensation ***, sensational ☆, sense ****, sensible ***, sensitive ****, sensitivity **, sensor **, sentence ****, sentiment ** |
consentient, dissension, dissent, nonsensical, nonsensicality, nonsensically, nonsensicalness, resent, resenter, resentful, scented, scentless, scentlessness, sensate, sensibly, sensitively, sensitiveness, sensory, sensual, sent, sentience, sentient |
sept | seven | september *** | septangle, septennial, septennium |
sequ | follow | consecutive **, consequence ****, consequent ☆, consequently **, execute **, executive ****, persecution ☆, pursue ****, pursuit ***, sequence ***, subsequent **, sue ***, suit ****, suitable ***, suite ** |
consecution, consecutively, consecutiveness, consequential, ensue, executer, execution, executional, executively, inconsequent, nonsequitur, obsequious, persecute, persecutive, persecutor, prosecute, pursuance, pursuer, sequ, sequel, sequencing, sequent, sequential, subsequently, subsequentness, suer, unsuitable |
ser- (ser-, sat-) |
sow, season | season ****, seasonal ☆ | desertic, desertion, desertlike, deservedness, deserver, postseason, preseason, sation, sative, seasonable, seasonally, seasonalness, seasoned, seasoner, seasoning, seasonless |
serious | weighty, important, grave |
serious ****, seriously ****, seriousness ☆ | ||
sert (sert-) |
attach, join | assert **, assertion ☆, desert ****, exert ☆, insert **, serial **, series **** |
asserter, assertible, assertional, assertive, assertor, consert, curviserial, deserted, deserter, desertic, desertion, desertlike, desertrix, deservedness, deserver, dissert, dissertation, dissertator, exertion, exertional, exertive, insertable, inserter, insertion, insertional, multiseriate, reassert, reassertion, rectiserial, semidesert, serially, seriate, seriatim, sermon, sert, uniseriate |
servar (servar-, serv-) |
save, protect, serve, keep watch |
conservation **, conservative ****, conserve ☆, observation ****, observe ****, observer ***, preserve ****, reservation ***, reserve *** |
conservable, conservational, conservationist, conservatively, conservativeness, observability, observable, observableness, observably, observance, observant, observational, observationally, preservative, serv |
servi (servi-, serv-) |
serve, be a servant |
desert ****, deserve ****, dessert ☆, servant ***, serve ****, service ****, servile ☆, servitude ☆ |
desertic, desertion, desertlike, deservedness, deserver, sergeant, servanthood, servantless, servantlike, servant-like, server, servi, servilely, servileness, servility, subservient |
set | set | set ****, setting ***, upset *** | headset, offset, upsettable, upsetter, upsettingly |
set | retinue; a following | set **** | ||
settle | settle | settle ****, settlement *** | settler | |
seven | seven | seven ****, seventeen **, seventh ***, seventy *** | seventieth | |
sever | serious, grave, strict |
persevere ☆, severe ****, severity ☆ | asseverate, asseveration, dissever, perseverance, perseverant, perseverate, perseveration, perseverative, severance, severely, severeness |
sew | sew | sew ** | sewability, sewable, sewing |
sex | sex | sex ****, sexual ****, sexuality ** | asexual, desex, intersex, oversexed, sexily, sexiness, sexism, sexist, sexless, sexology, sexpert, sexploitation, sexpot, sext, sexually, sexy, unisex, unsex |
shade | shade | shade ***, shadow **** | shadower, shadowless, shadowlike, shadowy |
shake | shake | shake **** |
shall | shall | shall **** | should | |
shallow | shallow, not deep |
shallow *** | ||
shame | shame | ashamed ***, shame *** | shameful, shaming | |
shape | shape, create, form, destine |
shape ****, shaped ** | shapable, shapeable, shapely, shaper, shaping |
share | share | share **** | ||
shark | shark | shark ** | sharklike | |
