There are 80 English roots starting with [G]. There are 160 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 855 words in total. |
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Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
gain | gain | gain ****, regain ** | gainable | |
gallery | gallery | gallery *** | ||
gallon | gallon | gallon ** | gallonage | |
game | game | gamble **, gambling **, game **** | boardgame, gamer, gaming |
gang | gang | gang *** | ||
gap | gap, chasm, empty space |
gap **** | ||
gar | spear | garlic *** | ||
gard | garden, yard | garden ****, gardener ☆, gardening ☆, orchard ☆, yard **** |
gate | gate, door, passage |
gate **** | gateless, gatelike | |
gather | gather | altogether ***, gather ****, together **** | gathering, togetherness |
gear | gear | gear *** | ||
gebur | dwellerm, inhabitant, peasant, farmer |
neighbor ***, neighbour *** | neighboring, neighborless, neighbourhood, neighbouring, neighbourless |
gen (gen-, gene-) |
birth, beget, race, kind |
gene ***, hydrogen **, oxygen *** | abiogenesis, acrogen, allergen, anagenesis, Androgen, antigen, autogenesis, autogenous, biogenesis, calorigenic, collagen, collagenic, collagenous, dysgenic, endogen, endogenous, engender, epigene, epigenesis, epigenetics, epigone, erogenous, Eugene, eugenic, eugenics, exgen, exogenous, gametogenesis, gen, genealogist, genealogy, genesis, genetic, genetically, genetics, genic, genitive, genocide, genom, genome, genomic, genotype, gentry, gonad, heterogeneous, homogeneous, homogenesis, homogenetic, hydrogen., hypogene, hypogenesis, hypogenic, hypogenous, ingenuous, monogenic, nitrogen, oestrogen, oogenesis, paragenesis, parthenogenesis, parthenogenetically, pathogen, pathogenic, polygenous, primogenitor, progenesis, progeny, pseudogene, spermatogenesis, uncongenial |
gener (gener-, genit-, gent-) |
beget, birth | congenial ☆, degenerate ☆, engine ****, engineer ****, engineering ****, gender ***, general ****, generally ****, generate ****, generation ****, generous ***, generously ☆, genial ☆, genius ***, genre ***, genteel ☆, gentle ***, gentleman ****, gently ***, genuine ***, genuinely **, genus ☆, indigenous ***, ingenious ☆ |
benign, congenital, engender, gendered, gener, generalised, generational, generative, generic, genit, genital, genitourinary, gens, gentleness, geoengineering, ingenuous, multigenerational, primogenitor, progenitor, progeny, regenerative |
geo (geo-, ge-) |
earth | geography **, geology ☆, geometry ☆ | apogee, biogeography, epigeous, Gaia, geo, geocentric, geocentrism, geochemical, geochemist, geochronology, geode, geodesy, geodetic, geoengineering, geographic, geographical, geographically, geography., geoid, geological, geomancy, geometric, geometrical, geometrize, geomorphology, geophysicist, geophysics, geopolitic, geopolitical, georgic, Georgics, geoscience, geosphere, geostatic, geostrophic, geosynchronous, geosyncline, geothermal, hypogeous, hypogeum, Pangea, perigee |
germ | sprout | germ ☆, German *** | germane, germicide, germinal, germinate, germination, nongermane, regerminate |
gest | bear, carry | belligerent ☆, congest ☆, digestive ☆, gesture ***, register ***, registration ☆, suggest ****, suggestion **** |
agger, belligerence, belligerency, belligerently, digest, gerundive, gest, gestation, ingest, suggester, suggestible, suggestibleness, suggestibly, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness, vicegerent |
get | get | forget ****, get **** | forgetful, forgettable, forgetter, getable, gettable, gotta, unforgettable |
ghost | ghost | ghost *** | ||
giga (giga-, giant) |
giant, one billion |
giant ****, gigantic ☆ | giga, gigacycle, gigahertz, gigameter, gigaton |
gin | begin, start | begin ****, beginning **** | ||
girl | girl | girl **** | girlish, girly | |
give | give | forgive ***, gift ****, give ****, given ** | forgivable, forgiveness, giver, giving |
glaci (glaci-, glacio-) |
ice, glacier | glance *** | glace, glacial, glaciation, glacier, glaciologist, glaciology, glacious, glacis, glancing, glancingly |
