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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: gest "bear", "carry" from Latin gerere, gestus

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【gest】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "gerere," and "gestus."
It carries the basic meaning of "bear," and "carry."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "gest"]

congest ☆[4770] to crowd or become crowded to excess; overfill
digestive ☆[4970] You can describe things that are related to the digestion of food as digestive.
gesture ***[2220] A gesture is a movement that you make with a part of your body, especially your hands, to express emotion or information.
register ***[2483] If you register to do something, you put your name on an official list, in order to be able to do that thing or to receive a service.
suggest ****[426] If you suggest something, you put forward a plan or idea for someone to think about.
suggestion ****[1804] If you make a suggestion, you put forward an idea or plan for someone to think about.

[WORD ROOT]root gest
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] gest, gister, ger, gistr
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) gerere, gestus
[MEANING]root bear, carry


  • 【Latin】 gerere to carry, bear; to carry on, wage, perform
  • 【Latin】 gestus [pp of gerere] gesture, carriage, posture

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

congest ☆[4770] verb from congest 〈 gest
【DEFINITION】 to crowd or become crowded to excess; overfill
【Declension/Conjugation】 congested congested congesting congests
【SYNONYM】 overcrowd
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with gest; bear, carry

digestive ☆[4970] adjective from digest 〈 gest
【DEFINITION】 You can describe things that are related to the digestion of food as digestive.
【ROOTs】 di(dis); away, spart gest; bear, carry ive; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin digestus[pp of digerere]
【First Known Meaning】 of or pertaining to physiological digestion,
【DERIVATIVEs】 digest, digestion, digestive, digestively, digestiveness

gesture ★★★[2220] noun from gest
【DEFINITION】 A gesture is a movement that you make with a part of your body, especially your hands, to express emotion or information.
【pl.】 gestures
【SYNONYM】 motion
【ROOTs】 gest; bear, carry ure; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gestus[pp of gerere] gesture, carriage, posture
【First Known Meaning】 manner of carrying the body
【DERIVATIVEs】 gestural, gesturer, gesture

register ★★★[2483] verb from register 〈 gest
【DEFINITION】 If you register to do something, you put your name on an official list, in order to be able to do that thing or to receive a service.
【Declension/Conjugation】 registered, registered, registering, registers
【ROOTs】 re; again, behind gister(gest); bear, carry
【Etymology】 《Latin gestus[pp of gerere] gesture, carriage, posture
【First Known Meaning】 enter in a listing
【DERIVATIVEs】 registerer, registrable, registration, registrational, registry, register

suggest ★★★★[426] verb from suggest 〈 gest
【DEFINITION】 If you suggest something, you put forward a plan or idea for someone to think about.
【Declension/Conjugation】 suggested, suggested, suggesting, suggests
【SYNONYM】 indicate, propose, recommend, imply
【ROOTs】 sug(sub); below gest; bear, carry
【Etymology】 《Latin suggerere[sub+gerere] bring up, bring under, lay beneath; furnish, afford, supply; prompt
【First Known Meaning】 place before another's mind; put forward a proposition,
【DERIVATIVEs】 suggest, suggester, suggestible, suggestibleness, suggestibly, suggestion, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness

suggestion ★★★★[1804] noun from suggest 〈 gest
【DEFINITION】 If you make a suggestion, you put forward an idea or plan for someone to think about.
【pl.】 suggestions
【SYNONYM】 hint, trace
【ROOTs】 sug(sub); below, under, near to gest; bear, carry ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin suggerere[sub+gerere] bring up, bring under, lay beneath; furnish, afford, supply; prompt
【DERIVATIVEs】 suggest, suggester, suggestible, suggestion, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness

Other words containing "gest"; agger, belligerence, belligerency, belligerent, belligerently, digest, gerundive, gest, gestation, ingest, registration, suggester, suggestible, suggestibleness, suggestibly, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness, vicegerent


gener-, genit-, gent-
gen-, gene-
fus-, fund-
fug-, fugit-




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