sharp | sharp, acute, keen |
sharp ****, sharply ** | sharpen, sharpness | |
shatter (shatter, scatter) |
shatter, scatter, burst out laughing |
scatter **, shatter ☆ | shatterer, shattering, shatteringly |
shave | shave | shave ** | shavable, shaveable | |
shed | shed, divide, separate |
shed *** | shedable, sheddable, shedlike |
sheep | sheep | sheep *** | ||
sheer | sheer | sheer *** | sheerly, sheerness | |
sheet | sheet | sheet **** | worksheet | |
shelf | shelf | shelf ****, shelve ☆ | shelflike | |
shield | shield | shelter ****, shield ☆ | shelterer, shelterless, shielder, shieldlike |
shift | shift | shift **** | ||
shine | shine | shine ***, shiny ** | shinily, shininess | |
ship | ship | ship **** | apprenticeship, shippable, warship |
shirt | shirt | shirt **** | ||
shock | shock | shock **** | shockability, shockable |
shoe | shoe | shoe **** | shoeless | |
shop | shop, booth, stall |
shop **** | shopper, shopping | |
short | short | short ****, shortage **, shorten ☆, shortly *** | shortener, shortness, short-term |
shot | shot, shoot | shoot ***, shot ****, shout **** | shooter, shouter | |
show | show, look at, see, gaze |
show **** | showy | |
shower | shower | shower *** | showerless, showery | |
shrink | shrink | shrink ** | shrinkable, shrinkage, shrinker, shrinking, shrinkingly |
sick | sick | sick ****, sicken ☆, sickness ☆ | ick, sickening, sickeningly, sickish |
side | side | alongside ***, aside ***, beside ***, besides ***, countryside ***, inside ****, Insider **, outside ****, outsider **, seaside ☆, side **** |
downside, offside, riverside, upside |
sider | star, heavenly body |
consider ****, considerable ***, considerably **, consideration ****, desirable **, desire ****, undesirable ☆ |
considered, considering, desired, desirer, sider, sidereal, sidereally |
sigh | sigh | sigh *** | ||
sign | sign, mark | assign **, assignment **, design ****, designate ☆, designer ****, insignificant ☆, resign ***, seal **, sign ****, signal ****, significant ****, significantly ****, signify ☆ |
assignability, assignable, assignably, assignation, assigner, designation, designative, designator, designatory, designed, designing, insignia, reassign, reassignment, redesign, re-designing, resignation, resigner, sealable, seallike, seal-like, signate, signatory, signature, signifiable, significance, signification, significative, signifier |
sil | quiet, still | silence ****, silent **** | silently, silentness | |
silk | silk | silk *** | silken, silklike, silky |
silly | silly, happy, fortuitous |
silly *** | sillily, silliness | |
simil (simil-, simul-) |
simulate, likeness, imitating |
assimilate ☆, assimilation ☆, resemble ***, similar ****, similarity ***, similarly ***, simulate **, simultaneous ☆, simultaneously ** |
assemblage, assemble, assembly, dissemble, dissimilate, ensemble, resemblance, resembler, resemblingly, semblance, semble, simil, simile, similitude, simulacrum, simular, simulation, simulator, verisimilar, verisimilitude |
simple | simple | simple ****, simplify ☆, simply **** | simpleness, simplism, simplistic, simplistically |
sincere | sincere | sincere ***, sincerely ** | sincereness, sincerity | |
sing | sing | sing ****, singer ****, singing ***, song **** | singable, songlike | |
singul | one each | single ****, singular ☆ | single-digit, singleness, singly, singularity, singularly, singularness |
sip | sip | sip ☆ | sipper, sippingly | |
sist (sist-) |
come to stand, cause to stand still |
assist ****, assistance ***, assistant ****, consist ****, consistent ****, consistently **, exist ****, existence ****, existent ☆, existing ***, insist ****, persist **, persistent **, resist ****, resistance ***, resistant ** |
