There are 73 English roots starting with [A]. There are 163 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 758 words in total. |
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Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
abba (abba-) |
father | abbot ☆ | abbacy, abbatial, abbess, abbey |
academ (academ-) |
academic, academy |
academic ****, academy ** | academe, academia, academically |
acer | bitter, sharp, sour |
acid ***, eager **, eagerly ☆, vinegar ☆ | acer, acerbic, acidiferous, acidity, acidosis, acidulation, acidulous, acrid, acrimonious, acrimony, exacerbate, paracetamol, vinegarish, vinegarlike, vinegary |
ache | ache, pain | ache ☆, headache *** | aching | |
acre | acre | acre ** | ||
acu (acu-) |
sharp, pointed | cute *** | acerose, acu, acuity, aculeate, acumen, acuminate, acupressure, acupuncture, acute, acutely, acuteness, acutifoliate |
add (add-) |
add to, join, attach |
add ****, addition ****, additional **** | addable, addible, adding, additionally, additive |
advant (advant, advan, abante) |
advance | advance ****, advanced ****, advantage ****, disadvantage *** |
advancement, advancer, advancingly, advantageous, advantageously, advantageousness, disadvantaged |
aero | air, mist, atmosphere |
aerial ☆, aeroplane ☆, air ****, aircraft ****, airline ***, airplane **, airport **** |
aeriality, aerially, aero, aerobatic, aerobic, aerobiology, aerodynamic, aerodynamics, aeronaut, aeronautics, aerorrhachia, aerosol, aerospace, aerotitis, airborne, airdrome, malaria, ministerial |
aesthet | perceive | aesthetic ** | esthetic | |
aev | age | age ****, aged **, eternal **, eternity ☆, longevity ☆, medieval **, teenage ***, teenager **** |
aeon, aev, agedly, agedness, ageing, ageism, coetaneous, coeval, eon, eternality, eternally, eternalness, eternize, longevous, mediaeval, mediaevally, medievalize, medievally, primaeval, primaevally, primeval, primevally |
after | after | after ****, afternoon ****, afterwards *** | afterages, afterglow, aftergrass, aftermath, afterward |
ag (ag, act) |
to go, drive, move |
act ****, acting ☆, action ****, active ****, actively ***, activity ****, actor ****, actress ***, actual ****, actually ****, agency ****, agenda ****, agent ****, agitate ☆, ambiguous ☆, enact **, essay ***, exact ***, exactly ****, inactive ☆, interact **, interaction ***, mitigate ☆, navigate ☆, navigation ☆, react ****, reaction ****, transact ☆, transaction *** |
actability, actable, activate, activated, activation, activator, activeness, activism, activist, actuality, ag, agential, agile, agilely, agileness, agility, agitable, agitated, agitatedly, agitation, agitative, ambiguity, ambiguously, ambiguousness, chasteningly, circumnavigate, cogent, enactable, enaction, enactive, enactment, enactor, enactory, essayer, inaction, inactivate, inactively, inactiveness, inactivity, interactive, mitigable, mitigation, mitigative, mitigator, mitigatory, overact, overactive, reactional, reactionally, reactionary, reactive, transactional, transactionally, transactor |
agger | heap, heap up, accumulate |
exaggerate ** | exaggeratingly, exaggeration, exaggerative, exaggerator, exaggeratory |
ago (ago, own) |
again, own | again ****, against ****, ago ****, own ****, owner ****, ownership ** |
agog | guiding, leader, struggle, trial |
agony ☆, strategy **** | agogue, agon, agonist, agonistic, agonize, antagonism, antagonist, antagonistic, antagonize, demagogue, demagogy, emmenagogue, pedagogic, pedagogical, pedagogically, pedagogism, pedagogue, pedagoguism, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pedantically, protagonist, synagogal, synagogical, synagogue |
agr (agr-, agro-) |
