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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: caust-, calm- "burn", "heat (of the day)" from Greek kaiein, kaustos, kautos, kaustikos), kausis, kauma

【caust-, calm-】 are a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "kaiein," "kaustos," "kautos," "kaustikos)," "kausis," and "kauma."
It carries the basic meaning of "burn," and "heat (of the day)."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "caust-, calm-"]

calm ***[2421] A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.
calmly **[3874] You can use calmly to emphasize that someone is behaving in a very controlled or ordinary way in a frightening or unusual situation.
ink **[3975] to put ink on (something)

[WORD ROOT]root caust
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] calm, caust, k
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kaiein, kaustos, kautos, kaustikos), kausis, kauma
[MEANING]root burn, heat (of the day)


  • 【Greek】 kaiein to burn
  • 【Greek】 kaustos
  • 【Greek】 kautos
  • 【Greek】 kaustikos)
  • 【Greek】 kausis
  • 【Greek】 kauma [from kaiein] heat (of the day)

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

calm ★★★[2421] adjective from calm 〈 caust
【DEFINITION】 A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.
【VARIATIONs】 비교; calm < calmer < calmest
【ROOTs】 calm(caust); burn
【Etymology】 《Greek kauma[from kaiein] heat (of the day)
【First Known Meaning】 windless, without motion or agitation;
【DERIVATIVEs】 calmly, calm

calmly ★★[3874] adverb from calm 〈 caust
【DEFINITION】 You can use calmly to emphasize that someone is behaving in a very controlled or ordinary way in a frightening or unusual situation.
【ROOTs】 calm(caust); burn ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek kauma[from kaiein] heat (of the day)
【DERIVATIVEs】 calmly, calm

ink ★★[3975] noun from ink 〈 caust
【DEFINITION】 ① to put ink on (something)
② to sign (a document) to show that you accept or agree with what is written on it
③ to hire (someone) to do something by having that person sign a contract
【pl.】 inks
【ROOTs】 in(en); in, into k(caust); burn
【Etymology】 《Greek enkaiein[en+kaiein] to burn in
【First Known Meaning】 the black liquor with which men write
【DERIVATIVEs】 inker, inky, ink

Other words containing "caust-, calm-"; catacaustic, causalgia, causalgic, caust, caustic, cauter, cauterize, cautery, diacaustic, encaustic, holocaust, hypocaust, inker, inky


caus, cuse
capt-, ceive-, cept-
cant-, cent-



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