There are 108 English roots starting with [M]. There are 286 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 1567 words in total. |
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★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
ma | my | ma'am ☆ | madam | |
mad | mad | mad *** | madness | |
mag | magic | magic ***, magical **, magician ☆ | magically | |
magazine | magazine | magazine **** | ||
magistr (magistr-) |
chief, director | magistrate ☆, master **** | miss, mistress, mistressship |
magnet | lodestone | magnet ☆, magnetic **, magnetism ☆ | bioelectromagnetism, biomagnetism, diamagnetic, diamagnetism, electromagnet, geomagnetic, magnesium, magnetically, magnetisable, magnetisation, magnetise, magnetiser, magnetite, magnetizable, magnetization, magnetize, magnetizer, magnetobiology, magnetologist, magnetometer, magnetosome, manganese, paramagnetic, paramagnetism |
email ***, mail *** | ||||
main | main | main ****, mainstream *** | mainly | |
major | greater | major ***, majority ****, mayor *** | majesty, majorship, majuscule, semimajor, supermajority |
make | make, match | made **, make ****, maker ***, makeup ☆, make-up **, making ** |
homemade, makable, makeable, makeless, makeover, peacemaker, remake, remaker |
mamm | mother, breast, female breast |
grandma ☆, mama ☆, mammal ☆, mom **, mummy ☆ | mamm, mamma, mammals, mammary, mammogram, mum |
man | human being, person |
businessman ***, freshman ☆, gentleman ****, man ****, mankind ☆, woman **** |
businesswoman, caveman, freeman, kinsman, kinswoman, manbag, manful, manlike, manliness, manly, manned, mannish, statesman, statesmanlike, statesmanship, womanish, womanize, womanless, womanlike, womanly, womanness |
man (man-, main, mans-) |
stay | manor ☆, permanent ****, permanently ☆, remain ****, remainder ☆, remains ** |
immanence, immanent, immanuel, impermanence, impermanent, maisonette, man, manorial, manse, mansion, meiny, menage, menagerie, menial, messuage, nonpermanence, nonpermanent, permanence, quasipermanent, remanence, remanent, remnant, semipermanent |
mand (mand-, -mend-) |
order, commit, entrust |
command ****, commend ☆, demand ****, mandate **, mandatory **, recommend ****, recommendation *** |
commandant, commander, commandership, commandment, commendable, commendam, commendation, commendatory, counterdemand, countermand, demandant, encomienda, mand, mandamus, mandatary, mandator, recommendable, recommendatory, recommender, remand, remandment |
mantle | mantle ☆ | dismantle | ||
manu (manu-) |
hand | maintain ****, manage ****, management ****, manager ****, managing **, manifest ☆, manipulate ***, manipulation ☆, manner ****, manual **, manufacture **, manufacturer ***, manuscript ☆ |
adminicle, amanuensis, Bimana, bimanous, bimanual, emancipate, mainour, maintenance, manacle, manageability, manageable, managerial, managerially, managership, mandamus, manege, maneuver, manicure, manifer, manifestation, manifesto, maniform, manikin, maniple, manipulative, maniraptoran, maniraptoriform, mansuetude, manu, manually, manuary, manubrial, manubrium, manuduction, manufacturable, manufactural, manufacturing, manumission, manumit, manuport, manure, manus, micromanage, micromanagement, micromanager, mortmain, Quadrumana, quadrumanous |
many | many | anymore ***, many **** | ||
map | map | map **** | ||
march | march | march *** | ||
mare | mare | nightmare *** | mare, nightmarish, nightmarishly, nightmarishness |
margin | edger, margin, border, brink, border, margin |
margin **, marginal ☆ | marginalise, marginality, marginally |
marin (marin, mari-) |
sea | marine ***, maritime ☆, submarine ☆ | maar, mariculture, marina, marinade, marinara, marinate, marination, mariner, ultramarine |
mark | mark, sign | mark ****, marker **, remark ***, remarkable ***, remarkably ** |
demarcate, demarcation, pockmark, pockmarked, remarkability, remarkableness, remarker |
marry | marry | marriage ****, marry **** | married, marrier | |
Mars | Mars, war, March |
March ***, Mars ☆, martial ☆ | martialism, martialist, martially, martialness, Martian |
mas | male, man | male ****, masculine ☆ | emasculate, emasculation, emasculator, male-dominated, masculate, masculinity |
mask | mask | mask *** | masklike | |
mass | lump, mass, ball |
mass ****, massive **** | massedly, massively, massiveness, massy |
