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English Word Roots/Word Roots

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: fend "strike", "hit" from Latin fendere, fensus

【fend】 is a word-forming element usually meaning "strike, hit, thrust"
from Latin "fendere, fensus"

[English words in the top 5000 most frequently used containing the root "fend"]

defence ***[3069] Defence is action that is taken to protect someone or something against attack.
defend ****[1878] If you defend someone or something, you take action in order to protect them.
defender **[4473] If someone is a defender of a particular thing or person that has been criticized, they argue or act in support of that thing or person.
defense ***[2253] Defence is action that is taken to protect someone or something against attack.
defensive **[3591] You use defensive to describe things that are intended to protect someone or something.
fence ****[2054] A fence is a barrier between two areas of land, made of wood or wire supported by posts.
offence ***[2748] An offence is a crime that breaks a particular law and requires a particular punishment.
offend ***[2699] If you offend someone, you say or do something rude which upsets or embarrasses them.
offender **[4469] An offender is a person who has committed a crime.
offense ***[3296] → see offence
offensive ***[2251] Something that is offensive upsets or embarrasses people because it is rude or insulting.

[WORD ROOT]root fend
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] fend, fens, fense, fence
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) fendere, fensus
[MEANING]root strike, hit, thrust


  • 【Latin】 fendere to strike; to hit, thrust, or strike against; (figuratively) to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
  • 【Latin】 fensus [pp of fendere]

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;

★★★★(top 2,000) ★★★(top 3,500) ★★(top 4,500) ☆(top 6,000)

defence ★★★[3069] noun from defend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 Defence is action that is taken to protect someone or something against attack.
【pl.】 defences
【ROOTs】 de; down, under fence(fend); strike
【Etymology】 《Latin fendereto strike; to hit, thrust, or strike against; (figuratively) to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【First Known Meaning】 action of guarding or shielding from attack or injury; act of defending by fighting; a fortified place of refuge
【DERIVATIVEs】 defenceless, defencelessly, defencelessness, defenseless, defenselessly, defenselessness, defence

defend ★★★★[1878] verb from defend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 If you defend someone or something, you take action in order to protect them.
【Declension/Conjugation】 defended, defended, defending, defends
【SYNONYM】 justify
【ANTONYM】 attack
【ROOTs】 de; down, under fend; strike
【Etymology】 《Latin fendereto strike; to hit, thrust, or strike against; (figuratively) to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【DERIVATIVEs】 defend, defendable, defender, defense, defensive, defensively, defensiveness

defender ★★[4473] noun from defend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 If someone is a defender of a particular thing or person that has been criticized, they argue or act in support of that thing or person.
【ROOTs】 de; down, under fend; strike er; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fendereto strike; to hit, thrust, or strike against; (figuratively) to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【DERIVATIVEs】 defend, defendable, defender, defense, defensive

defense ★★★[2253] noun from defend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 Defence is action that is taken to protect someone or something against attack.
【ROOTs】 de; down, under, off fense(fend); strike
【Etymology】 《Latin fendereto strike; to hit, thrust, or strike against; (figuratively) to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【First Known Meaning】 action of guarding or shielding from attack or injury; act of defending by fighting; a fortified place of refuge,
【DERIVATIVEs】 defend, defendable, defender, defense, defensive, defensively, defensiveness

defensive ★★[3591] adjective from defend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 You use defensive to describe things that are intended to protect someone or something.
【ROOTs】 de; down, under fens(fend); strike ive; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin fendereto strike; to hit, thrust, or strike against; (figuratively) to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【DERIVATIVEs】 defend, defendable, defender, defense, defensive, defensively, defensiveness

fence ★★★★[2054] noun from fend
【DEFINITION】 A fence is a barrier between two areas of land, made of wood or wire supported by posts.
【pl.】 fences
【ROOTs】 fence(fend); strike
【Etymology】 《Latin fendereto strike; to hit, thrust, or strike against; (figuratively) to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【First Known Meaning】 action of defending, resistance; means of protection, fortification
【DERIVATIVEs】 fenceless, fencelike, fencing, fend, fence

offence ★★★[2748] noun from offend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 An offence is a crime that breaks a particular law and requires a particular punishment.
【pl.】 offences
【SYNONYM】 crime, wrongdoing
【ROOTs】 of(ob); against, toward, (to fence(fend); strike
【Etymology】 《Latin offendere[ob+fendere] to hit, thrust, or strike against; to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【DERIVATIVEs】 offence, offenceless, offend, offender, offending, offense, offenseless, offensive, offensively, offensiveness

offend ★★★[2699] verb from offend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 If you offend someone, you say or do something rude which upsets or embarrasses them.
【Declension/Conjugation】 offended, offended, offending, offends
【ROOTs】 of(ob); against, toward, (to fend; strike
【Etymology】 《Latin offendere[ob+fendere] to hit, thrust, or strike against; to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【First Known Meaning】 to disobey or sin against (a person, human or divine)(obsolete)
【DERIVATIVEs】 offence, offenceless, offend, offender, offending, offense, offenseless, offensive, offensively, offensiveness

offender ★★[4469] noun from offend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 An offender is a person who has committed a crime.
【COMPOSITION】 offend + er
【ROOTs】 of(ob); against, toward, (to fend; strike er; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin offendere[ob+fendere] to hit, thrust, or strike against; to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【DERIVATIVEs】 offence, offend, offender, offending, offense, offensive

offense ★★★[3296] noun from offend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 → see offence
【pl.】 offenses
【ROOTs】 of(ob); against, toward, to fense(fend); strike
【Etymology】 《Latin offendere[ob+fendere] to hit, thrust, or strike against; to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【DERIVATIVEs】 offence, offend, offender, offending, offense, offensive, offensively, offensiveness

offensive ★★★[2251] adjective from offend 〈 fend
【DEFINITION】 Something that is offensive upsets or embarrasses people because it is rude or insulting.
【SYNONYM】 obnoxious
【ANTONYM】 inoffensive
【ROOTs】 of(ob); against, in front of fens(fend); strike ive; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin offendere[ob+fendere] to hit, thrust, or strike against; to stumble, commit a fault, displease, trespass against, provoke
【DERIVATIVEs】 offence, offenceless, offend, offender, offending, offense, offenseless, offensive, offensively, offensiveness

Other words containing "fend"; defenceless, defendant, fend, fender, forfend, inoffensive, offenceless, offending, offenseless, offensively, offensiveness


far-, fat-, fam-
fall-, false-



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