【damn-】 is word-forming element usually meaning "inflict, damage, loss upon" from Latin "damnum, damnare" |
[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "damn-"]
condemn **[4404] If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable.
damage ****[895] Damage is physical harm that is caused to an object.
damaging ☆[5064] causing or able to cause damage : INJURIOUS
[WORD ROOT]root damn
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] damn, demn, damag
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) damnum, damnare
[MEANING]root inflict, damage, loss upon
- 【Latin】 damnum loss, hurt, damage
- 【Latin】 damnare [from noun damnum] to harm, damage, to adjudge guilty; to doom; to condemn, blame, reject
Please see the Word information in detail as follows;
★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
condemn ★★[4404] verb from condemn 〈 damn
【DEFINITION】 If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable.
【Declension/Conjugation】 condemned condemned condemning condemns
【SYNONYM】 sentence, doom
【ROOTs】 ⑴ con(com); together, with, completely ⑵ demn(damn); inflict, loss upon
【Etymology】 《Latin damnum》 loss, hurt, damage
【First Known Meaning】 to blame, censure
【DERIVATIVEs】 condemnable, condemnably, condemnation, condemnatory, condemner, condemningly, condemn
damage ★★★★[895] noun from damage 〈 damn
【DEFINITION】 Damage is physical harm that is caused to an object.
【pl.】 damages
【ROOTs】 ⑴ dam(damn); inflict, loss upon ⑵ age; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin damnum》 loss, hurt, damage
【First Known Meaning】 harm, injury; hurt or loss to person, character, or estate
【DERIVATIVEs】 damageability, damageable, damager, damaging, damagingly, damage
damaging ☆[5064] adjective from damage 〈 damn
【DEFINITION】 causing or able to cause damage : INJURIOUS
【SYNONYM】 detrimental
【COMPOSITION】 damage + ing
【ROOTs】 ⑴ dam(damn); inflict, loss upon ⑵ ag(age); noun suffix ⑶ ing; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin damnum》 loss, hurt, damage
【DERIVATIVEs】 damageability, damageable, damager, damaging, damagingly, damage
Other words containing "damn-"; condemnation, damageability, damageable, damager, damagingly, damn, damnation, indemnify, indemnity
col-, cult-
crit-, crisi