assister, assistive, coexist, coexistence, consistence, consistency, desist, existential, non-existent, persistence, persistently, persister, resistor, sist, solstice, subsist |
sister | sister | sister **** | sisterhood, sisterless, sisterlike, sisterly |
sit | sit, seat | seat ****, sit **** | babysitting, seatless |
site (site-, situ-) |
place, position, site |
site ****, situation ****, website *** | campsite, situate, situational |
six | six | six ****, sixteen **, sixth ***, sixty *** | sixtieth | |
skate | skate | skate ** | ||
ski | ski | ski ***, skiing ** | ||
skill | skill | skilful **, skilfully ☆, skill ****, skilled ***, skillful ☆ |
skin | skin | skin **** | skinless, skinlike, skinny |
skip | skip, take a run |
skip ** | ||
skirt | skirt | skirt *** | skirted, skirter, skirtless, skirtlike |
sky | sky | sky **** | skyey, skyless, skylike, skyscraper |
slang | slang | slang ☆ | slangily, slanginess, slangy |
slav (slav-, slave-) |
Slav | slave **** | enslave, Slav, slavery | |
sleep | sleep | asleep ***, sleep ****, sleepy ☆ | sleeping, sleepless | |
sleeve | sleeve, slip | sleeve **, slope *** | sleeveless, sleevelike | |
slice | slice | slice *** |
slide | slide | slide **** | slidable, slider | |
slight | slight | slight ***, slightly **** | slightness | |
slogan | slogan | slogan ** | ||
slow | slow | slow ****, slowly **** | sloth | |
slug | be lazy, slow | sluggish ☆ | sluggard | |
small | small, thin | small **** | smallish, smallness | |
smart | smart | smart **** | ||
smell | smell | smell **** | smelly | |
smile | smile | smile **** | smileless, smiler, smiley, smilingly, smilingness |
smog | smog | smog ☆ | smoggy, smogless | |
smoke | smoke | smoke ****, smoking *** | smoked | |
smooth | smooth | smooth *** | smoothable, smoother, smoothie, smoothly, smoothness |
snake | snake | snake *** | snakelike, snaky | |
snap | snap | snap *** | snack | |
sneeze | sneeze | sneeze ☆ | sneezeless, sneezer, sneezy |
snow | snow | snow ****, snowy ☆ | ||
so | so | also ****, as ****, so ****, whatsoever **, whereas **** | soever | |
soap | soap | soap *** | soapless, soaplike, soapy |
soccer | soccer | soccer ** | ||
soci | group, associate |
associate ****, association ****, sociable ☆, social ****, socialise ☆, socialize ☆, socially ***, society ****, sociology ☆ |
antisocial, associative, consociate, consociation, consociational, disassociate, disassociation, dissociable, dissocial, dissociate, dissociation, dissociative, interassociation, nonassociative, soci, sociability, socialisable, socialiser, sociality, socializable, socializer, sociate, societal, socio, sociolinguistics |
soda | soda | sodium ☆ | ||
soft | soft | soft ****, soften ☆, softly **, software **** | softish, softy | |
soil | soil | soil **** | ||
sol | alone | sole **, solely ***, solicit ☆, solitude ☆ | desolate, desolation, desolatory, saudade, solder, soleless, soleness, solicitation, solicitor, solicitous, solicitude, soliloquy, solitaire, solitarily, solitariness, solitary, solitudinarian, solitudinous, solivagous, solo, sullen |
solar (sol-) |
sun | solar ***, Sunday *** | circumsolar, desolate, desolately, desolateness, desolater, desolation, desolator, extrasolar, insolate, insolation, solarism, solarist, solarium, solarize, solidarity, soliform, soliscence, solo, solstice, subsolar |
sole | be used to, be accustomed |
obsolete ☆ | insolence, insolent, obsolescence, obsolescent |
solid | solid | consolidate ☆, consolidation ☆, soldier ****, solid **** |
console | |
solve | loosen | absolute ***, absolutely ****, dissolve ***, resolution ***, resolve ****, solution ****, solve **** |