field, country | agricultural **, agriculture *** | agrarian, agrarianism, agrarianly, agrestic, agro, agrology, agro-tech, peregrine |
aid | aid | aid **** | aide | |
alb (alb-) |
dull white, white |
album *** | albedo, albino, albumen |
alcoh | alcohol | alcohol ****, alcoholic *** | alcoholically, alcoholize |
alert | alert | alert ** | ||
alien | alien | alibi ☆, alien ** | alienate | |
all | every, entire, fully |
all ****, almost ****, already ****, also ****, although ****, altogether ***, always ****, overall **** |
allsort, alright | |
alli | combine, unite | alliance **, ally ***, rally *** | alliable | |
allo | other | allergy ☆, parallel ** | allegory, allo, allogenic, allograph, allophone, parallactic, parallax |
alone (alone, lone) |
alone | alone ****, loneliness ☆, lonely *** | alonely, aloneness, lone, lonelihood, lonelily, loneness |
alpha | alpha | alphabet ** | alpha, alphabetic, alphabetically, analphabetic, panalphabetic, polyalphabetic |
alpha | alpha | auto ** |
alt | high, deep | altar ☆ | alt, altimeter, altitude, altitudoaltimeter, alto, altocumulus, contralto, exalt, exaltation, exaltedly, exaltedness, exalter |
alter | the other, change |
alter ***, alternate ☆, alternative ****, alternatively ** |
alterability, alterable, alterably, alteration, alterative, alterer, altern, alternation, alternativeness |
alum | alum | aluminium ☆, aluminum ☆ | alum | |
ambas | ambassador | ambassador ** | embassy | |
amble | walk | ambulance ** | amble, ambulatory, perambulate, preamble, rembling, somnambulism, somnambulist |
amine (amin-, -amine, amino) |
amine | vitamin *** | amine, amino | |
ampl | ample, abundant, bountiful, large |
ample ☆, amplify ☆ | amplitude | |
an | one, an, a | a ****, an ****, another ****, any ****, anybody ****, anymore ***, anyone ****, anything ****, anytime ☆, anyway ****, anywhere **** |
anger | anger | anger ****, angrily ☆, angry **** | ||
angle | angle, corner | angle ***, rectangle ☆ | triangle, triangled, triangular, triangulate |
anim (anim-) |
breath, life, soul, spirit |
animal ****, animate ☆, animation ☆, unanimous ☆ |
anim, animated, animatedly, anime, animism, animus, equanimity, inanimate, reanimate |
anni (anni-, ann-, enn-) |
year, yearly | anniversary ***, annual ****, annually **, perennial ☆ |
anni, biennial, biennially, centennial, ennial, millennial, millennialist, millennially, millennials, millennium |
ante | before, in front of, prior to |
ancestor ***, ancestral ☆, ancient ****, antecedent ☆, anticipate *** |
ancestrally, ancestry, ante, antebellum, antecedently, ante-cedet, antedate, antediluvian, antenatal, antepenult, anterior, anteroom, ante-room, ante-Victorian, antic, antiquarian, antiquate, antique, antiquity, rampart |
anx (anx-) |
choke, squeeze | anxiety ***, anxious ***, anxiously ☆ | anxiolytic, anxiousness |
ape | ape | ape ☆ | apelike | |
apple | apple | apple **** | ||
apt (apt-) |
apt, fit, suited, proper |
adapt ****, adaptation ☆, apt ☆, aptitude ☆, attitude **** |
adaptability, adaptable, adaptableness, adaptably, adaptational, adaptationally, adaptive, adept, apex, aptitudinal, aptitudinally, aptly, aptness, attitudinal, coaptation, contraption, inapt, inept, periapt |
arbiter | judge, supreme ruler |
arbitrary ☆ | arbiter, arbitrage, arbitrarily, arbitrate, arbitration |
arc (arc-, arch-) |
arc, bow | arc ☆, arch ☆ | arched, archer, archeress, archerfish, archery |
arcan (arcan-, arc-, erc-) |
secret, chest, hidden, box, enclose |
coerce ☆, exercise **** | arcane, arcanum, ark, coercer, coercible, coercion, coercionist, coercive, coercively, coerciveness |
arch (arch, archi, archy) |
lead, rule, beginning, … |
anarchist ☆, anarchy ☆, architect **, architectural ☆, architecture ***, hierarchy **, patriarchy ☆ |
