There are 80 English roots starting with [D]. There are 182 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 734 words in total. |
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Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
dad | dad | dad **** | ||
dam | dam | dam ** | ||
damn (damn-) |
inflict, damage, loss upon |
condemn **, damage ****, damaging ☆, damn ☆ | condemnation, damageability, damageable, damager, damagingly, damnation, indemnify, indemnity |
damp | damp | damp ** | dumpling, dumps | |
dance | dance | dance ****, dancer ***, dancing *** | folk dance | |
dark | dark | dark ****, darkness *** | darken, darkener, darkish, darkly |
dat (dat-) |
date, give | data ****, database **, date ****, datum ☆ | dateless, dater, dating, dative, outdate, outdated, postdate, update, updated |
day | day | birthday ****, daily ****, day ****, everyday ***, Friday ***, holiday ****, Monday ***, nowadays **, Sunday ***, Thursday ***, today **** |
Mondayish, schoolday, yesterday |
dead | dead, die | dead ****, deadline **, deadly ***, death ****, die **** | deaden, deadness, deathly, dying |
deaf | deaf | deaf ** | deafen, deafish, deafly, deafness |
deal | deal | deal ****, dealer ** | undealt | |
dear | dear | darling ☆, dear *** | darlingly, darlingness |
deb (deb-) |
owe | debt ****, debtor ☆, due ****, duty ****, endeavor ☆, endeavour ☆ |
debenture, debit, debtless, dutiful |
debut | debut | debut ** | ||
deca (deca-, dec-) |
ten | decade **** | Dean, decad, decagon, decagram, decahedron, decaliter, decalogue, decamer, decamerous, decameter, decapod, decathlon |
decim | tenth part | December *** | decim, decimal, decimate, decimation, decimator, decuman, dime |
deck | deck, roof, covering |
deck *** | decked, Decker | |
decor (decor-) |
ornament, fit, proper, beauty |
decorate ***, decoration ***, decorative ** | decor, decorament, decoratively, decorativeness, decorator, decorous, decorum, redecorate |
deem | deem | deem ** | ||
deep | deep | deep ****, deeply ****, depth **** | deepen, deepness, depthless |
demo (demo-) |
people | democracy ***, democratic ***, epidemic *** | Damocles, demagogue, demagogy, deme, demo, demo-, democratically, democratize, demographer, demographic, demographics, demographist, demography, demonym, demophobia, demotic, demotist, ecdemic, endemic, endemically, epidemically, epidemiologist, epidemiology, pandemic, pandemoniac, pandemonic, pandemonium |
dens (dens-) |
thick, crowded, cloudy |
condense ☆, condenser ☆, dense **, density ** | condensable, condensate, condensation, condensational, condensative, nondense, superdense |
dent (dent-) |
tooth | dentist **, indent ☆ | bident, bidental, dandelion, dent, dental, dentally, dentary, dentate, dentation, dentelle, denticity, denticle, denticulate, dentiferous, dentiform, dentifrice, dentigerous, dentil, dentin, dentinal, dentine, dentistry, dentition, denture, indentation, indenter, indention, indentor, indenture, interdental, interdentil, intradental, multidentate, quadridentate, trident, tridentate |
di | day | dial ☆, diary *** | di, dial-up, meridian |
diamond | diamond | diamond *** | diamond-like | |
dic (dic-, dict-) |
say, speak, proclaim |
condition ****, contradict ☆, contradiction ☆, contradictory ☆, dictate **, dictation ☆, dictator ☆, dictionary ***, indictment ☆, jurisdiction **, predict ****, prediction ***, verdict ** |