absoluteness, aerosol, dissolution, dissolvability, dissolvable, dissolvableness, dissolvent, dissolver, insoluble, resolute, resolutely, resoluteness, resolutioner, resolutionist, resolutive, resolvability, resolvable, resolvent, resolver, soluble, solute, solutional, solutionist, solvent, solver, unresolvable, unresolved |
some | some | some ****, somebody ****, somehow ***, someone ****, something ****, sometime **, sometimes ****, somewhere **** |
burdensome, burdensomely, burdensomeness, Roshni, troublesome |
son | sound | sound *** | absonant, ambisonic, assonance, assonant, assonate, consonance, consonant, consonous, dissonance, dissonant, inconsonance, inconsonant, infrasonic, infrasound, magnisonant, parson, resonance, resonant, resonate, resound, son-, sonance, sonant, sonata, sondage, sonic, sonnet, sonorant, sonority, soun, sounding, subsonic, supersonic, triconsonantal, ultrasonic, ultrasound, unison |
son | son | grandson **, son **** | sonless, sonlike | |
soph | wise | philosopher **, philosophy ****, sophisticated ***, sophomore ☆ |
antisophism, pansophism, pansophist, pansophy, philosophic, philosophically, philosophicalness, philosophize, soph, sophism, sophist, sophisticate, sophisticatedly, sophistication, sophisticator, sophistry, Sophocles, sophomania, sophomaniac, sophomoric |
sorb (sorb-, sorpt-) |
suck, suck in | absorb *** | absorbency, absorbent, absorbing, absorption, absorptive, absorptivity, adsorb, adsorbent, adsorption, exsorption, insorption, malabsorption, resorb, resorption, resorptive, sorb, sorbent, sorbile, sorbition, sorption |
sore | sore, painful, grievous |
sore **, sorry **** | soreness, sorrily, sorriness |
sort | sort | resort ***, sort **** | Allsort, assort, consort, resorter, sortilege, sortition |
soul | soul | soul **** | soulful, soulfully, soulfulness, soul-like |
sound | sound, safe | sound *** | ||
soup | soup | soup *** | ||
sour | sour, tart, acid, fermented |
sour ** | sourdough | |
south | south | south ****, southern **** | southerly, southernly | |
space | space | space **** | spacecraft, spacious, spatial |
spare | spare | spare *** | spareable, sparely, spareness |
sparg (sparg-, -sperg-, spars-, -spers-) |
scatter, sprinkle |
disperse ☆ | asperse, aspersion, aspersive, dispersal, dispersion, dispersive, insperse, inspersion, interspersal, intersperse, interspersion, nonaspersion, nondispersive, nonsparse, sparge, spargefaction, sparse, sparsity |
spark | spark | spark **, sparkling ☆ | sparkish, sparkless, sparklike, sparky |
speak | speak | speak ****, speaker ****, speaking ☆, speech **** | bespeak, bespoke, speakable, speechify, spoken |
spec | look, see | aspect ****, auspice ☆, conspicuous ☆, despise ☆, despite ****, expect ****, expectancy ☆, expectation ****, expected ***, inspect ☆, inspector **, perspective ****, prospect ****, prospective ☆, respect ****, respectable ☆, respective ☆, respectively **, specifically ****, specimen ☆, spectacular ***, spectre ☆, spectrum **, speculative ☆, spite **, suspect ****, suspicion **, suspicious ***, unexpected ***, unexpectedly ☆ |
aspectual, auspex, auspicate, auspicious, biaspectual, bispecific, bispecificity, circumspect, circumspection, circumspective, conspecific, conspecificity, conspectus, despection, despicable, despiciency, despisement, despiser, disrespect, disrespectable, expectant, expecting, inauspicious, incircumspect, inconspicuous, infraspecific, inspectable, inspectingly, inspection, inspectional, inspective, inspeximus, interspecies, interspecific, intraspecies, intraspecific, introspection, introspective, irrespective, multispecific, multispecificity, multispectral, perspicacious, perspicuity, perspicuous, prospector, prospectus, prospicience, prospicient, reinspect, respectability, respectant, respected, respite, retrospection, retrospective, spec, speciation, specification, specificity, specified, speciosity, specious, spectacle, spectacularity, spectacularly, spectant, spectate, spectation, spectator, spectatorial, spectral, specular, speculate, speculation, speculator, speculatory, speculum, subspeciality, subspecies, transpicuous, trispecific, unispecific, unspecified |
