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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: center-, centri-, centr- "center." from Greek kentron

【center-, centri-, centr-】 are a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "kentron."
It carries the basic meaning of "center."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "center-, centri-, centr-"]

center ***[2089] A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
central ****[912] Something that is central is in the middle of a place or area.
centre ***[2411] A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
concentrate ****[1636] If you concentrate on something, or concentrate your mind on it, you give all your attention to it.
concentration ****[1958] Concentration on something involves giving all your attention to it.
eccentric ☆[5275] If you say that someone is eccentric, you mean that they behave in a strange way, and have habits or opinions that are different from those of most people.

[WORD ROOT]root center
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] center, centr, centro, centre, centri
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kentron
[MEANING]root center


  • 【Greek】 kentron sharp point, goad, sting of a wasp,
  • 【Latin】 centrum center

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

center ★★★[2089] noun from center
【DEFINITION】 A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
【pl.】 centers
【ROOTs】 center; center
【Etymology】 《Greek kentronsharp point, goad, sting of a wasp,
【First Known Meaning】 middle point of a circle; point round which something revolves
【DERIVATIVEs】 center, centralize, centrally, central

central ★★★★[912] adjective from center
【DEFINITION】 Something that is central is in the middle of a place or area.
【ROOTs】 centr(center); center al(ad); to, toward
【Etymology】 《Greek kentronsharp point, goad, sting of a wasp,
【First Known Meaning】 pertaining to or being a center
【DERIVATIVEs】 center, centralize, centrally, central

centre ★★★[2411] noun from center
【DEFINITION】 A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
【pl.】 centres
【ROOTs】 centre(center); center
【Etymology】 《Greek kentronsharp point, goad, sting of a wasp,
【First Known Meaning】 middle point of a circle; point round which something revolves

concentrate ★★★★[1636] verb from concentrate 〈 center
【DEFINITION】 If you concentrate on something, or concentrate your mind on it, you give all your attention to it.
【Declension/Conjugation】 concentrated, concentrated, concentrating, concentrates
【SYNONYM】 reduce
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with centr(center); center ate; verb suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek kentronsharp point, goad, sting of a wasp,
【First Known Meaning】 to bring or come to a common center
【DERIVATIVEs】 concentrate, concentration, concentrative, concentrator

concentration ★★★★[1958] noun from concentrate 〈 center
【DEFINITION】 Concentration on something involves giving all your attention to it.
【pl.】 concentrations
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with centr(center); center at(ate); suffix ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek kentronsharp point, goad, sting of a wasp,
【First Known Meaning】 action of bringing to a center, act of collecting or combining into or about a central point
【DERIVATIVEs】 concentrate, concentration, concentrative, concentrator

eccentric ☆[5275] adjective
【DEFINITION】 If you say that someone is eccentric, you mean that they behave in a strange way, and have habits or opinions that are different from those of most people.
【SYNONYM】 singular
【ANTONYM】 concentric
【ROOTs】 ec(ex); out, out of centr(center); center ic; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek ekkentros[ek+kentron] out of the center
【DERIVATIVEs】 eccentrically, eccentricity, eccentric

Other words containing "center-, centri-, centr-"; acentric, acrocentric, amniocentesis, anthropocentric, anthropocentrism, barycenter, biocentric, biocentrism, centauromachy, centesis, centred, centric, centrifugal, centrifuge, centripetal, centrism, centrist, centroid, centromere, centromeric, centrosphere, centrosymmetric, centrosymmetry, centrum, concentric, eccentrically, eccentricity, eccentrism, eccentrist, ecocentric, ecocentrism, ecocentrist, egocentric, egocentrism, enterocentesis, epicentre, holocentric, metacentric, monocentric, neocentromere, orthocenter, orthocentric, paracentesis, pericardiocentesis, technocentric, technocentrism, telocentric, thoracentesis, thoracocentesis


cent-, centi-
cede-, cess-
caust-, calm-
caus, cuse
capt-, ceive-, cept-



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