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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: go "go." from Old English gan

Go Korean Version


【go】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "gan."
It carries the basic meaning of "go."

from PIE *gon "[from Old English gan]"

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "go"]

again ****[119] You use again to indicate that something happens a second time, or after it has already happened before.
ago ****[326] You use ago when you are referring to past time. For example, if something happened one year ago, it is one year since it happened. If it happened a long time ago, it is a long time since it happened.
go ****[36] When you go somewhere, you move or travel there.
undergo **[3701] to experience or endure (something)

[WORD ROOT]root go
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) gan
[MEANING]root go


  • 【Middle English】 gon [from Old English gan]
  • 【Old English】 gan to advance, walk; depart, go away; happen, take place; conquer; observe, practice, exercise

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

again ★★★★[119] adverb
【DEFINITION】 You use again to indicate that something happens a second time, or after it has already happened before.
【ROOTs】 a(on); on gain(go); go again(ago); again, own
【Etymology】 《Old English ongean[from on+-gegn] toward; opposite, against, contrary to; in exchange for

ago ★★★★[326] adverb
【DEFINITION】 You use ago when you are referring to past time. For example, if something happened one year ago, it is one year since it happened. If it happened a long time ago, it is a long time since it happened.
【ROOTs】 a(on); on go; go ago; again, own
【Etymology】 《Old English agan[from earlier ongean, a-+gan] (past tense ahte) to won, possess, have

go ★★★★[36] verb from go
【DEFINITION】 ① When you go somewhere, you move or travel there.
② When you go, you leave the place where you are.
③ You use go to say that someone leaves the place where they are and does an activity, often a leisure activity.
【Declension/Conjugation】 went, gone, going, goes
【SYNONYM】 disappear, depart
【ROOTs】 go; go
【Etymology】 《Old English ganto advance, walk; depart, go away; happen, take place; conquer; observe, practice, exercise
【First Known Meaning】 to advance, walk; depart, go away; happen, take place; conquer; observe, practice, exercise

undergo ★★[3701] verb from go
【DEFINITION】 to experience or endure (something)
【Declension/Conjugation】 underwent, undergone, undergoing, undergoes
【COMPOSITION】 under + go
【ROOTs】 under; under go; go
【Etymology】 《Old English ganto advance, walk; depart, go away; happen, take place; conquer; observe, practice, exercise

Other words containing "go"; outgoing

(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)


gener-, genit-, gent-
gen-, gene-
fus-, fund-




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