mat | thinking, animated |
automate ☆, automatic ***, automatically ***, automation ☆ |
automatable, automaticity, automatism, automatist, automatize, automaton, automatous |
match | mate, companion | match ****, matching ** | matchable, matcher | |
match | match | match *** | ||
mate | mate | classmate ☆, inmate **, mate *** | crewmate, mateless, mateship, mating |
mathem (mathem-, math-, mathy-) |
learn, science, knowledge, mathematical knowledge |
mathematics *** | mathem, mathematic, mathematical, mathematician, maths, polymath |
matr (matr-, mater-) |
mother, substance |
material ****, maternity ☆, matter ****, metropolis ☆, metropolitan ☆ |
mater, materfamilias, materiality, materialize, materially, materialness, maternal, matriarch, matrimony, matrix, matron, mattery, metro |
mature | mature | mature ** | immature, maturely, matureness, maturity, premature, prematurely, prematureness, prematurity |
maxim (max-, maxim-) |
greatest | maximum *** | max, maxim, maximal, maximation, maximisation, maximise, maximiser, maximization, maximize, maximizer, maximumly, merely, submaximal |
may | may | may ****, maybe **** | ||
maze | maze, amazed | amaze **, amazed **, amazing ****, maze ☆ | amazingly | |
meal | meal | meal **** | meal-less | |
mean (mean, moan) |
mean, moan | mean ****, meaning ****, meaningful **, meaningless ☆, means *** |
bemoan, meaningly, moan, moaner, moanful, moaningly |
meat | meat | meat **** | meatball, meatless, meaty |
mechan | machine, instrument |
machine ****, mechanic **, mechanical ***, mechanism *** |
machinability, machinable, machineable, machineless, machine-like, machinery, mechan, mechane, mechanicalism, mechanically, mechanicalness, mechanics, mechanize, mechanobiology, mechanophilia, mechanophobia |
medi | middle | immediate ****, immediately ****, intermediate ☆, meantime ***, meanwhile ****, media ****, medieval **, Mediterranean ☆, medium *** |
dimidiation, immediacy, intermediary, intermediately, mean, meddler, meddlesome, meddlingly, medi, mediaeval, mediaevally, median, mediate, mediation, medievalize, medievally, mediocre, meridian, mitten, mitts, moiety, multimedia, postmeridian, submediant |
medic (med-, medic-) |
heal | medical ****, medication ***, medicine ****, remedy ** |
biomedical, med, medic, medically, Medicare, medicate, medicinal, phytoremediate, phytoremediation, remedial, remediate, remediation |
medit (medit-) |
meditate ☆, meditation ** | meditative, meditatively, meditativeness, meditator |
melo | song, singing | melody ** | melodic, melodious, melodize |
melt | melt | melt *** | meltability, meltable, melter, meltingly, meltingness, molten |
member | member | member **** | ||
memor | remember | memoir ☆, memorable **, memorandum ☆, memorial **, memory ****, remember **** |
commemorate, commemoration, commemorative, commemoratively, commemorator, commemoratory, immemorial, memo, memor, memorabilia, memorability, memorandom, memoriaist, memorise, misremember, remembrance |
mend | fault, blemish | amend ☆, amendment **, mend ☆ | emend, mendacious, mendacity |
mens (mens-, meas-) |
measure | dimension **, measure ****, measurement *** | commensurable, commensurate, demension, dimensional, immense, immensely, immenseness, immensity, incommensurable, incommensurate, mens, semester |
ment | remember, mind | comment ****, commentator ☆, mental ****, mentality ☆, mentally ***, mention ****, reminiscence ☆, reminiscent ☆ |
commentable, commentarial, commentary, commentate, commentative, commenter, dement, dementia, demential, memento, ment, mentionable, mentioner, reminisce |
mentor | mentor | mentor ** | mentorial | |
merc (merc-) |
reward, wages, hire, merchandise |
commerce **, commercial ****, market ****, marketing ****, marketplace **, merchandise ☆, merchant **, mercy **, supermarket *** |
amercement, commerciality, commercialize, commercially, marketer, merc, mercantile, mercenary, mercery, noncommercial |
mere | mere | mere *** | centromere, centromeric, merely |
merge (merge-, mers-) |
dip, plunge | emerge ****, emergency ****, immerse ☆, merge **, submerge ☆ |
demerge, demersal, demerse, demersion, emergence, emergent, emerging, emersion, immerge, immergence, immersible, immersion, immersive, reemerge, reemergence, reimmerse, submergence, submerse, submersible, submersion |
