【gener-, genit-, gent-】 are a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "gignere," "genus," "generis," "generare," and "genitus." It carries the basic meaning of "beget," and "birth." |
[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "gener-, genit-, gent-"]
degenerate ☆[5330] to change to a worse state or condition; to become worse, weaker, less useful, etc.
engine ****[2024] The engine of a car or other vehicle is the part that produces the power which makes the vehicle move.
engineer ****[1569] An engineer is a person who uses scientific knowledge to design, construct, and maintain engines and machines or structures such as roads, railways, and bridges.
engineering ****[2008] Engineering is the work involved in designing and constructing engines and machinery, or structures such as roads and bridges. Engineering is also the subject studied by people who want to do this work.
gender ***[2140] A person''s gender is the fact that they are male or female.
general ****[636] If you talk about the general situation somewhere or talk about something in general terms, you are describing the situation as a whole rather than considering its details or exceptions.
generally ****[1001] You use generally to give a summary of a situation, activity, or idea without referring to the particular details of it.
generate ****[1319] To generate something means to cause it to begin and develop.
generation ****[628] Generation is used to indicate how long members of your family have had a particular nationality. For example, second generation means that you were born in...
generous ***[2599] A generous person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
genius ***[2775] Genius is very great ability or skill in a particular subject or activity.
genre ***[2744] A genre is a particular type of literature, painting, music, film, or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics.
gentle ***[3015] Someone who is gentle is kind, mild, and calm.
gentleman ****[2033] A gentleman is a man who comes from a family of high social standing.
gently ***[2577] gent+ly
genuine ***[2640] Genuine is used to describe people and things that are exactly what they appear to be, and are not false or an imitation.
genuinely **[4013] genuine + ly
indigenous ***[2619] Indigenous people or things belong to the country in which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from another country.
ingenious ☆[5036] Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipment.
[WORD ROOT]root gener
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] gener, gens, gine, genius, gend, genit, genus, gn, gent, genre
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) gignere, genus, generis, generare, genitus
[MEANING]root beget, birth
- 【Latin】 gignere give birth, to beget, produce
- 【Latin】 genus [genitive generis] birth; origin, race, species, kind, class
- 【Latin】 generis [genitive of genus] race, stock, family; kind, rank, order, order; species; (male or female) sex
- 【Latin】 generare [from genus] to beget, produce
- 【Latin】 genitus [past participle of gignere]
Please see the Word information in detail as follows;
★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
degenerate ☆[5330] verb from generate 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 to change to a worse state or condition; to become worse, weaker, less useful, etc.
【Declension/Conjugation】 degenerated, degenerated, degenerating, degenerates
【SYNONYM】 deteriorate
【COMPOSITION】 de + generate
【ROOTs】 ⑴ de; down, under ⑵ gener; ⑶ ate; verb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【DERIVATIVEs】 degeneracy, degenerately, degenerateness, degeneration, degenerative, degenerate
engine ★★★★[2024] noun from engine 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 The engine of a car or other vehicle is the part that produces the power which makes the vehicle move.
【pl.】 engines
【ROOTs】 ⑴ en; in, into, within ⑵ gine(gener); birth, beget, race
【Etymology】 《Latin ingenium》 [in-+gignere] innate qualities, ability; inborn character; (in Late Latin) a war engine, battering ram; (literally) that which is inborn
【First Known Meaning】 mechanical device, manner of construction
engineer ★★★★[1569] noun from engine 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 An engineer is a person who uses scientific knowledge to design, construct, and maintain engines and machines or structures such as roads, railways, and bridges.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ en; in, into, within ⑵ gin(gener); birth, beget, race ⑶ eer; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin ingenium》 [in-+gignere] innate qualities, ability; inborn character; (in Late Latin) a war engine, battering ram; (literally) that which is inborn
【First Known Meaning】 constructor of military engines
engineering ★★★★[2008] noun from engine 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 Engineering is the work involved in designing and constructing engines and machinery, or structures such as roads and bridges. Engineering is also the subject studied by people who want to do this work.
【COMPOSITION】 engineer + ing
【ROOTs】 ⑴ en; in, into, within ⑵ gin(gener); birth, beget, race ⑶ eer; noun suffix ⑷ ing; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin ingenium》 [in-+gignere] innate qualities, ability; inborn character; (in Late Latin) a war engine, battering ram; (literally) that which is inborn
gender ★★★[2140] noun from gender 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 A person's gender is the fact that they are male or female.
【pl.】 genders
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gend(gener); ⑵ er; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【First Known Meaning】 kind, sort, class, a class or kind of persons or things sharing certain traits
【DERIVATIVEs】 genderless, gender
general ★★★★[636] adjective from general 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 If you talk about the general situation somewhere or talk about something in general terms, you are describing the situation as a whole rather than considering its details or exceptions.
【SYNONYM】 overall
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gener; birth, beget, race ⑵ al; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【First Known Meaning】 of wide application, generic, affecting or involving all
【DERIVATIVEs】 general, generaliser, generalizable, generalize, generalizer, generally, generalness
generally ★★★★[1001] adverb from general 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 You use generally to give a summary of a situation, activity, or idea without referring to the particular details of it.
