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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: draw "draw." from Old English dragan

【draw】 is word-forming element usually meaning "draw"
from Old English "dragan"
from PIE *dhregh-

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "draw"]

draft ***[3162] A draft is an early version of a letter, book, or speech.
drag ****[1907] If you drag something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty.
draw ****[585] When you draw, or when you draw something, you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture, pattern, or diagram.
drawer **[4401] A drawer is part of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture that is shaped like a box and is designed for putting things in. You pull it towards you to open it.
drawing ***[3205] A drawing is a picture made with a pencil or pen.
withdraw ***[3239] If you withdraw something from a place, you remove it or take it away.

[WORD ROOT]root draw
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] draw, drag, draught, draft
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) dragan
[MEANING]root draw


  • 【Old English】 dragan to drag, to draw, protract

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

draft ★★★[3162] noun from draught 〈 draw
【DEFINITION】 A draft is an early version of a letter, book, or speech.
【pl.】 drafts
【ROOTs】 draft(draw); draught
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract
【First Known Meaning】 draught

drag ★★★★[1907] verb from drag 〈 draw
【DEFINITION】 If you drag something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty.
【Declension/Conjugation】 dragged, dragged, dragging, drags
【ROOTs】 drag(draw); draw, drag
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract
【First Known Meaning】 to draw a grapnel along the bottom of a river, lake, etc., in search of something

draw ★★★★[585] verb from draw
【DEFINITION】 When you draw, or when you draw something, you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture, pattern, or diagram.
【Declension/Conjugation】 drew, drawn, drawing, draws
【SYNONYM】 withdraw, pull
【ROOTs】 draw; draw
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract
【First Known Meaning】 give motion to by the act of pulling,
【DERIVATIVEs】 drawable, draw

drawer ★★[4401] noun from draw
【DEFINITION】 A drawer is part of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture that is shaped like a box and is designed for putting things in. You pull it towards you to open it.
【COMPOSITION】 draw + er
【ROOTs】 draw; draw er; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract
【First Known Meaning】 one who draws (water from a well, etc.); one who pulls, drags, or transports

drawing ★★★[3205] noun from draw
【DEFINITION】 A drawing is a picture made with a pencil or pen.
【pl.】 drawings
【COMPOSITION】 draw + ing
【ROOTs】 draw; draw ing; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Old English draganto drag, to draw, protract

withdraw ★★★[3239] verb from withdraw 〈 draw
【DEFINITION】 If you withdraw something from a place, you remove it or take it away.
【Declension/Conjugation】 withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdraws
【SYNONYM】 pull out, retract, draw, pull back
【COMPOSITION】 with + draw
【ROOTs】 with; against, away, by, near draw; draw
【Etymology】 《Latin retrahereto retract.
【DERIVATIVEs】 withdrawable, withdrawal, withdrawer, withdraw

Other words containing "draw"; draught, drawable, withdrawable, withdrawal, withdrawer

(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)


drain, drought, dry
dra-, drama-, drast-
do, deed



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