speci | kind, sort, appearance |
especially ****, special ****, specialise ☆, specialist ****, specially **, specialty ☆, species ****, specific ****, spice **, spicy *** |
especial, nonspecific, speci, specialisation, specialised, speciality, specialization, specialize, specialness, specie, specifiable, specification, specificative, specificity, specifier, specify, spicer, spicily, spiciness, spiderish, spiderless, spiderlike, spidery |
speed | speed | speed **** | speeder, speedily, speediness, speedy |
spell | story, saying, tale, history |
spell ***, spelling ** | ||
sper | hope | despair ☆, desperate ***, desperately **, prosperity ** |
desperado, desperateness, desperation, esperance, prosper, prosperous, sper |
sphere | ball, sphere | atmosphere ****, atmospheric ☆, hemisphere ☆, sphere ** |
aspheric, centrosphere, hypersphere, mesosphere, pseudosphere, spherics, spheroid, spherometer, spherulite, stratosphere, trimetasphere |
spider | spider | spider *** | spiderish, spiderless, spiderlike, spidery |
spill | spill | spill ** | spillable, spiller | |
spin | thorn | spine ** | infraspinate, infraspinatus, interspinal, spinal, spinally, spined, spinel, spineless, spinelike, spinescent, spiniferous, spiniform, spinose, spinous, spiny |
spinach | spinach | spinach ☆ | ||
spire | breathe | aspiration ☆, aspire **, conspiracy **, conspire ☆, inspiration ***, inspire ***, respiration ☆, spirit ****, spiritual **** |
conspirator, conspiratorial, conspiratorially, conspiratory, conspirer, conspiringly, expiration, expiratory, expire, expirer, inspirational, inspirationally, inspirationism, inspirationist, inspiratory, perspire, respirate, respiratory, respire, spir |
split | split | split **** |
spond | pledge, a surety, guarantee; give assurance, promise solemnly |
correspondent ***, respond ****, response ****, responsibility ****, responsible ****, sponsor ***, sponsorship **, spouse ** |
correspond, correspondence, corresponsive, cosponsor, despond, despondency, despondent, desponsage, desponsate, desponsation, disespouse, espousage, espousal, espouse, interspousal, irresponsibility, irresponsible, irresponsibly, irresponsive, nonresponsive, respondee, respondence, respondent, responsibleness, responsibly, responsion, responsive, responsivity, riposte, spond, sponsal, sponsion, sponsional, sponsorial, spousal |
sponge | sponge | sponge ☆ | fungic, fungicidal, fungicidally, fungous, fungus, funguslike, fungus-like, spongelike, spongingly, spongy |
spont (spont, spontan-) |
자유의지의, spontaneous, of free will, willingly |
spontaneous ☆ | spontaneity, spontaneously, spontaneousness |
spoon | spoon | spoon ***, teaspoon ** | spoonlike | |
spot | spot | spot ****, spotlight ☆ | spoting | |
spray | spray, sprinkle | spray ** | ||
spread | spread | spread **** | ||
spring | spring | offspring **, spring **** | springless, springlike, springy |
spy | spy, search out, examine, investigate |
spy *** | ||
squeeze | squeeze | squeeze *** | ||
st (st-, stat-) |
stand, enact, set, condition |
arrest ***, circumstance ****, constant ****, constantly ****, contrast ****, cost ****, distance ****, establish ****, established ☆, establishment **, estate ****, instance ****, instant ***, instantly **, obstacle ***, stabilize ☆, stable ****, stage ****, stance **, state ****, statement ****, station ****, statistic ***, statistics ***, statue ***, status ****, statute ☆, stay ****, substance ****, substantial ***, substantially **, superstition ☆, superstitious ☆ |
