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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: col-, cult- "cultivate", "till" from Latin colere, cultus, colonia, cultivare

【col-, cult-】 are word-forming element usually meaning "cultivate, till, inhabit, colony"
from Latin "colere, cultus, cultivate, colonia"

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "col-, cult-"]

agricultural **[3344] Agricultural means involving or relating to agriculture.
agriculture ***[2711] Agriculture is farming and the methods that are used to raise and look after crops and animals.
colonial **[3899] Colonial means relating to countries that are colonies, or to colonialism.
colony ***[2900] A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country.
cult **[3666] care, labor; cultivation, culture; worship, reverence
cultivate **[4054] If you cultivate land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it.
cultural ****[1018] Cultural means relating to a particular society and its ideas, customs, and art.
culture ****[422] Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people''s minds.

[WORD ROOT]root cult
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cile, colon, cult, cultiv
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) colere, cultus, colonia, cultivare
[MEANING]root cultivate, till, inhabit, colony


  • 【Latin】 colere to tend, guard; to till, cultivate; to dwell
  • 【Latin】 cultus [pp of colere] care, labor; cultivation, culture; worship, reverence
  • 【Latin】 cultivare to cultivate
  • 【Latin】 colonia settled land, farm, landed estate

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

agricultural ★★[3344] adjective from agriculture 〈 cult
【DEFINITION】 Agricultural means involving or relating to agriculture.
【COMPOSITION】 agriculture + al
【ROOTs】 agri(agr); field, country cult; cultivate, till ur(ure); noun suffix al; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin agerplace, field, productive land
【DERIVATIVEs】 agricultural, agriculturalist, agriculturally, agriculturist, agriculture

agriculture ★★★[2711] noun from agriculture 〈 cult
【DEFINITION】 Agriculture is farming and the methods that are used to raise and look after crops and animals.
【ROOTs】 agri(agr); field, country cult; cultivate, till ure; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin agerplace, field, productive land
【First Known Meaning】 tillage, cultivation of large areas of land to provide food,
【DERIVATIVEs】 agricultural, agriculturalist, agriculturally, agriculturist, agriculture

colonial ★★[3899] adjective from colony 〈 cult
【DEFINITION】 Colonial means relating to countries that are colonies, or to colonialism.
【ROOTs】 colon(cult); cultivate, till ial(al); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin coloniasettled land, farm, landed estate
【First Known Meaning】 pertaining to or belonging to a colony
【DERIVATIVEs】 colonial, colonially, colonialness, colonize, colony

colony ★★★[2900] noun from colony 〈 cult
【DEFINITION】 A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country.
【pl.】 colonies
【ROOTs】 colon(cult); colony y; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin coloniasettled land, farm, landed estate
【DERIVATIVEs】 colonial, colonially, colonialness, colonisable, colonisation, coloniser, colonizable, colonization, colonize, colonizer, colony

cult ★★[3666] combining form from cult
【DEFINITION】 care, labor; cultivation, culture; worship, reverence
【ROOTs】 cult; cultivate, till
【Etymology】 《Latin cultus[pp of colere] care, labor; cultivation, culture; worship, reverence
【DERIVATIVEs】 cultic, cultish, cultism, cultist, cult

cultivate ★★[4054] verb from cultivate 〈 cult
【DEFINITION】 If you cultivate land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it.
【Declension/Conjugation】 cultivated cultivated cultivating cultivates
【SYNONYM】 grow, court, domesticate
【ROOTs】 cultiv(cult); cultivate, till ate; verb suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 cultivation, cultivate

cultural ★★★★[1018] adjective from culture 〈 cult
【DEFINITION】 Cultural means relating to a particular society and its ideas, customs, and art.
【ROOTs】 cult; cultivate, till ur(ure); noun suffix al(ad); to, toward
【Etymology】 《Latin culturapp of colere; a cultivating, agriculture; care, culture, an honoring
【First Known Meaning】 of or pertaining to the raising of plants or animals
【DERIVATIVEs】 cultural, culturally, culture, cultureless, culturist

culture ★★★★[422] noun from culture 〈 cult
【DEFINITION】 Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people's minds.
【pl.】 cultures
【ROOTs】 cult; to till, cultivate ure; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin culturapp of colere; a cultivating, agriculture; care, culture, an honoring
【First Known Meaning】 the tilling of land, act of preparing the earth for crops
【DERIVATIVEs】 cultural, culturally, culture, cultureless, culturist

Other words containing "col-, cult-"; acculturate, acculturation, apiculture, bicultural, colonialism, colonialist, colonially, colonialness, colonisable, colonisation, colonise, coloniser, colonizable, colonization, colonize, colonizer, countercultural, counterculture, cultivable, cultivated, cultivation, cultivator, culturally, culturati, cultured, deculturate, deculturation, domicile, horticulture, incult, inculturation, inquiline, inquilinity, inquilinous, intercultural, multicultural, postcolonial, precolonial, subcultural, subculture

(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)


crit-, crisi
corp-, corpor-
cord-, cor-



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