【after】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "æfter." It carries the basic meaning of "after." |
[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "after"]
after ****[105] at a time following (something or someone); later than (something or someone)
afternoon ****[1867] The afternoon is the part of each day which begins at lunchtime and ends at about six o'clock.
afterwards ***[3084] If you do something or if something happens afterwards, you do it or it happens after a particular event or time that has already been mentioned.
[WORD ROOT]root after
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) æfter
[MEANING]root after
- 【Old English】 æfter [of+-ter] behind; later in time; behind in place (adv, ); later than in time; in pursuit, following with intent to overtake (prep, ), (originally) more away, farther off
Please see the Word information in detail as follows;
★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
after ★★★★[105] preposition from after
【DEFINITION】 ① at a time following (something or someone); later than (something or someone)
② used to describe a time following a specified hour
③ following and because of (something)
【ROOTs】 after; after
【Etymology】 《Old English æfter》 [of+-ter] behind; later in time; behind in place (adv, ); later than in time; in pursuit, following with intent to overtake (prep, ), (originally) more away, farther off
【First Known Meaning】 behind in place; later than in time; in pursuit, following with intent to overtake
afternoon ★★★★[1867] noun from afternoon 〈 noon
【DEFINITION】 The afternoon is the part of each day which begins at lunchtime and ends at about six o'clock.
【pl.】 afternoons
【SYNONYM】 after
【COMPOSITION】 after + noon
【ROOTs】 ⑴ after; after ⑵ noon(nonu); ninth
【Etymology】 《English afternoon》 [after+noon] afternoon
【First Known Meaning】 part of the day from noon to evening
afterwards ★★★[3084] adverb from afterward 〈 ward
【DEFINITION】 If you do something or if something happens afterwards, you do it or it happens after a particular event or time that has already been mentioned.
【COMPOSITION】 after + wards
【ROOTs】 ⑴ after; ⑵ ward; warde, warder ⑶ s; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Old English weard》 the action of keeping a lookout for danger
Other words containing "after"; afterages, afterglow, aftergrass, aftermath, afterward
(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)
advant, advan, abante