anarchic, anarchical, anarchically, anarchism, andrarchy, antarchy, arch-, archangel, archbishop, archbishopric, archetype, archipelagian, archipelagic, archipelago, architectonic, architecturally, archon, autarch, autarchism, autarchy, autarky, endarch, eparch, eparchy, exarch, gynarchy, hierarchical, hierarchically, hierarchism, matriarch, monarch, monarchal, monarchally, monarchial, monarchic, monarchical, monarchically, monarchism, monarchist, monarchy, navarch, octarchy, oligarchy, patriarch, plutarchy, polyarchy, synarchism, synarchy, tetrarchy, triarchy, trierarch |
archaeo (archaeo-, archeo-, archi-, archae-, arche-) |
rule, ancient, public |
archaeology ☆, archaic ☆, archeology ☆, archive **, archives ☆ |
Archaea, archaeo, archaeoastronomy, archaeological, archaeologically, archaeologist, archaism, archegonium, archeological, archeologically, archeologist, Archeozoic, archiplasm |
arct (arct-) |
bear, North Pole |
antarctic ☆, arctic ☆ | Antarctica, ArcticOcean, palearctic |
area | area, level ground, open space |
area **** | are, centiare | |
argue (argue-) |
make, known, clear, prove, declare, demonstrate |
argue ****, argument **** | arguer, argufy, argumentation, argumentative, argumentatively, argumentativeness |
arm | arm, weapons; tools |
alarm ***, arm ***, armed ***, arms ***, army **** | ||
arrow | arrow | arrow ** | arrowy | |
art | art, skill | art ****, artifice ☆, artificial ***, artisan ☆, artist ****, artistic ***, artistically **, inert ☆ |
artefact, artful, artifact, artificiality, artificially, artisanal, artisanship, artistry |
artic | joint, part | article ****, articulate ** | articulated | |
assassin | assassin | assassin ☆, assassinate ☆, assassination ☆ | assassinator | |
astro (astro-) |
star, heavenly body, space, space travel |
astronaut ☆, astronomer **, astronomy ☆, disaster ****, disastrous ☆ |
Acanthaster, aster, asterisk, asteroid, astral, astro, astrobiology, astrobleme, astrology, astrometry, astronomical, astronomically, astrophysical, astrophysicist, astrophysics, astrophysicsist, diasterismgeaster, disastrously, monaster |
athl (athl-) |
athlete, contest |
athlete ***, athletic ☆, athletics ☆ | athl, athletically, athleticism, athlon, biathlon, triathlon |
aud (aud-, audi-, audio-) |
hear, sound, hearing, listening |
audible ☆, audience ****, audio ☆, auditor ☆ | aud, audibility, audibleness, audibly, audient, audiobook, audiology, audiometer, audiovisual, audit, audition, auditorium, auditory, inaudible |
aug (aug-, auct-) |
increase, grow, enlarger |
auction ***, augment ☆, august ***, author ****, authority ****, authorize **, autumn ***, auxiliary ☆, inaugurate ☆, inauguration ☆ |
aug, augend, augmentation, augur, augural, augurship, augury, authoritative, inaugural, inaugurator, inauguratory |
aunt | aunt | aunt *** | aunthood, auntlike, aunty |
aura | aura, breeze, air |
soar *** | aura | |
auto | self, same | authentic **, auto **, autobiography ☆, autocracy ☆, autocrat ☆, autograph ☆, automate ☆, automatic ***, automatically ***, automation ☆, automobile **, autonomy ** |
autarch, autarchism, autarchy, autarky, authentically, authenticate, authentication, authenticator, authenticity, autism, autistic, autobiographer, autocratic, autodyne, automatable, automaticity, automatism, automatist, automatize, automaton, automatous |
aver | damaged goods, fault, blemish, defect, flaw |
average **** | ||
avi (avi-, au-) |
bird | auspice ☆, aviation ☆, aviator ☆ | auspex, auspicious, avi, avian, aviary, aviate, aviatrix, avionics |
awe | awe | awe ☆, awful ***, awfully ** | aweless, awesome, awesomely, awesomeness, awfulness, awless |
awk | awk | awkward ** | awk, awkwardness |