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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: every "every." from Old English æfre ælc

【every】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "æfre ælc."
It carries the basic meaning of "every."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "every"]

every ****[153] If you say that someone's every whim, wish, or desire will be satisfied, you are emphasizing that everything they want will happen or be provided.
everybody ****[790] every person; everyone
everyday ***[2142] You use everyday to describe something which happens or is used every day, or forms a regular and basic part of your life, so it is not especially interesting or unusual.
everyone ****[327] each one.
everything ****[334] You use everything to refer to all the objects, actions, activities, or facts in a particular situation
everywhere ****[1338] You use everywhere to refer to a whole area or to all the places in a particular area.

[WORD ROOT]root every
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) æfre ælc
[MEANING]root every


  • 【Old English】 æfre ælc [from æfre+ælc] each of a group, (literally) ever each

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

every ★★★★[153] adjective from every
【DEFINITION】 If you say that someone's every whim, wish, or desire will be satisfied, you are emphasizing that everything they want will happen or be provided.
【ROOTs】 every; every
【Etymology】 《Old English æfre ælc[from æfre+ælc] each of a group, (literally) ever each
【First Known Meaning】 each, considered indefinitely as a unitary part of an aggregate; all, of a collective or aggregate number, taken one by one

everybody ★★★★[790] pronoun from everybody 〈 body
【DEFINITION】 every person; everyone
【VARIATIONs】 소유격; everybody's
【COMPOSITION】 every + body
【ROOTs】 every; every body; body
【Etymology】 《Old English bodigtrunk of a man or beast, physical structure of a human or animal; material frame, material existence of a human; main or principal part of anything

everyday ★★★[2142] adjective from everyday 〈 day
【DEFINITION】 You use everyday to describe something which happens or is used every day, or forms a regular and basic part of your life, so it is not especially interesting or unusual.
【SYNONYM】 plain
【COMPOSITION】 every + day
【ROOTs】 every; every day; day
【Etymology】 《English everyday[every+day]
【DERIVATIVEs】 everydayness, everyday

everyone ★★★★[327] pronoun from everyone 〈 one
【DEFINITION】 each one.
【VARIATIONs】 소유격; everyone's
【COMPOSITION】 every + one
【ROOTs】 every; every one; one, an, a
【Etymology】 《Latin unusone

everything ★★★★[334] pronoun from everything 〈 thing
【DEFINITION】 You use everything to refer to all the objects, actions, activities, or facts in a particular situation
【COMPOSITION】 every + thing
【ROOTs】 every; every thing; thing
【Etymology】 《Old English þing[from Proto-Germanic *thinga-("assembly")] meeting, assembly, council, discussion; (later) entity, being, matter

everywhere ★★★★[1338] adverb from where
【DEFINITION】 You use everywhere to refer to a whole area or to all the places in a particular area.
【COMPOSITION】 every + where
【ROOTs】 every; every where; where
【Etymology】 《Latin cur

(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)


esse, ess-
erg-, org-, urg-
empt-, em-, emer-



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