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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: fund "bottom", "found" from Latin fundus, fundare

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【fund】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "fundus," and "fundare."
It carries the basic meaning of "bottom," and "found."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "fund"]

found ****[1234] When an institution, company, or organization is founded by someone or by a group of people, they get it started, often by providing the necessary money.
foundation ***[2306] The foundation of something such as a belief or way of life is the things on which it is based.
founder ***[2198] The founder of an institution, organization, or building is the person who got it started or caused it to be built, often by providing the necessary money.
fund ****[1313] Funds are amounts of money that are available to be spent, especially money that is given to an organization or person for a particular purpose.
fundamental ***[3049] You use fundamental to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or essential. They affect the basic nature of other things or are the most important element upon which other things depend.
fundamentally ☆[5239] You use fundamentally for emphasis when you are stating an opinion, or when you are making an important or general statement about something.
funding ***[3288] Funding is money which a government or organization provides for a particular purpose.
profound **[4124] You use profound to emphasize that something is very great or intense.

[WORD ROOT]root fund
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] fund, found, funda
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) fundus, fundare
[MEANING]root bottom, found


  • 【Latin】 fundus bottom, foundation, piece of land; farm
  • 【Latin】 fundare [from fundus] to found; to lay the bottom or foundation

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

found ★★★★[1234] verb from found 〈 fund
【DEFINITION】 When an institution, company, or organization is founded by someone or by a group of people, they get it started, often by providing the necessary money.
【Declension/Conjugation】 founded, founded, founding, founds
【SYNONYM】 establish
【ROOTs】 found(fund); bottom
【Etymology】 《Latin fundusbottom, foundation, piece of land; farm
【First Known Meaning】 ① ② to cast metal
【DERIVATIVEs】 found, foundation, foundational, foundationally, foundationary, foundationless, fundamental, fundamentally

foundation ★★★[2306] noun from found 〈 fund
【DEFINITION】 The foundation of something such as a belief or way of life is the things on which it is based.
【pl.】 foundations
【SYNONYM】 establishment
【ROOTs】 found(fund); bottom, found ation(ion); noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fundusbottom, foundation, piece of land; farm
【DERIVATIVEs】 found, foundation, foundational, foundationally, foundationary, foundationless, fundamental, fundamentality, fundamentally, fundamentalness, fundamentalist

founder ★★★[2198] noun from found 〈 fund
【DEFINITION】 The founder of an institution, organization, or building is the person who got it started or caused it to be built, often by providing the necessary money.
【pl.】 founders
【COMPOSITION】 found + er
【ROOTs】 found(fund); bottom, found er; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fundusbottom, foundation, piece of land; farm

fund ★★★★[1313] noun from fund
【DEFINITION】 Funds are amounts of money that are available to be spent, especially money that is given to an organization or person for a particular purpose.
【pl.】 funds 소유격; fund's
【ROOTs】 fund; bottom, found
【Etymology】 《Latin fundusbottom, foundation, piece of land; farm
【First Known Meaning】 a bottom, the bottom; foundation, groundwork
【DERIVATIVEs】 funder, fundless, fund

fundamental ★★★[3049] adjective from fundament 〈 fund
【DEFINITION】 You use fundamental to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or essential. They affect the basic nature of other things or are the most important element upon which other things depend.
【SYNONYM】 essential, basic, ultimate
【ROOTs】 funda(fund); bottom, found ment; suffix al; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fundusbottom, foundation, piece of land; farm
【First Known Meaning】 primary, original, pertaining to a foundation
【DERIVATIVEs】 found, foundation, foundational, foundationally, foundationary, foundationless, fundamental, fundamentality, fundamentally, fundamentalness, fundamentalist

fundamentally ☆[5239] adverb from fundament 〈 fund
【DEFINITION】 You use fundamentally for emphasis when you are stating an opinion, or when you are making an important or general statement about something.
【SYNONYM】 basically, essentially
【ROOTs】 funda(fund); bottom, found ment; noun suffix al; adjective suffix ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fundusbottom, foundation, piece of land; farm
【DERIVATIVEs】 found, foundation, foundational, foundationally, foundationary, foundationless, fundamental, fundamentally

funding ★★★[3288] noun from fund
【DEFINITION】 Funding is money which a government or organization provides for a particular purpose.
【COMPOSITION】 fund + ing
【ROOTs】 fund; bottom, found ing; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fundusbottom, foundation, piece of land; farm

profound ★★[4124] adjective from profound 〈 fund
【DEFINITION】 You use profound to emphasize that something is very great or intense.
【VARIATIONs】 비교; profound < profounder < profoundest
【SYNONYM】 deep
【ROOTs】 pro; before, forth found(fund); bottom, found
【Etymology】 《Latin fundusbottom, foundation, piece of land; farm
【First Known Meaning】 characterized by intellectual depth, very learned,
【DERIVATIVEs】 profoundly, profoundness, profundity, profound

Other words containing "fund"; co-founder, foundational, foundationally, foundationary, foundationless, fundament, fundamentalism, fundamentalist, fundamentality, fundamentalness, funder, fundless, fundus, fundy, profundity, unfounded


fug-, fugit-
frag-, frang-, -fring-, fract-




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