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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: far-, fat-, fam- "say", "speak" from Latin fari, fateri, fatus, fama, fabula, fantis, fans

【far-, fat-, fam-】 are a word-forming element usually meaning "say, speak, talk, rumor, report"
from Latin "fari, fateri, fatus, fama, fabula, fantis, fans"

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "far-, fat-, fam-"]

confess **[3724] If someone confesses to doing something wrong, they admit that they did it.
confession **[4169] A confession is a signed statement by someone in which they admit that they have committed a particular crime.
fable ☆[5339] A fable is a story which teaches a moral lesson. Fables sometimes have animals as the main characters.
fabulous ☆[5090] If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good.
fairy ☆[4567] A fairy is an imaginary creature with magical powers. Fairies are often represented as small people with wings.
fame ***[2911] If you achieve fame, you become very well-known.
famous ****[749] Someone or something that is famous is very well known.
fatal **[3737] A fatal action has very undesirable effects.
fate ***[3033] Fate is a power that some people believe controls and decides everything that happens, in a way that cannot be prevented or changed. You can also refer to the fates.
infamous **[4006] Infamous people or things are well-known because of something bad.
infancy ☆[5303] Infancy is the period of your life when you are a very young child.
infant **[4053] An infant is a baby or very young child.
profession ****[1919] A profession is a type of job that requires advanced education or training.
professional ****[968] Professional means relating to a person's work, especially work that requires special training.
professor ****[409] A professor in a British university is the most senior teacher in a department.

[WORD ROOT]root far
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] far, fate, fabul, fess, fam, fame, face, fable, fanc, fant, fair
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) fari, fateri, fatus, fama, fabula, fantis, fans
[MEANING]root say, speak, talk, rumor, report


  • 【Latin】 fabula [from fari] story, story with a lesson, tale, narrative, account; the common talk, news
  • 【Latin】 fari to speak
  • 【Latin】 fateri [akin to fari] acknowledge, confess; declare, avow; to admit
  • 【Latin】 fatus [pp of fari]
  • 【Latin】 fama [akin to fari] talk, rumor, report; reputation, public opinion; renown, good reputation
  • 【Latin】 fantis [ppr of fari] speaking
  • 【Latin】 fans pp of fari;

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

confess ★★[3724] verb from confess 〈 fess
【DEFINITION】 If someone confesses to doing something wrong, they admit that they did it.
【Declension/Conjugation】 confessed, confessed, confessing, confesses
【SYNONYM】 admit
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with, completely fess(far); say, speak
【Etymology】 《Latin confiteri[com+fateri] to acknowledge
【First Known Meaning】 make avowal or admission of
【DERIVATIVEs】 confessable, confess

confession ★★[4169] noun from confess 〈 fess
【DEFINITION】 A confession is a signed statement by someone in which they admit that they have committed a particular crime.
【pl.】 confessions
【SYNONYM】 admission
【ROOTs】 con(com); together, with, completely fess(far); say, speak ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin confiteri[com+fateri] to acknowledge
【First Known Meaning】 action of confessing, acknowledgment of a fault or wrong,
【DERIVATIVEs】 confessionary, confession

fable ☆[5339] noun from fable
【DEFINITION】 A fable is a story which teaches a moral lesson. Fables sometimes have animals as the main characters.
【pl.】 fables
【ROOTs】 fable(far); say, speak
【Etymology】 《Latin fabula[from fari] story, story with a lesson, tale, narrative, account; the common talk, news
【First Known Meaning】 falsehood, fictitious narrative; a lie, pretense,
【DERIVATIVEs】 fabler, fabulous, fabulously, fabulousness, fable

fabulous ☆[5090] adjective from fable
【DEFINITION】 If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good.
【ROOTs】 fabul(far); say, speak ous; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fabula[from fari] story, story with a lesson, tale, narrative, account; the common talk, news
【First Known Meaning】 mythical, legendary
【DERIVATIVEs】 fabler, fabulous, fabulously, fabulousness, fable

fairy ☆[4567] noun from fairy
【DEFINITION】 A fairy is an imaginary creature with magical powers. Fairies are often represented as small people with wings.
【pl.】 fairies
【ROOTs】 fair(far); say, speak, talk y; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fatum[from fari, neuter of fatus] that which has been spoken, that which is ordained; destiny, fate
【First Known Meaning】 the country or home of supernatural or legendary creatures; fairyland,
【DERIVATIVEs】 fairily, fairy-like, fairy