glad | glad | glad **** | gladden, gladly, gladness |
glass | glass | glass **** | glassless, glasslike, glassy, glaze, glazier |
glimpse | glimpse | glimpse ** | ||
globe | round mass, sphere, ball |
global ****, globe *** | deglobalisation, globalisation, globalise, globalising, globally, globate, globose, globosity, globular, globule, globulin, inglobate |
glory | glory | glorify ☆, glorious **, glory ** | gloriation, glorifiable, glorification, glorifier, gloriole, gloriously, gloriousness, inglorious, vainglorious, vainglory |
glot (glot-, gloss) |
tongue | gloss ☆, glossary ☆ | aglossia, anthropoglot, aryepiglottic, diglossia, epiglottis, glossophobia, glot, glottis, heterogloss, heteroglossia, idioglossia, isogloss, monoglot, monoglottism, polyglot, polyglottism |
gno (gno-, -gnomy) |
know | diagnosis ** | agnition, agnize, agnosia, agnostic, agnosticism, anagnorisis, diagnose, diagnostic, dysanagnosia, gnome, gnomic, gnomon, gnomonic, gnosia, gnosis, Gnostic, gnosticism, pathognomonic, physiognomy, prognosis, telegnosis |
go | go | again ****, ago ****, go ****, undergo ** | outgoing | |
goal | goal, barrier, boundary |
goal **** | ||
goat | goat | goat ** | goatlike | |
god | god | god ***, gossip ☆ | ||
gold | gold | gold ****, golden ***, goldfish ☆ | ||
golf | golf, stick, club, bat |
golf *** | ||
gon | angle, corner, knee |
pentagon ☆ | diagonal, gon, goniometer, gonion, gonioscope, gonitis, gonyaulax, gonycampsis, hexagon, polygon, trigon, trigonometry |
good | good | good ****, goodness **, goods *** | goodish | |
govern (govern-, gubern-) |
govern, pilot | govern ***, governance **, government ****, governor *** |
governability, governable, governableness, governmental, governmentally, gubernatorial, intergovernmental |
grab | grab | grab **** | grabber |
gram | small weight | kilogram ** | centigram, decigram, gram, milligram |
gram | letter, writing | diagram **, grammar **, grammatical ☆, program ****, programme ****, programmer ☆ |
anagram, anagrammatic, cardiogram, cryptogram, diagrammatic, diagrammatically, diagrammatize, engram, epigram, epigrammatic, gram-, grammatic, grammaticist, grammer, gramophone, hologram, lipogram, logogram, logogrammatically, logographically, mammogram, monogram, pangrammatic, pentagram, programmatic, telegram, telegramme, tetragram, tetragrammaton, trigram |
gran | grain | grain ***, granite ☆ | degranulation, engrain, filigree, garner, garnet, granary, grange, granger, granivore, granivorous, granivory, granola, granular, granularity, granulate, granulation, granule, gravy, grenade, grogram, grosgrain, ingrain, ingrained, multigrain, pomegranate |
grand (grand-) |
grand | grand ****, grandfather ****, grandma ☆, grandmother ****, grandparent ***, grandson ** |
aggrandisement, grandee, grandeur, grandific, grandiloquent, grandiloquous, grandiose, grandiosity, grandioso, grandity, grandly, grandness |
grape | grape | grape ** | grapefruit | |
graph (graph-) |
draw, write, description of |
autobiography ☆, autograph ☆, biography **, geography **, graph ☆, graphic ☆, paragraph **, photograph ****, photography *** |
allograft, anepigraphic, autobiographer, autograft, autography, bibliographic, bibliography, biograph, calligraphy, choreograph, cryptograph, cryptographer, cryptography, demographer, demographic, demographics, demographist, demography, digraph, epigraph, epigraphic, epigraphy, galvanograph, geographic, geographical, geographically, graffiti, graft, grapheme, graphemics, graphene, grapher, graphics, graphite, graphology, graphomania, graphospasm, heterograph, hexagraph, holography, homograph, isograft, logographic, micrograph, monograph, oceanographer, orthograph, orthography, photographic, photographically, photomicrograph, polygraph, pseudepigraphy, seismograph, stenographer, stenography, syngraft, telegraph, telegraphy, tetragraph, trigraph |
grass | grass | grass *** | grassland, grassless, grasslike, graze |
grat (grat-, grace) |
