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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: ever "ever." from Old English æfre

【ever】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "æfre."
It carries the basic meaning of "ever."

from PIE *aiw- "vital force, life; long life, eternity"

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "ever"]

ever ****[265] Ever means at any time. It is used in questions and negative statements.
forever ****[1645] If you say that something will happen or continue forever, you mean that it will always happen or continue.
however ****[370] You can use however to ask in an emphatic way how something has happened which you are very surprised about. Some speakers of English think that this form is incorrect and prefer to use `how ever'.
never ****[165] Never means at no time in the past or at no time in the future.
nevertheless ****[1900] You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said.
whatever ***[2077] anything or everything that
whatsoever **[3809] You use whatsoever after a noun group in order to emphasize a negative statement.
whenever ****[1848] at any or every time that
wherever ***[2773] at, in, or to any place that
whoever ***[2814] used for emphasis instead of ''who'' in questions, typically expressing surprise or confusion

[WORD ROOT]root ever
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) æfre
[MEANING]root ever


  • 【Old English】 æfre [from a in feore, a+in+feore] ever, at any time, always

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

ever ★★★★[265] adverb from ever
【DEFINITION】 ① Ever means at any time. It is used in questions and negative statements.
② You use ever in expressions such as `did you ever' and `have you ever' to express surprise or shock at something you have just seen, heard, or experienced, especially when you expect people to agree with you.
③ You use ever after comparatives and superlatives to emphasize the degree to which something is true or when you are comparing a present situation with the past or the future.
【ROOTs】 ever; ever
【Etymology】 《Old English æfre[from a in feore, a+in+feore] ever, at any time, always

forever ★★★★[1645] adverb from forever 〈 ever
【DEFINITION】 If you say that something will happen or continue forever, you mean that it will always happen or continue.
【COMPOSITION】 for + ever
【ROOTs】 for(fore); ever;
【Etymology】 《Old English æfre[from a in feore, a+in+feore] ever, at any time, always

however ★★★★[370] adverb from how
【DEFINITION】 You can use however to ask in an emphatic way how something has happened which you are very surprised about. Some speakers of English think that this form is incorrect and prefer to use `how ever'.
【SYNONYM】 yet, how
【COMPOSITION】 how + ever
【ROOTs】 how; how ever; ever
【Etymology】 《Dutch hoehow

never ★★★★[165] adverb from never 〈 ever
【DEFINITION】 Never means at no time in the past or at no time in the future.
【ROOTs】 n(no); no, not ever;
【Etymology】 《Old English næfrene+æfre; not ever, at no time
【First Known Meaning】 not ever, at no time

nevertheless ★★★★[1900] adverb from never 〈 ever
【DEFINITION】 You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said.
【SYNONYM】 nonetheless, yet
【COMPOSITION】 never + the + less
【ROOTs】 n(no); ever; the; the less; less
【Etymology】 《Old English næfrene+æfre; not ever, at no time
【First Known Meaning】 notwithstanding,

whatever ★★★[2077] reletive pronoun from what 〈 who
【DEFINITION】 anything or everything that
【COMPOSITION】 what + ever
【ROOTs】 what(who); who ever; ever
【Etymology】 《Old English hwæt[neut, of hwa] ⑴why, wherefore; indeed, ⑵surely, truly; sharp, ⑶keen, bold

whatsoever ★★[3809] adjective from what 〈 who
【DEFINITION】 You use whatsoever after a noun group in order to emphasize a negative statement.
【COMPOSITION】 what + so + ever
【ROOTs】 what(who); who so; so ever; ever
【Etymology】 《Old English hwæt[neut, of hwa] ⑴why, wherefore; indeed, ⑵surely, truly; sharp, ⑶keen, bold

whenever ★★★★[1848] conjuction from when 〈 who
【DEFINITION】 at any or every time that
【SYNONYM】 wherever
【COMPOSITION】 when + ever + er
【ROOTs】 when; when ever; ever
【Etymology】 《Old English hwænne[from Proto-Germanic *hwan-, from pronominal stem *hwa-; a derivative of the base seen in Anglo-Saxon hwa, hwæt] (a derivative of the base seen in Anglo-Saxon hwa("who"), hwæt("what")

wherever ★★★[2773] conjuction from where
【DEFINITION】 ① at, in, or to any place that
② in any situation in which; at any time that
【SYNONYM】 whenever, everywhere
【COMPOSITION】 where + ever
【ROOTs】 wher(where); where ever; ever
【Etymology】 《Latin cur

whoever ★★★[2814] pronoun from who
【DEFINITION】 used for emphasis instead of ‘who’ in questions, typically expressing surprise or confusion
【COMPOSITION】 who + ever
【ROOTs】 who; who ever; ever
【Etymology】 《Old English hwawho

Other words containing "ever"; soever, whomever

(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)


esse, ess-
erg-, org-, urg-
empt-, em-, emer-



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