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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cane "reed", "rod" from Greek kanna, kanne, kanon

【cane】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "kanna," "kanne," and "kanon."
It carries the basic meaning of "reed," and "rod."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "cane"]

cane ☆[4783] Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make furniture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar.
cannon ☆[5351] A cannon is a large gun, usually on wheels, which used to be used in battles.
canyon ☆[5098] A canyon is a long, narrow valley with very steep sides. the Grand Canyon.
channel ****[1943] A channel is a television station.

[WORD ROOT]root cane
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cane, chan, cann, cany, cara
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kanna, kanne, kanon
[MEANING]root reed, rod


  • 【Greek】 kanna reed
  • 【Greek】 kanne [=kanna] reed
  • 【Greek】 kanon rule; any straight rod or bar; standard of excellence,

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

cane ☆[4783] noun from cane
【DEFINITION】 Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make furniture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar.
【pl.】 canes
【ROOTs】 cane; reed, rod
【Etymology】 《Greek kannareed
【DERIVATIVEs】 caner, cane

cannon ☆[5351] noun from cane
【DEFINITION】 A cannon is a large gun, usually on wheels, which used to be used in battles.
【pl.】 cannons cannon
【ROOTs】 cann(cane); reed, rod on; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin canna[from Greek kanna] reed, cane
【First Known Meaning】 artillery piece, mounted gun for throwing projectiles by force of gunpowder

canyon ☆[5098] noun from cane
【DEFINITION】 A canyon is a long, narrow valley with very steep sides. the Grand Canyon.
【ROOTs】 cany(cane); reed, rod on; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin canna[from Greek kanna] reed, cane
【First Known Meaning】 narrow valley between cliffs

channel ★★★★[1943] noun from channel 〈 cane
【DEFINITION】 A channel is a television station.
【pl.】 channels
【ROOTs】 chan(cane); reed, rod nel(el); suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek kannareed
【First Known Meaning】 bed of a stream of water
【DERIVATIVEs】 channeller, channel

Other words containing "cane"; can, canal, canebrake, canister, cannoli, cannula, canon, canonic, canonical, canonisation, canonization, canonize, caramel


cal-, calend-, class-
cad-, cas-, cid-



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