addict, addicted, addiction, addictive, benedict, benediction, conditioned, conditioning, dict, dictatorial, diction, dictum, edict, indict, interdiction, juridical, malediction, predictability, predictable, predictableness, predictably, predictive, unpredictable, valediction |
dicat (dicat-) |
proclaim, point out, declare |
dedicate **, dedication **, index ***, indicate ****, indicator **, preach *** |
contraindicant, contraindicate, contraindication, dedicated, dedicatee, dedicational, dedicative, dedicator, dedicatory, dicate, indexer, indexical, indexless, preachable, preachment, preachy |
dieu | god | Deity ☆, divine ** | Deify, deus, devinate, devine |
digit | finger | digital **** | bidigitate, digit, digitally, digitate, digitiform, digitigrade, multidigit, multidigitate, single-digit |
dign | worth | dignity **, disdain ☆, indignation ☆ | ||
dine | dine | dinner **** | dine, diner, dining | |
dint | dint | dent ☆ | dint | |
dipl (dipl-, diplo-) |
twofold | diploma ☆, diplomacy ☆, diplomat **, diplomatic ** |
diplo, diploblasty, diplococcus, diploid, diploidy, diplomate, diplomatically, diplomatics, diplonema, diplophase, diplopia, diplosis, diplotene, haplodiploid, haplodiploidy |
direct | straight, direct, set straight |
address ****, direct ****, direction ****, directly ****, director ****, directory ☆, dress ****, hairdresser ** |
directional, directive, directness, dresser, indirect, indirection, indirectly, indirectness, undirected |
dirt | dirt | dirt ****, dirty **** | dirtbag | |
disciple | disciple | discipline **** | disciple, disciplinable, disciplinal, disciplinarian, disciplinary, discipliner |
disk | disk | desk ****, disc ***, dish ****, disk *** | discus | |
do (do, deed) |
to do, a doing, action, event |
deed **, do ****, indeed **** | doing, misdeed | |
doct (doct-) |
teach | docile ☆, doctor ****, doctrine **, document ****, documentary *** |
doct, doctoral, doctorhood, doctorial, doctorless, doctorship, doctrinal, documentation, indocile, indoctrinate, indoctrination |
dodge | dodge | dodge ☆ | dodgy | |
dog | dog | dog **** | bulldog, dogdom, doggish, doggy, dogless, doglike, underdog |
doll | doll | doll ** | dollish, dollishly, dollishness |
dollar | dollar | dollar *** | ||
dom | house | dome ☆, domestic **** | dom, domal, domelike, domestically, domesticate, domestication, domesticity, domestique, domical, domicile, domiciliary, domy, major-domo, semidome |
domin (domin-) |
master | danger ****, dangerous ****, dangerously ☆, domain **, dominant ***, dominate ****, endanger ☆, ma'am ☆, predominantly ☆ |
adamant, beldam, beldame, belladonna, codomain, codominance, codominant, condominium, damsel, dangerless, daunt, demesne, demoiselle, domin, dominance, dominantly, dominated, dominating, dominatingly, domination, dominative, dominator, dominatrix, domine, domineer, dominicide, dominion, dominium, domino, donna, duenna, dungeon, endangered, endangerment, madam, madame, mademoiselle, madonna, male-dominated, predominance, predominant, predominate, quasidominance, semidominance, subdominant, superdominant |
don (don-) |
give | donate ***, donation **, pardon ☆ | condonation, condone, don, donative, donator, donatory, donor, pardonable |
doom | doom, a law, statute, decree |
doom ☆ | doomful, doomfully, doomonger |
door | door, gate, wicket |
door ****, indoor **, indoors ***, outdoor ***, outdoors *** |
doorless | |
dors | back | endorse ** | disendorse, dors, dorsal, dorsiferous, dorsiflexion, dorsiflexor, dorsigrade, dorsiventral, dorsum, dossier, endorsee, endorsement, indorse, indorsement, reredos |