merit | merit | merit *** | ||
meta | above, beyond, among |
metaphor **, method ****, methodical ☆ | ametabolic, meta, metabolic, metabolism, metalogic, metamorphic, metamorphose, metamorphosis, metapause, metaphase, metaphoric, metaphorical, metaphorically, metaphysics, metastasis, metastatic, metaverse, meteor, methodically, methodological, methodologically, methodologist, methodology |
metal (metal-, metall-) |
mine mine | medal **, metal ****, metallic ☆ | dimetallic, electrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, medaled, medalled, medallic, medallist, metalled, metalliferous, metalline, metallize, metalloid, metallophobia, metallophone, metallurgist, metallurgy, organometallic, polymetal, polymetallic, pyrometallurgy, tetrametallic, trimetallic |
meter (meter, metr) |
measure | centimeter ☆, geometry ☆, kilometre ***, meter ☆, metre *** |
altimeter, anemometer, anemometric, antisymmetric, antisymmetry, astrometry, asymmetric, asymmetry, axonometric, barometer, barometric, bathometer, bolometer, bolometric, bolometrically, bolometry, calorimeter, centimetre, chronometer, diameter, diametral, diametric, diametrically, dysmetria, galvanometer, gasometer, geometric, geometrical, geometrize, graphometer, hexameter, hygrometer, hygrometry, isodiametric, isometric, isoperimetric, kilometer, metric, metrology, metronome, monosymmetric, nanometre, parameter, parameterize, parametric, parametrize, pedometer, pentameter, perimeter, polymeter, speedometer, symmetric, symmetry, telemeter, telemetric, telemetry, tetrameter, thermometer, trimeter, trimetric |
mid | middle | amid ***, middle **** | mid, midlife, mid-morning, midsummer |
migr | wander, move | emigrate ☆, immigrant ****, immigration **, migrant ☆, migrate ☆, migration ** |
countermigration, emigrant, emigration, emigre, immigrate, immigrational, immigrator, immigratory, intermigration, migr, migrational, migrator, migratory, nonmigratory, remigrant, remigrate, remigration, transmigrant, transmigrate, transmigration, transmigratory |
milit | soldier | militant ☆, military **** | ex-military, milit, militarily, militarize, militia |
milk | milk | milk **** | ||
mill | thousand | billion ****, mile ***, million ****, trillion ** | billionaire, billionth, millennial, millennialist, millennially, millennials, millennium, milli, trillionth |
mimic | mimic | mimic ☆ | mimicker, mimicry | |
min | jut, project, jut out |
imminent ☆, prominence ☆, prominent *** | eminence, eminent, imminence, imminently, imminentness, preeminence, preeminent, prominently, prominentness, promontory, supereminence, supereminent |
min (minor, min-) |
less, smaller, make small |
diminish **, menu ***, minimal **, minimise ☆, minimize **, minimum ***, minor ****, minority ****, minus ☆, minute *** |
min, minestrone, minim, minimally, minstrel, minuscule, quasiminuscule, semiminor |
mind | memory, mind | mind ****, remind **** | mindful, remindful | |
mine | mine, dig, ore | mine ****, miner **, mineral ***, mining **, undermine ** |
minable, mineable, mineralize, underminer, underminingly |
minister (minister-) |
serve, attend, wait upon |
administer **, administrative **, administrator ***, minister ****, ministry *** |
admin, administrate, administration, administrational, administratively, administratorship, administratrix, maladminister, maladministration, minestrone, ministerial, ministerialis, ministerium, ministership, ministrant, ministrate, ministration, ministrative, minstrel, minstrelsy |
mir (mir-) |
wonder, amazement |
admiration **, admire ***, marvel ☆, marvellous ☆, marvelous ☆, miracle ***, mirror **** |
admirability, admirable, admirableness, admirably, admirative, admired, admirer, admiringly, marvellously, marvellousness, marvelously, marvelousness, mir, miraculous, mirage, Miranda, mirative, mirativity, mirror-like |
misc (misc-, mix-) |
mix | meddle ☆, mix ****, mixture **** | admix, admixtion, admixture, commix, commixture, immiscibility, immiscible, immix, immixture, intermix, intermixture, maslin, meddler, meddlesome, meddling, meddlingly, mestizo, Metis, miscellanea, miscellaneous, miscellany, miscibility, miscible, mixable, permiscible, permix, permixtion, postmix, premix, promiscuity, promiscuous, remix |
miser | miser, wretched, pitiable |