antestature, arrestant, arrestee, arrestive, bistability, bistable, bistate, circumstantial, constable, constabulary, constancy, consubstantiation, distant, distantly, distantness, equidistance, equidistant, extant, inconstancy, inconstant, instability, instantane, instantaneity, instantaneous, instantaneously, instantaneousness, instate, presto, reinstate, rest, st-, stabile, stabilise, stamen, stamina, stanchion, stanza, statesman, statesmanlike, statesmanship, stationary, statistician, staunch, substantiality, substantiate, substantiation, substantive, substate, substation, superstation, superstitiously, superstitiousness, transubstantiate, transubstantiation, tristate, understate, understatement |
stab | stab | stab ** | ||
staff | staff | staff ****, stave ☆ | staffless | |
stair | stair | downstairs **, stair ****, upstairs *** | stairs |
stal | stall | install ****, stall ☆ | ||
stamp | stamp, to pound in a mortar |
stamp *** | stampable, stamper, stampless |
stand | stand | misunderstand ☆, misunderstanding ☆, stand ****, standard ****, understand ****, understandable ☆, understanding **** |
misunderstander, misunderstandingly, notwithstanding, standardise, standardize, stander, understandability, understandably, withstand |
staple | staple, post, pillar |
staple ☆ | ||
star | star | star **** | five-star, starless, starlike, starry, superstar |
stark | stark | stark ** | starkly, starkness | |
start | start | start ****, starter ☆ | ||
stat | cause to stand, to stand |
stadium ***, system **** | acrostatic, actinostele, anastasis, antistatic, apostasy, apostate, astasia, astasis, astatic, astatine, catastasis, chronostasis, diastase, diastasis, diastatic, diasystem, ecstasy, ecstatic, epistasis, episteme, epistemic, epistemology, eustasis, eustatic, eustele, haplostele, homeostatic, hydrostatic, hypostasis, hypostasize, hypostatic, hypostatize, mesostatic, metastasis, metastasize, metastatic, metasystem, orthostates, orthostatic, protostele, stasimon, stasis, stater, static, statoblast, statocyst, statolith, stela, stele, systasis, systematize, systematology, systemic, teleutostatic |
stead | standing, stead | instead ****, stead ☆, steadfast ☆, steadily **, steady ****, unsteady ** |
homestead, steadfastly, steadfastness, steadiness, stedfastly, stedfastness, unsteadily, unsteadiness |
steal | steal | steal **** | stealable, stealth, stealthy |
steam | steam | steam *** | steamless, steamy | |
steep | steep, high, lofty; deep; prominent, projecting |
steep *** | steepen, steeper, steeply, steepness |
steer | steer, guide, direct, govern |
steer ** | steerable, steerage, steerer |
stem | stem | stem *** | stemlike, stemmer | |
step | step | step **** | steplike |
stereo (stereo-, stere-) |
solid | stereo ☆, stereotype *** | allosteric, stereochemistry, stereochromy, stereographic, stereography, stereoisomer, stereometry, stereophonic, stereopsis, stereoscope, stereoscopy, stereotaxis, stereotomy, stereotypic, stereotypical, stereotypically, steric |
stern (stern-, strat-) |
spread, strew | consternation ☆, prostrate ☆, street **** | strat, stratify, stratosphere, stratum, stratus |
stick | to pierce, stick |
stick ****, sticky *** | chopstick, sticker | |
stiff | stiff, rigid, inflexible |
stiff ***, stiffly ☆ | stiffen, stiffish, stiffness |
still | still | still **** | stillness | |
stimul | rouse, excite, spur, incentive |
stimulate ***, stimulation ☆, stimulus *** | stimulant | |
stin (stin-) |
stand | destination ***, destine ☆, destiny ☆ | obstinate | |
stinct | punctuate, prick, pierce |
distinct **, distinctive ***, distinguish ***, extinction ☆, instinct *** |
