【empt-, em-, emer-】 are a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "emere," and "emptus." It carries the basic meaning of "buy," "take," "purchased," and "acquired." |
[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "empt-, em-, emer-"]
example ****[392] An example of something is a particular situation, object, or person which shows that what is being claimed is true.
premium ***[2848] A premium is a sum of money that you pay regularly to an insurance company for an insurance policy.
prompt **[4026] A prompt action is done without any delay.
promptly **[4078] If you do something promptly, you do it immediately.
sample ****[1651] A sample of a substance or product is a small quantity of it that shows you what it is like.
vintage ☆[5408] The vintage of a good quality wine is the year and place that it was made before being stored to improve it. You can also use vintage to refer to the wine that was made in a certain year.
[WORD ROOT]root empt
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] empt, emer, eem, ample, age
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) emere, emptus
[MEANING]root buy, take, purchased, acquired
- 【Latin】 emere to buy, to take
- 【Latin】 emptus [Perfect passive participle of emere] bought, purchased; acquired, procured
Please see the Word information in detail as follows;
★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
example ★★★★[392] noun from example 〈 empt
【DEFINITION】 An example of something is a particular situation, object, or person which shows that what is being claimed is true.
【pl.】 examples
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ex; out, out of ⑵ ample(empt); buy
【Etymology】 《Latin exemplum》 [from eximere] a sample, specimen; image, portrait; pattern, model, precedent; a warning example, one that serves as a warning; that which is taken out; (literally) that which is taken out
【First Known Meaning】 an instance typical of a class; a model, either good or bad, action or conduct as an object of imitation; an example to be avoided; punishment as a wa
premium ★★★[2848] noun from premium 〈 empt
【DEFINITION】 A premium is a sum of money that you pay regularly to an insurance company for an insurance policy.
【pl.】 premiums
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pr(pre); before, previous ⑵ em(empt); buy ⑶ ium; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin praemium》 [from prae("before")+emere("to buy")] reward, profit derived from booty
prompt ★★[4026] adjective from prompt 〈 empt
【DEFINITION】 A prompt action is done without any delay.
【VARIATIONs】 비교; prompt < prompter < promptest
【SYNONYM】 immediate, punctual
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; before, forth ⑵ mpt(empt); buy, take
【Etymology】 《Latin promptus》 [past-participle adjective from promere] brought forth; visible, apparent, evident, at hand
【First Known Meaning】 ready, prepared (to do something), quick to act as occasion demands
【DERIVATIVEs】 promptitude, promptly, promptness, prompt
promptly ★★[4078] adverb from prompt 〈 empt
【DEFINITION】 If you do something promptly, you do it immediately.
【SYNONYM】 punctually
【COMPOSITION】 prompt + ly
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; before, forth ⑵ mpt(empt); buy, take ⑶ ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin promptus》 [past-participle adjective from promere] brought forth; visible, apparent, evident, at hand
【DERIVATIVEs】 promptitude, promptly, promptness, prompt
sample ★★★★[1651] noun from example 〈 empt
【DEFINITION】 A sample of a substance or product is a small quantity of it that shows you what it is like.
【pl.】 samples
【SYNONYM】 pattern, specimen
【ROOTs】 ⑴ s(ex); out, out of ⑵ ample(empt); buy
【Etymology】 《Latin exemplum》 [from eximere] a sample, specimen; image, portrait; pattern, model, precedent; a warning example, one that serves as a warning; that which is taken out; (literally) that which is taken out
【First Known Meaning】 something which confirms a proposition or statement, an instance serving as an illustration
vintage ☆[5408] noun
【DEFINITION】 The vintage of a good quality wine is the year and place that it was made before being stored to improve it. You can also use vintage to refer to the wine that was made in a certain year.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ vin; wine ⑵ t(de); down, under, off, from ⑶ age(empt); buy, take
【Etymology】 《Latin vindemia》 [vinum+demere] a gathering of grapes, yield of grapes
【First Known Meaning】 harvest of grapes, yield of wine from a vineyard
Other words containing "empt-, em-, emer-"; adeem, adempt, ademption, empt, exempt, exemption, preempt, promptitude, promptness, redeem
duc-, duct-
dub, doubt
drive, drift, drove
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