miserable ** | miser, miserly | |
miss | miss | miss **** | missing | |
mit | send, put | admission **, admit ****, commission ****, commissioner **, commit ****, commitment ****, committee ***, compromise ***, dismiss ****, dismissal ☆, emission ***, emit ☆, mess ***, message ****, messenger ☆, missile ***, mission ***, missionary **, omit ☆, permission ***, permit ****, premise **, promise ****, promising **, submit ***, surmise ☆, transmission **, transmit ** |
admissibility, admissible, admissive, admittatur, admittee, commissar, commissariat, commissary, commissional, commissionary, commissive, commissural, commissure, committable, committal, committed, committer, compromis, compromissary, decommission, decommit, decommitment, demise, demiss, demit, dimissory, dimit, dismissible, dismission, dismissive, emissary, emissitious, emissive, emissivity, emittent, entremet, fideicommissary, fideicommissum, impermissible, inadmissibility, inadmissible, intermission, intermittent, intromissible, intromission, intromissive, intromit, intromittent, manumission, manumit, messy, mise, missionize, missive, mit, mittimus, neurotransmitter, noncommittal, omissible, omission, omissive, omissiveness, omitter, permissible, permissive, permissory, permittee, permitter, premiss, premit, pretermission, pretermit, promisee, promiser, promisingly, promissive, promissory, readmission, readmit, recommit, remise, remiss, remissible, remission, remissive, remissory, remit, remittal, remittance, remittee, remittence, remittent, retransmission, retransmit, subcommittee, submissible, submission, submissive, submittable, submittal, submitter, surmisable, surmiser, transmissibility, transmissible, transmissive, transmittal, transmitter |
mn | autumn *** | |||
mob (mob-. mov-, mot-) |
move, motion | automobile **, emotion ****, emotional ****, emotionally ***, mob ☆, mobile ***, mobility ☆, moment ****, momentum **, motion ***, motivate ***, motivation ***, motive ***, move ****, movement ****, movie ****, moving **, promote ****, promotion **, remote ****, removal **, remove **** |
admove, amotion, amove, bimotor, cocommutator, commotion, commove, commutable, commutation, commutative, commutativity, commutator, countermotion, countermove, countermovement, demote, demotion, demotivate, emote, emotionable, emotionality, emotionless, emotive, emotivity, emove, equimomental, immobile, immutation, immute, incommutable, locomotion, locomotive, mobilisable, mobilisation, mobilizable, mobilization, mobilize, mobilizer, molt, momental, momentaneous, momentary, momentous, moped, motation, motif, motile, motility, motional, motionless, motivated, motivational, motivator, motiveless, motivelessly, motivelessness, motivity, motor, motorbike, motorise, motorised, motorist, moult, movant, moveless, movent, mutability, mutable, mutineer, mutinous, mutiny, noncommutative, noncommutativity, nonmotile, nonmotility, nonmutual, pari-mutuel, permutable, permutate, permutation, permutational, permute, promotable, promotional, promotive, promotor, promove, remotely, remotion, removed, subpermutation, transmove, transmutable, transmutate, transmutation, transmute, transmutual, trimotor |
mock | mock | mock ☆ | mockable, mocker, mockery, mockingly |
mode | measure, change, manner |
accommodate **, accommodation **, commodity **, mode **, model ****, moderate **, moderation ☆, modern ****, modest **, modify ***, mould ☆ |
accommodative, accommodator, bimodal, bimodality, bimodular, bimodule, commode, commodification, commodious, decommodification, demodulate, demodulation, demodulator, immodest, immodesty, intermodal, intermodulation, modal, modality, modeller, moderatism, moderato, moderator, modernity, modesty, modicum, modification, modiolus, modular, modularity, modulate, modulation, modulator, module, modulo, modulus, modus, mold, mood, multimodal, multimodality, postmodern, postmodernism, postmodernist, postmodernity, Quasimodo, remodel, remodulate, remould, supermodel, trimodal, trimodality, ultramodern, ultramodernity, unimodal, unimodality, unimodular, unimodularity |
mol | grind | mill ** | millable, molar, treadmill |
mon | warn, remind | money ****, monitor ****, monument ** | admonish, admonisher, admonishingly, admonishment, admonition, admonitor, admonitory, edmonition, mon, monetarily, monetary, monetize, monition, monitorial, monitorially, monitoring, monitorship, monitory, monumental, premonition, premonitory, resummon, summon |
