There are 23 English roots starting with [J]. There are 52 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 263 words in total. |
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★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
jam | jam | jam *** | jammer, jammy | |
Janu | (Roman god) | January *** | ||
jar | jar, water vessel, ewer |
jar ** | jarringly | |
jaw | jaw | jaw ** | jawlike | |
jazz | jazz | jazz ** | jazzer, jazzlike, jazzy |
jeal | jealous | jealous ** | jealously, jealousness, jealousy |
Jean | Jean | Jean ☆, jeans *** | ||
ject | cast, throw | adjacent ☆, adjective ☆, inject **, injection ☆, jet ***, object ****, objection **, objective ****, project ****, projection **, reject ****, rejection **, subject **** |
abject, adject, adjectival, adjectively, conject, conjectural, conjecture, deject, dejection, disject, disjection, ejaculate, ejaculation, ejaculatory, eject, ejecta, ejection, ejective, ejectment, ejector, injective, injector, interject, interjection, interjectional, interjector, interjectory, introject, introjection, introjective, jactation, jactitation, jaculate, jaculation, jaculator, jaculatory, jaculiferous, ject, jetsam, jettison, nonobjective, objectification, objectify, objectionable, objectival, objectively, objectiveness, objectivity, objector, parget, projected, projectile, projective, projector, rejectamenta, subjacent, subjectability, subjectable, subjection, subjective, subjectively, subjectiveness, subjectivity, subjectless, subjicible, surjection, surjective, traject, trajectile, trajection, trajectory, trijet |
jelly | jelly | jelly ** | ||
jewel | ornament, present, gem |
jewel ☆, jewellery ***, jewelry ** | ||
job | job | job **** | ||
joc (joc-) |
jest, joke | jeopardy ☆, joke **** | joc, jocose, jocosity, jocular, jocularity, jongleur, juggle, juggler |
journ (journ-) |
day | adjourn ☆, journal ****, journalism **, journalist ****, journey **** |
journ, sojourn, sojourner |
joy | joy | enjoy ****, enjoyable **, enjoyment **, joy ****, joyful ☆, rejoice ☆ |
enjoyableness, enjoyably, enjoyer, joyfully, joyfulness, joyless, joylessly, joylessness, joyous, joyously, joyousness, rejoicer, rejoicing |
Judic (judic-, Jud, judge) |
judge, law | judge ****, judgement ***, judgment ***, judicial **, prejudice ** |
adjudicate, adjudication, adjudicative, adjudicator, adjudicatory, extrajudicial, injudicious, judgemental, judgmental, Judic, judicable, judicative, judicator, judicatory, judicature, judiciary, judicious, juridically, nonjudgmental, nonjudicial, prejudge, prejudgment, prejudicial, quasijudicial |
juice | juice | juice **** | juiceless, jus | |
jump | jump | jump **** | jumpable, jumper, jumping, jumpingly, jumpy |
junct (junct-, jung-, jun-) |
join | join ****, joint ***, junction ☆ | adjoin, adjoint, adjunct, adjunction, adjunctive, conjoin, conjoint, conjugate, conjugation, conjugational, conjugationally, conjunct, conjunction, conjunctive, disjoin, disjoint, disjunct, disjunction, disjunctive, enjoin, enjoinder, enjoinment, injunction, injunctive, junct, juncture, junta, junto, nondisjunction, nonjoinder, rejoin, rejoinder, sejoin, sejungible, subjoin, subjoinder, subjunctive, surrejoinder |
June | June | June *** | ||
jungle | jungle, forest, wasteland |
jungle ** | ||
jure | swear | injure ***, injured **, injury ****, jurisdiction **, jury ** |
abjure, adjure, conjure, conjurer, jure, juridical, jurisprudence, juror, objurgate, perjury |
just (just-, jus-) |
law, justice | adjust ***, injustice **, just ***, justice ****, justification ☆, justify **** |
adjustment, justifiably, justified, justifier, justly, justness, readjust, unjustified |
juven (junior-, junior) |
young, youth, younger |
junior ***, juvenile ☆ | juniority, juven, juvenilely, juvenileness, rejuvenate |