distinction, distinctively, distinctiveness, distinctly, distinctness, distinguishable, distinguishably, distinguisher, distinguishingly, distinguishment, extinct, instinctively, stinct |
stink | stink | stink ☆ | stinky | |
stir | stir, move; rouse |
stir *** | stirless, stirrable | |
stitute | establish, enact, set |
constituency ☆, constituent ☆, institute ***, institution ****, institutional **, substitute **, substitution ☆ |
constituently, constitute, constituter, constitution, constitutional, constitutive, constitutor, instituter, institutionalism, institutionalize, institutionally, institutionary, institutor, stitute, substitutability, substitutable, substitutive |
stock | stock, stump, post, stake, tree trunk, log |
stock **** | stocker, stocky | |
stone | stone | stone **** | stonable, stoneable, stoneless, stonelessness, stonelike, stony |
stop | stop | stop **** | stoppable, stoppage |
store | store | drugstore **, restaurant ****, restoration ☆, restore ***, storage **, store **** |
restorable, restorableness, restorationism, restorationist, restorative, restorer, stores |
storm | mouth | stomach **** | anastomosis, anastomotic, brainstorming, deuterostome, monostomous, ozostomia, pentastomid, protostome, stoma, stomatalgia, stomatic, stomatoplasty, tummy |
storm | storm | storm *** | stormless, stormlike, stormy |
straight (straight, stretch) |
straight, stretch |
straight ****, straighten ☆, straightforward **, stretch **** |
stretchability, stretchable, stretchy |
strain (strain-) |
tight, upright, stiff |
constrain ☆, constraint **, distress **, restrain ☆, restraint ☆, restrict ***, restriction ***, strain ***, strait ☆, stress ****, strict ***, strictly ** |
astringent, constrict, constringe, distressful, distressfully, distressfulness, distressing, distressingly, district, stressed, stressful, stressfully, stressfulness, striction, strictness, stricture, stringent, unrestricted, unstressed |
strat | army | strategic ***, strategy **** | stratagem, strategist, strategus, stratocracy, stratography, stratonic |
straw | straw | straw ** | strawberry, strawless, strawlike, strawy |
stream | stream | mainstream ***, stream ****, streamer ☆ | streaming, streamingly, streamless, streamlet, streamlike, streamy |
strike | strike | streak ☆, strike ****, striking **, stroke *** | streaker, streaklike, strikeless, strikingly, strikingness |
stripe | stripe | stripe ** | ||
strong | strong | strength ****, strengthen ***, strong ****, strongly **** |
strengthener | |
strophe (streph-, stroph-, strob-, stromb-) |
turn | apostrophe ☆, catastrophe ☆ | anastrophe, antistrophe, boustrophedon, catastrophic, catastrophism, epistrophe, monostrophe, monostrophic, strophe, strophic |
struct (struct-) |
build, make up | construct ****, construction ****, constructive ☆, destroy ****, destruction ***, destructive ☆, industrial ****, industry ****, infrastructure ***, instruction ****, instructor ***, instrument ****, reconstruct ☆, reconstruction ☆, structural **, structure **** |
constructional, constructionally, constructively, constructiveness, construe, destroyable, destruct, destructionist, destructively, destructiveness, destructivity, industrialisation, industrialise, industrialization, industrialize, industrially, industrious, industriously, industriousness, instruct, instructible, instructional, instructive, instrumental, instrumentality, instrumentally, obstruct, reconstructible, reconstructional, reconstructive, reconstructor, restructure, restructurer, restructuring, struct, structurally, structured, structureless |
struggle | struggle | struggle **** | struggler, strugglingly |
stud | dedication, diligent, study |
student ****, studio ****, study **** | etude, stud |
stuff | stuff | stuff **** | ||
stumble | stumble | stumble ** | ||
stump | stump | stump ☆ | stumpy | |
