【ball】 is a [English Root word(stem)]
from the Old High German word(s) "ballo," "bal," and "balla." It carries the basic meaning of "ball." |
[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "ball"]
ball ****[1411] A ball is a round object that is used in games such as tennis, baseball, football, basketball, and cricket.
balloon ***[2656] A balloon is a small, thin, rubber bag that you blow air into so that it becomes larger and rounder or longer. Balloons are used as toys or decorations.
ballot **[4225] A ballot is a secret vote in which people select a candidate in an election, or express their opinion about something.
baseball ***[2826] In America, baseball is a game played by two teams of nine players. Each player from one team hits a ball with a bat and then tries to run around three bases and get to the home base before the other team can get the ball back.
basketball ***[3108] Basketball is a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a circular net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court.
football ****[852] Football is a game played by two teams of eleven players using a round ball. Players kick the ball to each other and try to score goals by kicking the ball into a large net.
[WORD ROOT]root ball
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old High German) ballo, bal, balla
[MEANING]root ball
- 【French】 balote [=ballotte]
- 【Italian】 balla [Old High German balla] a ball, globe
- 【Italian】 palla ball
- 【Old High German】 ballo ball
- 【Old High German】 bal ball
- 【Old High German】 balla ball
Please see the Word information in detail as follows;
★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
ball ★★★★[1411] noun from ball 〈 ball
【DEFINITION】 A ball is a round object that is used in games such as tennis, baseball, football, basketball, and cricket.
【pl.】 balls
【ROOTs】 ball; ball
【Etymology】 《Old High German bal》 ball
【First Known Meaning】 round object, compact spherical body
balloon ★★★[2656] noun from balloon 〈 ball
【DEFINITION】 A balloon is a small, thin, rubber bag that you blow air into so that it becomes larger and rounder or longer. Balloons are used as toys or decorations.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ball; ball ⑵ oon; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《French ballon》 [from Italian pallone] a ball, globe
【First Known Meaning】 a game played with a large inflated leather ball tossed, batted, or kicked back and forth
【DERIVATIVEs】 ballooning, balloonist, balloon-like, balloon
ballot ★★[4225] noun from ballot 〈 ball
【DEFINITION】 A ballot is a secret vote in which people select a candidate in an election, or express their opinion about something.
【pl.】 ballots
【SYNONYM】 poll
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ball; ball ⑵ ot; diminutive suffix
【Etymology】 《Old High German bal》 ball
【First Known Meaning】 small ball used in voting
【DERIVATIVEs】 balloter, ballot
baseball ★★★[2826] noun from baseball 〈 ball
【DEFINITION】 In America, baseball is a game played by two teams of nine players. Each player from one team hits a ball with a bat and then tries to run around three bases and get to the home base before the other team can get the ball back.
【pl.】 baseballs
【COMPOSITION】 base + ball
【ROOTs】 ⑴ base(bas); step, foundation ⑵ ball; ball
【Etymology】 《Old High German bal》 ball
【DERIVATIVEs】 baseballer, baseballism, baseballist, baseball
basketball ★★★[3108] noun from basketball 〈 ball
【DEFINITION】 Basketball is a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a circular net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court.
【pl.】 basketballs
【COMPOSITION】 basket + ball
【ROOTs】 ⑴ basket; basket ⑵ ball; ball
【Etymology】 《Greek ballizein》 to dance, jump about
football ★★★★[852] noun from football 〈 ball
【DEFINITION】 Football is a game played by two teams of eleven players using a round ball. Players kick the ball to each other and try to score goals by kicking the ball into a large net.
【pl.】 footballs
【COMPOSITION】 foot + ball
【ROOTs】 ⑴ foot; foot ⑵ ball; throw
【Etymology】 《Greek boeiai dorai》 ox hides
【DERIVATIVEs】 footballer, football
Other words containing "ball"; ballooning, balloonist, balloon-like, balloter, ballpark, ballroom, footballer, meatball
aug-, auct-
arch, archi, archy
anni-, ann-, enn-