There are 40 English roots starting with [N]. There are 117 words in the top 5,000 most frequently used English words. There are 602 words in total. |
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Root | Meaning | Words(Top5,000) | Other words | |
nail | nail | nail *** | nailer, nail-less, thumbnail |
name | name | name ****, nameless ☆, namely **, nickname ☆ | namable, nameable, named, namelessly, namelessness |
narr | tell | narrative ** | counternarrative, inenarrable, narrate, narration, narrator |
narrow | narrow | narrow **** | narrowly, narrowness | |
nati (nati-, nasc-, nat-) |
born, birth | innate ☆, international ****, nation ****, national ****, native ****, natural ****, naturally ****, nature ****, pregnant ****, renaissance ☆, unnatural ☆ |
alternation, alternativeness, cognately, cognateness, internationally, multinational, naifly, naifness, naive, naively, naiveness, nat, nationality, nationalize, nationally, nationhood, nationless, naturalist, naturalize, naturalness, naturism, naturist, naturopath, naturopathic, naturopathy, pregnancy, pregnantly, spareable, sparely, spareness, supernatural, unnaturally, unnaturalness |
naut (naut-, naus-) |
ship | astronaut ☆, nautical ☆, noise ****, noisily ☆, noisy *** |
aeronaut, aeronautic, aeronautics, Argonaut, cosmonaut, nausea, naut, nautically, nautilus, noiseless, noisiness |
nav | ship | naval **, navigate ☆, navigation ☆, navy ** | antenave, circumnavigable, circumnavigate, circumnavigation, circumnavigator, nav, nave, navicular, navigable, nonnavigable |
near | near, sufficient |
near ****, nearly ****, neighbor ***, neighbour ***, next **** |
nearish, nearness, neighboring, neighborless, neighbourhood, neighbouring, neighbourless |
neat | neat | neat ***, neatly ** | neatness | |
neck | neck | neck **** | ||
nect | bind, fasten, join, tie |
annex ☆, connect ****, connected ***, connection **** |
adnexum, annectent, annexation, annexion, connectable, connecter, connectible, connectional, connective, connectively, connectivity, connector, connexion, connexional, deannexation, disconnect, disconnecter, disconnection, disconnective, disconnexion, interconnect, interconnected, interconnectedness, interconnection, nect, nexus, reconnect, unconnected |
need | need | need **** | needful, needy | |
needle | needle | needle *** | ||
neg | not, say no | denial **, deny ****, necessarily ****, necessary ****, necessity ***, negative ****, neglect ☆, negotiate **, negotiation ***, nice ****, nicely **, unnecessary ** |
abnegetion, denier, neg, negate, negater, negation, negational, negationist, negatively, negativeness, negativity, negator, negligee, negligible, nescience, nescient, niceness, nicety, nicish, renegade, renege |
nephew | nephew | nephew ** | ||
nerv | sinew, nerve | nerve ***, nervous ****, nervously ☆ | enervate, enervation, enervative, innervate, innervation, nerval, nervate, nervine, nervose, nervosity, nervousness, nervy, reinnervation, trinervate |
net | net | internet ****, net ***, network **** | networked | |
nether | below, beneath, down, nether |
beneath *** | nether | |
neuter (neuter-, neutr-) |
neuter | neutral *** | neuter, neutrally, neutron |
new | new | new ****, newly ***, news ****, newspaper ****, renew ** | anew, brandnew, newborn, new-born, NewBoy, Newcastle, newcomer, new-economy, new-fangled, new-felt, newfound, new-found, newlywed, newness, newsflash, newsgroup, newsless, newsletter, newsmagazine, newsman, newsmonger, Newspeak, newsprint, newsreader, newsroom, newsstand, newswriter, newsy, renewable, renewables |
night | night | night ****, nightmare ***, overnight ***, tonight **** | benight, benighted, benightedly, benightedness, nightmarish, nightmarishly, nightmarishness |
nine | nine | nine ****, nineteenth **, ninety *** | nineteen | |
no | no, not | cannot ***, naught ☆, neither ****, never ****, nevertheless ****, no ****, nobody ****, none ****, nor ****, not ****, nothing **** |
notwithstanding, nowhere |
nod | nod | nod *** | ||
