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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cide "cut", "a killing" from Latin caedere, caementa, cidere, caesus, cidium

【cide】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Latin word(s) "caedere," "caementa," "cidere," "caesus," and "cidium."
It carries the basic meaning of "cut," and "a killing."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "cide"]

chisel ☆[5172] A chisel is a tool that has a long metal blade with a sharp edge at the end. It is used for cutting and shaping wood and stone.
concise ☆[5404] Something that is concise says everything that is necessary without using any unnecessary words.
decide ****[478] If you decide to do something, you choose to do it, usually after you have thought carefully about the other possibilities.
decision ****[416] When you make a decision, you choose what should be done or which is the best of various possible actions.
decisive ☆[5475] If a fact, action, or event is decisive, it makes it certain that there will be a particular result.
precise ***[2567] You use precise to emphasize that you are referring to an exact thing, rather than something vague.
precisely ***[3069] Precisely means accurately and exactly.
precision ☆[4856] If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.
scissors **[4157] Scissors are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together. You use scissors for cutting things such as paper and cloth.
suicide ***[2618] People who commit suicide deliberately kill themselves because they do not want to continue living.

[WORD ROOT]root cide
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cide, ce, cise, sciss, chis
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) caedere, caementa, cidere, caesus, cidium
[MEANING]root cut, a killing


  • 【Latin】 caedere to cut down, chop, beat, hew, fell, slay
  • 【Latin】 cæmenta [from caedere, singular caementum] stone chips used for making mortar
  • 【Latin】 cidere to fall, to cut
  • 【Latin】 caesus [pp of caedere]
  • 【Latin】 cidium a killing

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

chisel ☆[5172] noun from chisel 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 A chisel is a tool that has a long metal blade with a sharp edge at the end. It is used for cutting and shaping wood and stone.
【ROOTs】 chis(cide); cut, a killing el(le); suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin caedereto cut down, chop, beat, hew, fell, slay
【First Known Meaning】 tool with a beveled or sloping cutting edge at one end, used for paring, splitting, gouging, or cutting out
【DERIVATIVEs】 chisellike, chisel

concise ☆[5404] adjective from concise 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 Something that is concise says everything that is necessary without using any unnecessary words.
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with cise(cide); cut, a killing
【Etymology】 《Latin caedereto cut down, chop, beat, hew, fell, slay
【First Known Meaning】 comprehending much in few words,
【DERIVATIVEs】 concisely, conciseness, concision, concise

decide ★★★★[478] verb from decide 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 If you decide to do something, you choose to do it, usually after you have thought carefully about the other possibilities.
【Declension/Conjugation】 decided, decided, deciding, decides
【ROOTs】 de; down, under cide; cut, a killing
【Etymology】 《Latin decidere[de+caedere] to decide, determine; to cut off
【First Known Meaning】 to settle a dispute, determine a controversy
【DERIVATIVEs】 decide, decidedly, decidedness, decision, decisional, decisive, decided

decision ★★★★[416] noun from decide 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 When you make a decision, you choose what should be done or which is the best of various possible actions.
【pl.】 decisions
【ANTONYM】 indecision
【ROOTs】 de; down, under cis(cide); cut, a killing ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin decidere[de+caedere] to decide, determine; to cut off
【First Known Meaning】 act of deciding
【DERIVATIVEs】 decide, decision, decisional, decisive, decided

decisive ☆[5475] adjective from decide 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 If a fact, action, or event is decisive, it makes it certain that there will be a particular result.
【ANTONYM】 indecisive
【ROOTs】 de; down, under cis(cide); cut, a killing ive; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin decidere[de+caedere] to decide, determine; to cut off
【First Known Meaning】 having the quality or power of determining
【DERIVATIVEs】 decide, decision, decisional, decisive, decided

precise ★★★[2567] adjective from precise 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 You use precise to emphasize that you are referring to an exact thing, rather than something vague.
【SYNONYM】 exact, meticulous, specific, methodical
【ROOTs】 pre; before, previous cise(cide); cut, a killing
【Etymology】 《Latin praecidereprae+cidere; to cut off, shorten
【First Known Meaning】 condensed, cut short
【DERIVATIVEs】 precise, preciseness, precision, precisionism, precisionist

precisely ★★★[3069] adverb from precise 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 Precisely means accurately and exactly.
【SYNONYM】 exactly
【COMPOSITION】 precise + ly
【ROOTs】 pre; before, previous cise(cide); cut, a killing ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin praecidereprae+cidere; to cut off, shorten

precision ☆[4856] noun from precise 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.
【SYNONYM】 accuracy
【COMPOSITION】 precise + ion
【ROOTs】 pre; before, previous cis(cide); cut, a killing ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin praecidereprae+cidere; to cut off, shorten
【First Known Meaning】 a cutting off (mentally), abstraction, freedom from inessential elements
【DERIVATIVEs】 precise, preciseness, precision, precisionism, precisionist

scissors ★★[4157] noun from scissors 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 Scissors are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together. You use scissors for cutting things such as paper and cloth.
【pl.】 [PL]
【ROOTs】 sciss(cide); a killing or; noun suffix s; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin caedereto cut down, chop, beat, hew, fell, slay
【First Known Meaning】 shears
【DERIVATIVEs】 scissor, scissor-like, scissors

suicide ★★★[2618] noun from suicide 〈 cide
【DEFINITION】 People who commit suicide deliberately kill themselves because they do not want to continue living.
【pl.】 suicides
【ROOTs】 sui; cide; cut, a killing
【Etymology】 《Latin caedereto cut down, chop, beat, hew, fell, slay
【First Known Meaning】 deliberate killing of oneself
【DERIVATIVEs】 suicidal, suicide

Other words containing "cide"; caesura, cement, cementation, cementite, cementitious, cementum, cide, circumcise, circumcised, circumcision, concision, decidability, decidable, deciso, ecocide, excide, excise, excision, excisional, fratricide, fungicide, genocide, germicide, homicide, imprecise, imprecision, incise, incision, incisive, incisor, incisory, incisure, indecision, indecisive, insecticide, matricide, occision, parricide, patricide, pesticide, precis, preciseness, precisionism, precisionist, regicide, scissor, semidecidable, succise, succision

(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)


chem-, chemo-, chemi-, chemico-
chart, card
chaos, chaot-, gas
cer-, cern-, cert-
center-, centri-, centr-
cent-, centi-



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