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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: histor "histrory", "wise man" from Greek historia, histor, historein

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【histor】 is a [English Root word(stem)] from the Greek word(s) "historia," "histor," and "historein."
It carries the basic meaning of "histrory," "wise man," and "judge."

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "histor"]

historian ***[2161] A historian is a person who specializes in the study of history, and who writes books and articles about it.
historic ****[2069] Something that is historic is important in history, or likely to be considered important at some time in the future.
historical ****[1212] Historical people, situations, or things existed in the past and are considered to be a part of history.
historically **[3974] historical + ly
history ****[284] You can refer to the events of the past as history. You can also refer to the past events which concern a particular topic or place as its history.
story ****[197] A story is a description of imaginary people and events, which is written or told in order to entertain.

[WORD ROOT]root histor
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] histor, story
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) historia, histor, historein
[MEANING]root histrory, wise man, judge


  • 【Greek】 historia [from historein] a learning or knowing by inquiry; an account of one's inquiries, history, record, narrative
  • 【Greek】 histor wise man, judge; learned
  • 【Greek】 historein [from histor] inquire

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

historian ★★★[2161] noun from history
【DEFINITION】 A historian is a person who specializes in the study of history, and who writes books and articles about it.
【pl.】 historians
【ROOTs】 histor; histrory, wise man ian(an); noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek historwise man, judge; learned
【DERIVATIVEs】 historic, historical, historically, history, historian

historic ★★★★[2069] adjective from history
【DEFINITION】 Something that is historic is important in history, or likely to be considered important at some time in the future.
【SYNONYM】 momentous
【ROOTs】 histor; histrory, wise man ic; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek historwise man, judge; learned
【First Known Meaning】 of or belonging to history
【DERIVATIVEs】 historic, historical, historically, history, historian

historical ★★★★[1212] adjective from history
【DEFINITION】 Historical people, situations, or things existed in the past and are considered to be a part of history.
【ROOTs】 histor; histrory, wise man ical(ic); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek historwise man, judge; learned
【First Known Meaning】 of or pertaining to history, conveying information from the past,
【DERIVATIVEs】 historic, historical, historically, history, historian

historically ★★[3974] adverb from history
【DEFINITION】 historical + ly
【ROOTs】 histor; histrory, wise man ical(ic); adjective suffix ly; suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek historwise man, judge; learned
【DERIVATIVEs】 historic, historical, historically, history, historian

history ★★★★[284] noun from history
【DEFINITION】 You can refer to the events of the past as history. You can also refer to the past events which concern a particular topic or place as its history.
【pl.】 histories 소유격; history's
【ROOTs】 histor; histrory, wise man y; suffix
【Etymology】 《Greek historwise man, judge; learned
【First Known Meaning】 relation of incidents
【DERIVATIVEs】 historic, historical, historically, history, historian

story ★★★★[197] noun
【DEFINITION】 A story is a description of imaginary people and events, which is written or told in order to entertain.
【pl.】 stories
【SYNONYM】 plot, narrative, lore
【ROOTs】 story(histor); histrory, wise man, judge
【Etymology】 《Latin historia⑴[from Greek historia] finding out, narrative, history; narrative of past events; narrative account, report; ⑵(Anglo-Latin) floor of a building; picture


hab-, -hib-, habit-, -hibit-




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