stup | wonder | stupid **** | stupefy, stupidity, stupidly, stupidness, stupor |
style | style | style **** | lifestyle, stylar, styleless, stylelessness, stylelike, styler, stylish |
suade | urge, advise | persuade ***, persuasive ☆ | dissuadable, dissuade, dissuader, dissuasion, dissuasive, dissuasively, dissuasiveness, persuadability, persuadable, persuader, persuasibility, persuasible, persuasion, persuasively, persuasiveness, suade |
suck | suck | soak **, suck *** | soaked, soaker, soaking, suckless, suction |
sugar | sugar | sugar **** | sugarless, sugar-like, sugary |
sum | sum totality, highest |
sum ***, summarize **, summary ***, summit *** | consummate, consummation, sumless, summacumlaude, summarily, summariness, summarisable, summarisation, summarise, summariser, summarist, summarizable, summarization, summarizer, summation, summital, summitless |
sume (sume, sumpt-) |
take | assume ****, assumption **, consume ***, consumer ****, consumption **, presumably ** |
assumable, assumer, assuming, assumptive, assumptively, consumable, consuming, consumingly, consummate, consumptive, overconsume, overconsumption, presumable, presume, presumedly, presumer, presumingly, presumption, presumptive, resumable, resume, resumer, subsume, sume |
summer | summer | summer **** | midsummer, summeriness, summerless, summerlike, summerly, summery |
sun | sun | sun ****, sunlight **, sunny ☆ | sunless, sunlike, sunlit, sunnily, suntan |
super (super-) |
above, over | sovereign ☆, sovereignty **, superb ☆, superior ***, supermarket ***, superstition ☆, superstitious ☆, supervise ☆, supervision ☆, supervisor **, surface ****, surmise ☆, surname **, surpass ☆, surplus ☆, surprise ****, surprised ***, surprising ****, surprisingly ***, surrender **, surround ****, surrounding ***, surroundings **, survey ****, survival ***, survive ****, survivor *** |
insuperable, insurmountable, Soprano, sovereignly, super, superable, supercilious, supercomputer, superficial, superficiality, superficially, superficialness, superficies, superfluous, superfood, superimpose, superiority, superiorly, superlative, supernal, supernatural, supernaturalism, supernaturalist, supernaturally, supernaturalness, supernova, superposition, superpower, superscript, supersede, supersize, supersonic, superstar, superstitiously, superstitiousness, supervene, supervisorship, supreme, supremum, surficial, surmount, surnamer, surreal, surrealism, surtax, surveillance, surveyable, survivability, survivable, survivorship, unsurprisingly |
surd | deaf, dull, mute |
absurd ☆ | absurdity, surd, surdimutism, surdity |
sure | sure, safe | assure ***, ensure ****, reassure **, sure ****, surely **** |
assurable, assurance, assurer, insurability, insurable, Insurance, insure, reassurance, reinsurance, reinsure, sureness, surety, unsure |
surf | surf | surf ☆ | surfable, surfer, surflike, surfy |
surg (surg, source) |
rise | resource ****, source ****, surge ** | insurgent, insurrection, resurge, resurgent, resurrect, resurrection, surgeless, surger, surgy |
surger | surgery | surgeon **, surgery ***, surgical ☆ | surgically | |
swallow | swallow | swallow *** | ||
swear | swear | answer ****, swear *** | answerless, answerlessly, swearer, unanswered |
sweat | sweat | sweat ***, sweater *** | sweatless, sweaty | |
sweep | sweep | sweep **** | sweepingly, sweepingness, sweepy, swipe |
sweet | sweet | sweet ****, sweeten ☆ | sweetener, sweetish, sweetly, sweetness |
swim | swim | swim ****, swimmer ☆, swimming *** | swimmingly | |
swing | swing | swing *** | ||
switch | switch | switch **** | ||
system | system | system ****, systematic ** | ecosystem, systematically, systematicness, systematize, systemic, systemize, systemless, unsystematic |