thank, please | agree ****, agreement ****, congratulate ☆, disagree ****, disagreement **, disgrace ☆, grace ***, gracefully ☆, gracious ☆, grateful ***, gratitude ☆ |
aggrace, agreeable, agreeance, charismatic, congratulant, Congratulations, congratulatory, congree, disagreeable, graceful, gracefulness, graciosity, gracioso, grat, gratifiable, gratification, gratifier, gratify, gratis, gratuitous, gratuity, gratulant, gratulate, gratulation, gratulatory, grazioso, ingrate, ingratiate, ingratiation, ingratitude, maugre, noncongratulatory, nongratuitous |
grav (grav-) |
heavy | grave **, gravity **, grief *** | aggravate, aggravating, aggravation, aggravative, aggravator, aggrieve, aggrievement, degravation, grav, gravamen, gravid, gravida, gravidity, gravitas, gravitate, gravitation, gravitational, grievance, grievant, grieve, grievous, ingravescence, ingravescent, multigravida, multigravidity, nongravitational, nulligravida, primigravida, reaggravate, supergravity |
gray | gray | gray ***, grey *** | grayish, grayly, grayness, greyish, greyly, greyness |
great | great, big, tall, thick |
great **** | ||
green | green | green **** | greenish, greenly, greenness, greenwash, greenwashing, greeny |
greet | greet, weep, grate |
grate ☆, greet ***, regret *** | greeting, regretful, regretfully, regretfulness, regrettable, regrettably, regretter |
greg | flock, herd | congregate ☆, congregation ☆ | aggregate, aggregation, aggregator, congregant, congregational, congregative, congregativeness, congregator, desegregate, desegregation, disaggregate, disgregate, disgregation, egregious, greg, gregarian, gregarine, gregarious, intercongregational, segregate, segregated, segregation |
gress (grad-, gred-, gress-) |
step, walk, go | aggression ***, aggressive ****, congress ***, congressional **, degree ****, grade ***, gradual **, gradually ****, graduate ****, graduation ☆, ingredient ****, progress ****, progressive ** |
aggradation, aggress, antegrade, anterograde, biodegrade, centigrade, congression, degrade, digress, digression, egress, gradation, gradient, gradine, graduality, graduator, gree, gress, ingress, multigrade, nongraduate, postgraduate, progradation, prograde, progression, progressively, progressiveness, progressivism, progressivist, regress, regressor, retrogradation, retrograde, retrogressive, saltigrade, tardigrade, transgress, transgression, undergraduate, undergraduateship, upgrade |
grill | grill, wickerwork, hurdle |
grill ☆ | griller | |
grin | grin | grin ** | ||
grind | grind | grind ** | grinding, grindingly | |
grip | grip | grip ** | gripper, grippingly | |
groom | groom | groom ☆ | groomer, grooming | |
gross | gross | engross ☆, engrossed ☆, grocer ☆, grocery **, gross ** |
grossly | |
ground | ground | background ****, ground ****, underground *** | groundbreaking | |
group | group | group **** | ||
grow | grow, flourish, increase, develop, get bigger |
grow ****, growing ***, growth **** | growable, grower, growingly, grown |
guarant (guarant-, warrant-) |
guaranty, warrant, to fend for |
guarantee ****, guaranty ☆ | guarant, warrant, warrantability, warrantable, warrantably, warranter, warrantless, warranty |
guard | guard, protect | award ****, guard ****, regard ****, regarding ***, regardless ***, reward *** |
afterward, bodyguard, guardian, regardable, regardful, regardlessly, regardlessness, rewardable, rewarder, rewardless, warden, wardrobe, warrior |
guess | guess | guess **** | guessable, guesser, guessingly |
guest | guest | guest **** | ||
guide | guide | guide **** | guidable, guidance, guideless, guider, guiding |
guilt | guilt | guilt ***, guilty **** | guiltily, guiltiness |
guitar | guitar | guitar *** | guitarist, guitar-like | |
gun | gun | gun **** | ||
gust | taste | disgust **, disgusting ** | gust, gustatory, gusto, gustoso, gusty |
guy | guy, fellow | guy **** | ||
gymn | nude | gym *** | gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastics, gymnophobia, gymnoplast, gymnosophist, gymnosperm, gymnospore |