mong | to mingle, mingling, crowd, company |
among ****, amongst ☆ | ||
monkey | monkey | monkey *** | monkeyish | |
mono | one, single, alone |
monk **, monodrama ☆, monopoly ☆ | Mon(o)acid, monachism, monad, monadic, monadical, monadically, monarch, monarchal, monarchally, monarchial, monarchic, monarchical, monarchically, monarchism, monarchist, monarchy, monastery, monastic, monasticism, monatomic, monaural, monism, monist, monkish, monoacid, monochromatic, monochrome, monochromic, monochromical, monochromist, Monofilm, monogamy, monograph, monoid, monolayer, monolingual, monolith, monometer, monopod, monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic, monopolistically, monopolize, monopsony, monorail, monotone, monoxide |
monstr (monstr-, monster-) |
show, wonder | demonstrate ****, demonstration **, demonstrative ☆, monster ***, monstrous ☆ |
counterdemonstration, counterdemonstrator, demonstrability, demonstrable, demonstrableness, demonstrably, demonstrant, demonstrational, demonstrationist, demonstratively, demonstrativeness, demonstrator, demonstratory, indemonstrable, monstr, monstrance, monstration, monstrosity, monstrously, monstrousness, Muster, premonstrant, premonstrate, Premonstratensian, premonstration, premonstrator, remonstrance, remonstrant, remonstrate, remonstration, remonstrative |
mont | mountain | amount ****, mount ***, mountain **** | Belmont, cismontane, dismount, insurmountable, intermontane, montage, montan, Montana, montane, montant, monticello, monticule, montiform, montigenous, mountable, mountaineer, mountainous, mountainy, mounter, mouselike, nonremontant, paramount, piedmont, remontancy, remontant, remontoire, remount, submontane, surmount, surmountable, tantamount, tramontana, tramontane, transmontane, ultramontane, Vermont |
mood | mood | mood **** | moody |
moon | moon | Monday ***, month ****, monthly **, moon **** | Mondayish, moonish, moonless, moony |
mor | customs, manners, morals |
immoral **, moral ****, morality **, morally *** | immorality, immorally, mor, morale, moralist, moralistic, moralistically, moralize, mores, morigerous, morose, morosity |
morn | morning | morning ****, tomorrow **** | morn | |
mort | death | mortal ☆, mortality ** | antemortem, immortal, immortality, mortally, mortician, mortiferous, mortification, mortify, mortuary |
most (most, more, much) |
much, more, most |
almost ****, furthermore ***, more ****, most ****, mostly ****, much **** |
evermore, innermost | |
mother | mother | grandmother ****, mother **** | maternal, motherhood, mothering, motherlike, motherly, mothery |
mouse | mouse | mouse *** | mouselike | |
mouth | mouth | mouth ****, mouthpiece ☆ | mouther, mouthful, mouthy |
mud | mud | mud *** | muddle, muddled, muddledness, muddlement, muddling, muddlingly, muddly, muddy |
mum | make silent | mum *** | ||
mun | immune, immunity |
immune ***, immunity ☆, municipal ** | immunohistochemical, immunohistochemistry |
murder | murder | murder ****, murderer ☆ | murderess, murderous | |
mus | mouse | muscle **** | mussel, nutmeg | |
muse | Muse, music, song |
amuse **, amusement ☆, amusing **, muse ☆, museum ****, music ****, musical ****, musician **** |
amusable, amuser, musicality, musically, musicalness |
mushroom | mushroom | mushroom ** |
must (must, meet) |
must, meeting | empty ****, meet ****, meeting ****, must **** | emptiable, emptily, emptiness, meeter, meetly, moot |
mut | change | mutual *** | commutability, commutable, commutableness, commute, immutability, immutable, immutableness, immutably, mut, mutability, mutable, mutate, mutation, mutative, mutineer, mutinous, mutiny, mutualism, mutualist, mutuality, mutually, mutualness, noncommutative, noncommutativity, nonmutual, pari-mutuel, permutable, permutate, permutation, permutational, permute, subpermutation, transmutable, transmutate, transmutation, transmute, transmutual |
myst | secret, mystic | mysterious ***, mystery ****, mystic ☆, mystify ☆ | myst, mysteriously, mysteriousness, mystification, mystifier, mystifying, mystifyingly |
myth | story | myth **, mythical ☆, mythology ☆ | mythic, mythically, mythomania, mythopoeia, mythos |