fame ★★★[2911] noun from fame
【DEFINITION】 If you achieve fame, you become very well-known.
【SYNONYM】 celebrity
【ROOTs】 fame(far); talk, rumor
【Etymology】 《Latin fama[akin to fari] talk, rumor, report; reputation, public opinion; renown, good reputation
【First Known Meaning】 character attributed to someone;
【DERIVATIVEs】 famed, fameless, famous, famously, fame

famous ★★★★[749] adjective
【DEFINITION】 Someone or something that is famous is very well known.
【SYNONYM】 noted, well-known
【ROOTs】 fam(far); talk, rumor ous; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fama[akin to fari] talk, rumor, report; reputation, public opinion; renown, good reputation
【First Known Meaning】 celebrated in public report, renowned, well-known
【DERIVATIVEs】 famed, fameless, famous, famously, fame

fatal ★★[3737] adjective from fate
【DEFINITION】 A fatal action has very undesirable effects.
【SYNONYM】 lethal
【ROOTs】 fat(far); say, speak al; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fatalisordained by fate, decreed, destined; of or belonging to fate or destiny; destructive, deadly
【First Known Meaning】 decreed by fate,
【DERIVATIVEs】 fatal, fatality, fatally, fatalness, fate, fateful

fate ★★★[3033] noun from fate
【DEFINITION】 Fate is a power that some people believe controls and decides everything that happens, in a way that cannot be prevented or changed. You can also refer to the fates.
【pl.】 fates
【SYNONYM】 destiny
【ROOTs】 fate(far); say, speak
【Etymology】 《Latin fatus[pp of fari]
【DERIVATIVEs】 fatal, fatality, fatally, fatalness, fate, fateful

infamous ★★[4006] adjective
【DEFINITION】 Infamous people or things are well-known because of something bad.
【SYNONYM】 notorious
【COMPOSITION】 in + famous
【ROOTs】 fam(far); talk, rumor in; not ous; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fama[akin to fari] talk, rumor, report; reputation, public opinion; renown, good reputation
【DERIVATIVEs】 infamously, infamousness, infamy, infamous

infancy ☆[5303] noun from infant
【DEFINITION】 Infancy is the period of your life when you are a very young child.
【pl.】 infancies
【ROOTs】 in(en); in, into fanc(far); say, speak y; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin infansin+fans; young child, babe in arms
【DERIVATIVEs】 infancy, infant, infanthood, infantile, infantility, infantlike

infant ★★[4053] noun from infant
【DEFINITION】 An infant is a baby or very young child.
【pl.】 infants
【ROOTs】 in(en); in, into fant(far); say, speak
【Etymology】 《Latin infansin+fans; young child, babe in arms
【First Known Meaning】 a child
【DERIVATIVEs】 infancy, infant, infanthood, infantile, infantility, infantlike

profession ★★★★[1919] noun from profess 〈 fess
【DEFINITION】 A profession is a type of job that requires advanced education or training.
【pl.】 professions
【SYNONYM】 declaration
【ROOTs】 pro; before, forth fess(far); say, speak ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fateri[akin to fari] acknowledge, confess; declare, avow; to admit
【DERIVATIVEs】 profess, professional, professionally, profession

professional ★★★★[968] adjective from profess 〈 fess
【DEFINITION】 Professional means relating to a person's work, especially work that requires special training.
【SYNONYM】 competent, skilful
【ANTONYM】 amateur, unprofessional
【ROOTs】 pro; before, forth fess(far); say, speak ion; noun suffix al; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fateri[akin to fari] acknowledge, confess; declare, avow; to admit
【DERIVATIVEs】 profess, professional, professionally, profession

professor ★★★★[409] noun from profess 〈 fess
【DEFINITION】 A professor in a British university is the most senior teacher in a department.
【pl.】 Professors
【ROOTs】 pro; before, forth fess(far); say, speak or; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fateri[akin to fari] acknowledge, confess; declare, avow; to admit
【DERIVATIVEs】 professorial, professorially, professorship, professor

Other words containing "far-, fat-, fam-"; affable, bifarious, confab, confabulate, confessable, confessionary, defamation, defame, efable, fabler, fabulously, fabulousness, fairily, fairy-like, fama, famed, fameless, famously, fatalism, fatalistic, fatalistically, fatality, fatally, fatalness, fateful, fess, ineffability, infamously, infamousness, infamy, infanthood, infantile, infantility, infantilize, infantlike, infantry, nefarious, preface, prefacer, prefatorial, prefatory, profess, professionally, professorial, professorially, professorship


fall-, false-
fac, fact, -fect, fic
exter, extrem



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