【SYNONYM】 as rule, in general
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gener; birth, beget ⑵ al; adjective suffix ⑶ ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【DERIVATIVEs】 general, generalize, generally, generalness
generate ★★★★[1319] verb from generate 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 To generate something means to cause it to begin and develop.
【Declension/Conjugation】 generated, generated, generating, generates
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gener; beget ⑵ ate; verb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【DERIVATIVEs】 generate, generation, generational, generative
generation ★★★★[628] noun from generate 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 Generation is used to indicate how long members of your family have had a particular nationality. For example, second generation means that you were born in the country you live in, but your parents were not.
【pl.】 generations 소유격; generation's
【 contr ☞ gen】
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gener; beget, birth ⑵ at(ate); verb suffix ⑶ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【DERIVATIVEs】 generate, generation, generational, generative
generous ★★★[2599] adjective from gener
【DEFINITION】 A generous person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
【SYNONYM】 lavish
【ANTONYM】 mean
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gener; birth, beget ⑵ ous; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【First Known Meaning】 of noble birth
【DERIVATIVEs】 generosity, generous, generously, generousness
genius ★★★[2775] noun from genus 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 Genius is very great ability or skill in a particular subject or activity.
【pl.】 geniuses genii
【ROOTs】 genius(gener); beget
【Etymology】 《Latin genus》 [genitive generis] birth; origin, race, species, kind, class
【First Known Meaning】 tutelary or moral spirit
genre ★★★[2744] noun from genre 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 A genre is a particular type of literature, painting, music, film, or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics.
【pl.】 genres
【ROOTs】 genre(gener); beget, birth
【Etymology】 《Latin genus》 [genitive generis] birth; origin, race, species, kind, class
【First Known Meaning】 particular style of art,
gentle ★★★[3015] adjective from gentle 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 Someone who is gentle is kind, mild, and calm.
【VARIATIONs】 비교; gentle < gentler < gentlest
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gent(gener); beget, birth ⑵ le; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【First Known Meaning】 well-born, of noble rank or family,
【DERIVATIVEs】 gentle, gentleness, gently
gentleman ★★★★[2033] noun from gentleman 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 A gentleman is a man who comes from a family of high social standing.
【pl.】 gentlemen
【COMPOSITION】 gentle + man
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gent(gener); beget, birth ⑵ le; adjective suffix ⑶ man; human being, person
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【First Known Meaning】 well-born man, man of good family or birth
【DERIVATIVEs】 gentlemanlike, gentlemanliness, gentlemanly, gentleman
gently ★★★[2577] adverb from gentle 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 gent+ly
【COMPOSITION】 gentle + ly
【ROOTs】 ⑴ gent(gener); beget, birth ⑵ l(le); adjective suffix ⑶ y(ly); adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin gignere》 give birth, to beget, produce
【First Known Meaning】 befitting one of gentle rank, as of good family,
【DERIVATIVEs】 gentle, gentleness, gently
genuine ★★★[2640] adjective from genuine 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 Genuine is used to describe people and things that are exactly what they appear to be, and are not false or an imitation.
【SYNONYM】 authentic, sincere
【ROOTs】 ⑴ genu(gener); beget, birth ⑵ ine; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin genuinus》 native, natural, innate
【First Known Meaning】 natural, not acquired
【DERIVATIVEs】 genuinely, genuineness, genuine
genuinely ★★[4013] adverb from genuine 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 genuine + ly
【ROOTs】 ⑴ genu(gener); birth, beget ⑵ ine; noun suffix ⑶ ly; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin genuinus》 native, natural, innate
【DERIVATIVEs】 genuinely, genuineness, genuine
indigenous ★★★[2619] adjective from genus 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 Indigenous people or things belong to the country in which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from another country.
【SYNONYM】 native
【ROOTs】 ⑴ indi(in); in, on, upon ⑵ gen(gener); beget, birth ⑶ ous; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin genus》 [genitive generis] birth; origin, race, species, kind, class
【First Known Meaning】 born or originating in a particular place,
【DERIVATIVEs】 indigenity, indigenously, indigenousness, indigenous
ingenious ☆[5036] adjective from engine 〈 gener
【DEFINITION】 Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipment.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in(en); in, into ⑵ geni(gener); beget ⑶ ous; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin ingenium》 [in-+gignere] innate qualities, ability; inborn character; (in Late Latin) a war engine, battering ram; (literally) that which is inborn
【First Known Meaning】 intellectual, talented,
【DERIVATIVEs】 ingenious, ingeniously, ingeniousness, ingenuity
Other words containing "gener-, genit-, gent-"; benign, congenial, congenital, engender, gendered, gener, generalised, generational, generative, generic, generously, genial, genit, genital, genitourinary, gens, genteel, gentleness, genus, geoengineering, ingenuous, multigenerational, primogenitor, progenitor, progeny, regenerative
(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)
gen-, gene-
fus-, fund-
fug-, fugit-