nom (nom-) |
law, system of laws, arrangement, order |
astronomer **, astronomy ☆, autonomy **, economic ****, economical ☆, economically **, economics ***, economist ***, economy **** |
agronomy, antinomy, astronomical, astronomically, autonomous, bionomics, gastronomy, metronome, nomy, numismatic, polynomial, taphonomy, taxonomy |
nomin (nomen-, nomin-) |
name | nominate ☆, nomination **, noun ☆, surname ** | agnomen, agnominal, agnomination, binomen, binominal, denomination, denominational, denominative, denominator, ignominious, ignominy, innominate, innomine, interdenominational, multidenominational, multinominal, nomenclator, nomenclature, nomin, nominal, nominative, nominator, nominee, nondenominational, postnominal, praenomen, prenominal, pronominal, pronoun, redenomination, renominate, renown, renowned, renownless, surnamer, surnominal, trinomen, trinominal |
nonu (nonu-, non-) |
ninth | afternoon ****, noon **, November *** | nonary, nonet, nonus | |
nore | know, aware | ennoble ☆, Ignorance **, ignorant ☆, ignore ****, noble ** |
agnition, agnize, ennoblement, ennobler, ennobling, ignoble, ignorable, ignorer, ignoscible, nobiliary, nobilitate, nobilitation, nobility, nobleness, nobly, nore |
norm | rule, pattern, carpenter's square |
abnormal ☆, enormous ****, enormously ☆, norm ***, normal ****, normalise ☆, normally **** |
abnormality, abnormally, abnormalness, abnormity, binormal, circumnormal, denormal, enorm, enormity, nonnormal, nonnormative, normable, normalcy, normality, normalize, normalness, normative, quasinorm, seminorm, seminormable, seminormal, subnormal |
North | North | North ****, northern **** | ||
nose | nose | nose **** | nosebleed, noseless, noselike, nosy |
note (note-, not-) |
letter, mark, note |
notable ☆, notably **, note ****, notice ****, noticeable **, notify ☆, notion ***, notorious ☆ |
connotation, connote, denote, notability, notableness, notate, notation, noteless, noter, notification, notifier, notional, notionality, notoriety, notoriously |
nough | enough **** | |||
nounce (nunci-, nounc-) |
announce, messenger |
announce ****, announcement **, denounce ☆, pronounce ***, pronounced **, pronunciation ** |
annunciation, denouncement, denunciation, enounce, enouncement, enunciable, enunciate, enunciation, enunciative, internuncial, internuncio, nounce, nunciature, nuncio, obnounce, pronounceable, pronouncedly, pronouncement, pronouncer, pronunciational, pronuntiatio, renounce, renouncement, renunciation |
nov (nov-) |
new, new things | innovation ***, innovative ***, novel ***, novelist ☆, novelty ☆ |
innovate, innovational, innovator, innovatory, nov, nova, novation, novella, novice, novitiate, renovatable, renovate, renovation, renovative, renovator, supernova |
now | now | now ****, nowadays ** | ||
nuc | nut, kernel | nuclear **** | enucleate, enucleation, extranuclear, internuclear, intranuclear, multinucleate, nougat, nucament, nucellar, nucellus, nucifer, nuciferine, nuciferous, nuciform, Nucifraga, nucivorous, nucleate, nucleation, nucleolar, nucleolate, nucleolus, nucleus, pronuclear, pronucleus, supranuclear |
numer (numer-, number-) |
number | number ****, numerous *** | denumerable, enumerable, enumerate, enumeration, enumerative, enumerator, equinumerant, equinumerous, innumerable, innumeracy, innumerate, innumerous, nonenumerative, numberable, numberer, numer, numerable, numeracy, numeraire, numeral, numeral, numerary, numerate, numeration, numerative, numerator, numerical, numero, numerosity, numerously, numerousness, renumerate, supernumerary |
nutri (nutri-, nutr-) |
nourish | nourish ☆, nurse ****, nursery **, nurture ☆, nutrient **, nutrition **, nutritious ☆ |
innutrition, malnourish, malnourishment, malnutrition, micronutrient, nonnutritional, nourishment, nursey, nursing, nurturance, nutri, nutriment, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritiously, nutritiousness, nutritive, nutriture |
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