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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: hold "hold." from Old English haldan, geheald, healdan

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【hold】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Old English word(s) "haldan," "geheald," and "healdan."
It carries the basic meaning of "hold."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "hold"]

behold **[3397] If you behold someone or something, you see them.
hold ****[229] When you hold something, you carry or support it, using your hands or your arms.
household ****[1352] A household is all the people in a family or group who live together in a house.
uphold ☆[5455] If you uphold something such as a law, a principle, or a decision, you support and maintain it.

[WORD ROOT]root hold
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Old English) haldan, geheald, healdan
[MEANING]root hold


  • 【Old English】 haldan to contain; to grasp; to retain (liquid, etc.); to observe, fulfill (a custom, etc.); to have as one's own; to have in mind (of opinions, etc.); to possess, control, rule; to detain, lock up; to foster, cherish, keep watch over; to continue in existence or action; to keep back from action
  • 【Old English】 geheald [=haldan]
  • 【Old English】 healdan [=haldan]
  • 【Old Norse】 hald hold, support, custody

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

behold ★★[3397] verb from behold 〈 hold
【DEFINITION】 If you behold someone or something, you see them.
【Declension/Conjugation】 beheld beheld beholden beholding beholds
【ROOTs】 be; by, about hold; hold
【Etymology】 《Old English bihaldan[bi-+healdan] hold, keep
【DERIVATIVEs】 beholder, behold

hold ★★★★[229] verb from hold
【DEFINITION】 ① When you hold something, you carry or support it, using your hands or your arms.
② When you hold someone, you put your arms round them, usually because you want to show them how much you like them or because you want to comfort them.
③ If you hold someone in a particular position, you use force to keep them in that position and stop them from moving.
【Declension/Conjugation】 held, held, holding, holds
【SYNONYM】 occupy
【ROOTs】 hold; hold
【Etymology】 《Old English haldanto contain; to grasp; to retain (liquid, etc.); to observe, fulfill (a custom, etc.); to have as one's own; to have in mind (of opinions, etc.); to possess, control, rule; to detain, lock up; to foster, cherish, keep watch over; to continue in existence or action; to keep back from action
【First Known Meaning】 to contain; to grasp; to retain (liquid, etc.); to observe, fulfill (a custom, etc.); to have as one's own; to have in mind (of opinions, etc.); to possess, control, rule;

household ★★★★[1352] noun
【DEFINITION】 A household is all the people in a family or group who live together in a house.
【pl.】 households
【SYNONYM】 house
【COMPOSITION】 house + hold
【ROOTs】 house(hus); house hold; hold
【Etymology】 《Old English hus(noun) dwelling, shelter, building designed to be used as a residence

uphold ☆[5455] verb from uphold 〈 hold
【DEFINITION】 If you uphold something such as a law, a principle, or a decision, you support and maintain it.
【Declension/Conjugation】 upheld upheld upholding upholds
【SYNONYM】 sustain
【COMPOSITION】 up + hold
【ROOTs】 up; prefix hold; hold
【Etymology】 《Old English haldanto contain; to grasp; to retain (liquid, etc.); to observe, fulfill (a custom, etc.); to have as one's own; to have in mind (of opinions, etc.); to possess, control, rule; to detain, lock up; to foster, cherish, keep watch over; to continue in existence or action; to keep back from action
【First Known Meaning】 support, sustain
【DERIVATIVEs】 upholder, uphold

Other words containing "hold"; handheld, holder, holding

(※ Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the theorized common ancestor of the Indo-European language family. Its proposed features have been derived by linguistic reconstruction from documented Indo-European languages.)


hol-, hal-, whole




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