dot | give, gift | anecdote ☆, antidote ☆, dose *** | anecdotal, antedote, dower |
dough | dough | dairy **, doughnut ☆ | dough, doughlike, sourdough |
down | down | breakdown ☆, down ****, downstairs **, downtime ☆, downtown ** |
countdown, downcycling, downer, download, downloadable, downside, downtowner, downward, downwardly, downwardness, downwards, lockdown, takedown |
dox (dox-, dog-) |
opinion, tenet, think |
dogma ☆, dogmatic ☆, orthodox ☆, paradox ☆ | dogmatism, dox, doxology, heterodox, orthodoxly, orthodoxness, orthodoxy, paradoxer, paradoxical, paradoxically, paradoxist |
dra (dra-, drama-, drast-) |
do, act | drama ****, dramatic ****, dramatically ***, drastic ☆, monodrama ☆ |
dra, dramatize, dramaturgy, melodramatic |
dragon | dragon | dragon ☆ | dragonish | |
draw | draw | draft ***, drag ****, draught ☆, draw ****, drawer **, drawing ***, withdraw *** |
drawable, withdrawable, withdrawal, withdrawer |
dream | dream | dream ****, dreamer ☆ | dreamful, dreamfully, dreaming, dreamingly, dreamless, dreamlessly, dreamlessness, dreamlike |
drill | drill | drill ** | drillable, driller | |
drink | drink | drench ☆, drink ****, drinker ☆ | drencher, drenching, drinkable, drinking, drown, drowner |
drive (drive, drift, drove) |
drive | drift **, drive ****, driver ****, driving ***, drove ** | drivability, drivable, driveability, driveable, driverless |
drome (drome-, dram-) |
run, running, course |
syndrome *** | aerodrome, airdrome, anadromous, antidromic, catadromous, diadromous, dromaeosaurid, drome, heterodromous, hippodrome, homedrome, loxodrome, monodromy, motordrome, motordrome., palindrome, picturedrome, syndromic |
drop (pel) |
drop | drop **** | droplet | |
drought | drought | drain ***, drought **, dry **** | drainable, droughty, drying |
drum | drum | drum ***, drummer ☆ | ||
du | two | double ****, dual ☆, duel ☆, duplicate ☆ | deuce, duality, duet, duo, duplex, duplicity, duumvirate, duumviri, nonduality |
dub | doubtful | doubt ****, doubtful ☆, dubious ☆ | doubtable, doubtably, doubter, doubtingly, dubiety |
duc (duc-, duct-) |
lead, draw | conduct ****, conductor ☆, deduction ☆, dock **, duke ☆, educate ***, educated ***, education ****, educational ****, educator **, induce ☆, introduce ****, introduction ***, produce ****, producer ****, product ****, production ****, productive **, productivity ***, reduce ****, reduction ****, reproduce **, reproduction ** |
abduce, abduct, adduce, adduct, aqueduct, conduce, conducter, deduce, deduct, duc, duce, duct, educationalist, educationally, educe, producibility, producible, productional, reproducer, reproducibility, reproducible, reproducibly, reproductive, reproductively, reproductiveness, seduce, seductive, seductiveness, traduce, viaduct |
dull | dull, foolish | dull ** | dullish, dullness, dully, dulness |
dumb | dumb | dumb ** | dumbly, dumbness |
dump | dump, to thump | dump *** | dumping | |
dure (dure-) |
hard | durable ☆, duration ☆, during ****, endurance ☆, endure ** |
dour, dura, durability, durain, dural, duramen, durance, durancy, durative, dure, duress, durity, durous, durum, endurable, endurant, indurate, induration, nondurable, obduracy, obdurate, obduration, perdurable, perdurance, perdure, subdural |
dust | dust | dust **** | dustless, dustlike, dusty |
dwell | dwell | dwell ☆ | dwelling | |
dyna (dyna-) |
power | dynamic ***, dynamics ☆, dynamite ☆, dynamo ☆, dynasty ☆ |
aerodynamic, aerodynamics, antidynastic, autodyne, didynamous, dyna, dynamism, dynast, dynastic, dyne, heterodyne, metadynamics |