【camp】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "campus," and "campania." It carries the basic meaning of "field." |
[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "camp"]
camp ****[1583] A camp is a collection of huts and other buildings that is provided for a particular group of people, such as refugees, prisoners, or soldiers, as a place to live or stay.
campaign ****[1019] A campaign is a planned set of activities that people carry out over a period of time in order to achieve something such as social or political change.
camping **[4146] camp + ing
campus ***[3194] A campus is an area of land that contains the main buildings of a university or college.
champion ****[1892] A champion is someone who has won the first prize in a competition, contest, or fight.
championship ***[3149] A championship is a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport.
[WORD ROOT]root camp
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] camp, cham, campaign, campus, champ, champign
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) campus, campania
[MEANING]root field
- 【Latin】 campus field (of combat); level ground; flat land, field
- 【Latin】 campania level country
Please see the Word information in detail as follows;
★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000) |
camp ★★★★[1583] noun from camp
【DEFINITION】 A camp is a collection of huts and other buildings that is provided for a particular group of people, such as refugees, prisoners, or soldiers, as a place to live or stay.
【pl.】 camps
【ROOTs】 camp; field
【Etymology】 《Latin campus》 field (of combat); level ground; flat land, field
【First Known Meaning】 place where an army lodges temporarily
【DERIVATIVEs】 camping, camp
campaign ★★★★[1019] noun from camp
【DEFINITION】 A campaign is a planned set of activities that people carry out over a period of time in order to achieve something such as social or political change.
【pl.】 campaigns
【SYNONYM】 offensive, crusade
【ROOTs】 campaign(camp); field
【Etymology】 《Latin campus》 field (of combat); level ground; flat land, field
【First Known Meaning】 operation of an army in the field
【DERIVATIVEs】 campaigner, campaign
camping ★★[4146] noun from camp
【DEFINITION】 camp + ing
【COMPOSITION】 camp + ing
【ROOTs】 ⑴ camp; field ⑵ ing; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin campus》 field (of combat); level ground; flat land, field
【DERIVATIVEs】 camping, camp
campus ★★★[3194] noun from campus 〈 camp
【DEFINITION】 A campus is an area of land that contains the main buildings of a university or college.
【pl.】 campuses
【ROOTs】 campus(camp); field
champion ★★★★[1892] noun from champ 〈 camp
【DEFINITION】 A champion is someone who has won the first prize in a competition, contest, or fight.
【pl.】 champions
【SYNONYM】 promoter, protagonist
【ROOTs】 ⑴ champ(camp); field ⑵ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Middle English chammen》 [imitative] to bite, gnash the teeth
championship ★★★[3149] noun from champ 〈 camp
【DEFINITION】 A championship is a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport.
【pl.】 championships
【COMPOSITION】 champion + ship
【ROOTs】 ⑴ champ(camp); field ⑵ ion; noun suffix ⑶ ship; suffix
【Etymology】 《Middle English chammen》 [imitative] to bite, gnash the teeth
Other words containing "camp"; campaigner, campesino, campestral, campicolous, campimetry, campo, campsite, champ, champertous, champerty, champignon, decamp, decampment, encamp, encampment
cal-, calend-, class-
cad-, cas-, cid-